“Master Divine Beast, we cannot let him escape. This guy is the chief culprit who hinders the glory of the Lord God, and massacres and threatens the Lord God’s believers. "

Seeing that the real person wanted to run away, the sharp-eyed Japanese tiger stick Hishito quickly reminded him.。

“Lord Divine Beast? ! "

The palm of the hand was slightly startled when he heard this name, and in the blink of an eye, he felt a little embarrassed.

Divine beasts, although it seems that all the divine beasts are in the Kingdom of God, but in fact, this is not the case.

Who can truly be called the best in the Kingdom of God? For a mythical beast, he must have the status of his own general.

A small soldier like me, who is called around at will in the Kingdom of God, will he be called a mythical beast one day? 910? Even though it is in the lower

world , but these are also believers of the Lord God...

Thinking of this, the black claw couldn't help but squeeze it, as if it wanted to cover the eyes in the palm of the hand, feeling embarrassed.。

“Why does this mythical beast look a bit cute..."

Wild Rose in the crowd rubbed her eyes in disbelief when she saw this scene.

How could such a domineering mythical beast at the beginning be cute... ahem。

“Lord Divine Beast, Lord Divine Beast! "

Hiruto the Tiger Stick shouted anxiously, "There is no way. If the Master of the Divine Beast doesn't take action, today's game will be completely ruined. There are only a

few opportunities to summon the Divine Beast. Ahhhh, don't play with me." , Lord Divine Beast!

“Oh, sorry. "

Listening to the calls one after another, the black claws opened and he said with some embarrassment.

For a moment, everyone else was also confused. Why does this beast look so unreliable?

This matter will not really go wrong today. Come on!

“What's the look in your eyes? That's all, isn't it just catching that little bug? Just wait for me! "

Feeling everyone's gaze, Black Claw said disdainfully, and then snapped his fingers.。

“Humph, even a mere soul maggot wants to be arrogant in front of me! "

With a cold snort, the escaping real person exploded instantly and turned into a squirming insect.

It was really a maggot!

“Let me go, let me go!”

(bcaf) The bug keeps struggling. Although it has lost its humanity, the thoughts in its mind can still be transmitted through soul fluctuations:

“If you don’t let me go, no one will care about the soul marks that will be shattered. When the time comes, those humans will all die!”

“Dare you threaten? "

Black Claw suddenly flew the real person away and threw it into a city. He sneered: "Then I will let you feel what real despair is!”

“By the way, you came to me to get rid of this special group of spiritual beings. It smells really disgusting. "

Black Claw waved his hands twice in displeasure. Originally, the Lord God specially caught him in the palace and gave him a task. He thought it was something difficult to handle. But he didn't expect that he was here to

deal with this group of rubbish...

Oh~ It's a shame that he still has to deal with it. I was excited for a long time because of the personal summons from the Lord God. I was able to have a good time.。

“It seems that you are the ones who disgusted the Lord God. "

With a slight wave of the black claw, countless rays of light tore through the space, with a strange charm, blooming flowers of blood all over the world.

And the foundation of these flowers of blood is a curse! (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This, this, is just a wave of the hand that solves the problem that has puzzled us magicians for millions of years?”

“If this is waving at humans, wouldn't it be..."

Feeling the information coming from all directions, the spellcasters who originally thought that the mythical beast was not very reliable were instantly frightened.

This kind of power is completely cheating, isn't it? !.

Người mua: sabmado

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