“There is no need to negotiate. "

Gojo Satoru's heart moved, and he got a reply from Hisuhito Kizuna.

Yes, they have received the support of the Lord God and came with the expectation of a decisive battle. How could they just increase their bargaining chips in the negotiation?

Now they are just delaying. It's just time.

On Huzi's side, through the powerful perception ability of the Shinto Heavenly Book, he has determined the existence of every powerful person in the opponent's Curse Alliance. Most of them are on

this negotiation table. Of course, those who come are not It must be the real body.

But having this is enough!

“Don't want to negotiate? Stop joking, you humans..."

The real person obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, thinking that the other party was using some kind of rhetoric, and was still making noises as hard as he could.。

“Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you... Please

send the supreme divine beast in the kingdom of God to popularize your belief in dragon light and clear away the haze. `~! Gojo

Satoru chanted softly and prayed devoutly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed. The originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds at some point, forming tornadoes, which seemed to form the gate to the kingdom of God where the divine beasts descended. Connected to the Tianhe River on the other side.

In an instant, a huge claw that was so huge that it made people trance poked out from the Gate of Dark Clouds.

Seeing this situation, the curse was completely panicked, and subconsciously wanted to run away. After all ,

they are born out of all kinds of negative emotions, but they really have no credibility to speak of. Now they are just signing up for a group, how can they really fight for you?

“Wait, Gojo, what on earth do you want to do here? "

That is to say, the real person could barely control his emotions, looked at the human leader in front of him with cold eyes, and asked angrily: "Do you want a complete decisive battle? Aren't you afraid that I will destroy you, or even cause a bunch of monsters to appear in your human world?”

“Scared, of course I am scared, but don’t worry, the fun is yet to come..."

Gojo Satoru said with a smile, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, but no one could see through his dark eyepatch and see what he was. What are you thinking about?

Just when everyone thought that this giant claw was about to open the door and crawl out of an even bigger body. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But on top of the giant claw, there was A huge eye grew out, staring at the world coldly, as if coming down from a high level。

“.I am, Lord God, sitting down as the vanguard of the Thousand-Handed White-Eyed General, the Soul-Eating Beast. What do you believers call me for?”

“Soul-eating beast? ! "

When the real person heard this, he was stunned for a moment, turned around and was about to run away.

He has seen this Lord of God in the divine light. Although he does not have the divine light of this bather, he is definitely more than this. It is an existence that is unimaginable in the world.

And the terrifying character of the divine beast he sat on can also be seen.

The most important thing is that if it is other people, it will be fine. If you can't escape by yourself (Zhao Dezhao), you can still be resurrected in the seed. These people can't just kill millions or even hundreds of millions of people just to catch themselves, right?

But with this name, the Soul-Eating Beast sounds like a being that is extremely restrained on the soul, and in reality he relies on his ability to move the soul. Hands and feet, using soul methods that are half a micro-level beyond this world, I have reached the point where I am today.

Now there is another existence with the same attributes as myself but stronger than myself. Why don't you run away now and stay here to wait for death? !.

Người mua: sabmado

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