“What! "

At this time, the anti-ancestral demon realized that this smile would only be revealed when the demon was carrying out the deepest evil deeds.

And the guy in front of him obviously didn't mean to show such a smile. Joining his own ranks, but wanting to... obliterate himself!

“No, Iruma-sama, you can't! "

But now it's too late, whether it's to beg for mercy or to apologize.

The moment Iruma finished speaking, a huge, hot and gorgeous flame condensed and burst out from his hand. In an

instant, the flame turned into a The huge fire dragon bared its teeth and claws ferociously, circling its body and heading towards the person in front of it.

With a painful and desperate "No!" "The man turned into ashes, but that wasn't the end yet. The flames continued to sweep through him, burning a towering monster behind him into dregs as well.。


Looking at the man and beast in front of him who turned to ashes, Iruma let out a relaxed breath, finally losing some of his anger.

This soul is light!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, a burst of applause slowly came from a distance, Iruma looked up and saw a white-haired demon.-。

“Iruma-sama's move is really gorgeous. Tsk, I didn't expect this guy Gothus to be quite useful. He used one life to force out Iruma-sama's move. "

The white-haired devil smiled slightly. Although his tone was slightly sarcastic, he still bowed respectfully: "Let me introduce myself, I, Strateg, the leader behind Walt Paradise this time.。”

“leader? "

Iruma's eyes darkened.。

“That's right, the leader, well, the leader No. 2 is also a leader. "

Strager smiled, and with a wave of his hand, countless demons slowly emerged from under the earth. It was obviously planned for a long time.。

“What do you want to do? Aren't you afraid of death? "

Iruma held up the ring on his hand and said coldly and threateningly, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Stop scaring people, Iruma-sama. This is against your demeanor. As for the evil eating ring, I should know a little bit about how Lord Sullivan's power is stored. I didn't expect that just the

stored power can explode so powerfully. The fierce attack, Mr. Sullivan was really terrifying, it was a shame that we used all our strength to hold him back. Strager

raised the corners of his mouth and said in a cold tone: "However, foreign objects are foreign objects after all. Without this part of power, how can you still struggle?" "

Ask for flowers 0

“Oh, you know me pretty well。”[]

Seeing that the opponent had mastered his own methods and trump cards, Iruma did not panic. He did some exercises to restore his strength and said in a calm tone.。

“Of course, we know you very well. We originally planned to use that idiot to attract firepower and then slowly consume it. Unexpectedly, Lord Iruma actually used all the power directly. Wow, what a gorgeous and beautiful flower. What beautiful fireworks. "

At this point, Strager no longer concealed anything, and said directly sarcastically: "I really don't know why the Lord God chose a being like you as a spokesperson, but hehe, come with us first.。”

“Do you really regard me as a fish on the chopping board? "

Iruma said in a faint tone.。

“if not? Rely on your 2nd position or 3rd position and the little devil. Do you still want to give up any waves?”

“Sigh~ At first, I thought it was normal to describe that guy as stupid, but now I also think you are quite worthy of this title. "

Iruma sighed, looked at the other party jokingly, and slowly released his terrifying aura...

Người mua: sabmado

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