“Gojo-sensei, don’t make fun of me here..."

Hisuhito, who was sitting upside down with his head on the bed and his body leaning against the wall, said depressedly: "I’m really upset right now.。”

“What's bothering you? Come and tell me. If you have any unhappy things, don't keep them in your stomach. Share them to make everyone happy. "

Gojo Satoru smiled slightly and sat on the bed.。

“"Get up,"

Hishito Knotweed turned around with some disgust, sighed and complained, "Teacher, don't you think we are too slow in promoting our faith for the Lord God?"

I have mentioned the chat group to you. You used to be a newcomer to the group like me, and you were still a newcomer living in a different world. Now you have unified that different world, and here... we have nothing. If this continues, I am afraid that I will be embarrassed

. It doesn't matter. If the Lord God really looks down on our world, then things will be big.。”

“Well, do you know why the speed of the spread of our faith is not as expected in modern society?���~? "

That's right. Gojo Satoru stopped joking and said seriously to Hisuhito Knotweed.。


“This is because of those curses,"

Gojo Satoru took a deep breath and said in an unhappy tone: "Since the Lord God has set his sights on our world, with the spread of divine light one after another, the power of our domain here has become better and better. , the number and strength of spellcasters are also increasing。”

“However, what followed was that the number of curses did not decrease at all, but also increased!”

“This is not the end, if there are only too many, they will be killed, but these damn curses actually claim that they were born because of the Lord God.

They are believers of the Lord God who travel outside the divine religion, and some even transform into some bullshit false gods, attracting many believers! But the faith radiated by these believers is not for the Lord God. These rubbish are a bunch of faithless people!”

“What the hell? "

Huzhang Youren also sat up and said in disbelief: "How dare they curse these damn people?”

“Not only do you dare to do this, but you are even more daring! "

Gojo Satoru said very unhappily: "This group of people even dare to go directly to the Ming Dynasty to threaten us. If they are not allowed to absorb the divine light belief like this, they will carry out massacres. Large-scale massacres will leave us with nothing. "

This is not to blame for Gojo Satoru's overwhelming atmosphere. These curses are really disgusting. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

To say that they were born because of the Lord God, it is barely possible. It makes sense.

But using such a bullshit identity to spread the word everywhere and steal the power of faith that should belong to the Lord of God is simply abominable. And he dares to go directly

to the stage to threaten their conjurer alliance...

But I am angry. , Gojo Satoru is indeed rare and a little weak.

Although he is extremely powerful, there was one person who could challenge the abilities of the entire top level of magicians in the past, but now that he has experienced the attachment of the Lord God, his strength is even stronger. He can challenge

Qian It's the enemy。[]

However, those damn guys showed up without knowing it, but instead controlled a large number of innocent ordinary people, walking towards the stage, extremely proud and wanton.

Gojo Satoru was so angry that he was furious, but he had nowhere to vent. After all, this was indeed his weakness. These damn curses were really accurate!

You must know that Gojo Satoru is a being who can humiliate himself for the sake of human beings and accept the orders of those people with low strength! .

Người mua: sabmado

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