What made him stop was not just the many beliefs that could be provided to the Lord God, but those lives were the most important.

So Gojo Satoru was really at a loss.。


Hearing these words, Hisato Hiroyuki was furious and raised his fists full of strength, but he really didn't know how to vent them.

Gojo Satoru was right, these curses are just small things, but there is no way they would give up on them. People's lives, solve these things arbitrarily!

“Therefore, this problem cannot be solved completely, and it is really difficult to really popularize faith on a large scale. "

Gojo Satoru shook his head, a little depressed.。

“Teacher, please wait! "

Someone in the knotweed suddenly thought of something. He directly called up the chat group page without thinking, and started to operate 387. But in

Gojo Satoru's eyes, even if he has special eyes, he saw the chat group screen in the air. , he could only see his Huzi cutting the air over there.

But he also understood that this should be the chat group that his Huzi once told him.。

“There is no fluctuation at all, no substance and no shadow. Can it only be seen by Hisahito Knotweed? "

Gojo Satoru looked at Hirohito Knotweed in this state and murmured: "This is really magical! "

After a while, Hirohito Hiroyuki waved his hand and put the chat group away, and Gojo (bced) Satoru also understood that he had ended the conversation.。

“How about it? "

Gojo Satoru stepped forward fiercely and asked seriously.。

“There is nothing the seniors in the group can do……”

Hearing this sentence, Gojo Satoru's eyes dimmed, but the next sentence instantly ignited his hope again.。


Hisuhito the knotweed touched his head and said at a loss: "But they said that for this kind of problem, you can go to the Lord God for help.。”

“Ask the Lord God for help? "

Gojo Satoru was a little confused and didn't quite understand what this sentence meant. In

normal times, although they prayed and lamented that the divine light reappeared, the Lord God has always been an unpredictable god in the minds of everyone.

Prayer and divine light are just the conditions between a stress reaction.

And now, the meaning of Hisuhito Knotweed or the chat group is that if you have a problem, go to the Lord of God. Can the Lord of God give you a real solution? The solution

? Can you even talk?! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This, this god is a little too generous.

Hearing such words, even a character like Gojo Satoru is also He looked a little suffocated.

It took him a while before he recovered and nodded towards Hisuhito the knotweed.。

“Okay teacher, then I’m here! "

Hiruto the Tiger Stick also took a deep breath. No matter how confused he was, he should have realized that this prayer was not just a prayer. It

might be a conversation with the Lord of God.

A conversation with a god... ...

To be honest, Hirohito Knotweed feels a little excited. Although he is the spokesperson of the Lord God in this world, he is also in the same chat group with Chen Xian. But recently, when Chen Xian is addicted to diving, she, who just joined not long ago

, I have never seen the Lord God’s speech before.

So this is really the first time![]

“Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believer, Hisuhito, prays to you." After posing, Hisohito bowed seriously in the direction of the sun in the sky.


mua : sabmado

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