“Me, what have I done? "

In Walter Paradise, a confused Iruma looked at his hands blankly, feeling a little overwhelmed for a moment. He

looked at himself, and then at the ruins of the town paradise in front of him. , a memory suddenly reappeared in his mind.

It turned out that Iruma, who had entered a bad cycle, brought the students from the problem children's class to Walt Paradise to relax, of course, mainly to promote the faith of the Lord God. Then

in As time went by for publicity here, in an instant, the Walter Paradise, which originally had a huge number of people, became a holy place for the believers of the divine religion.

Many demons came from all over the demon world, and the faith was multiplying. Increased height.

Then, when Iruma was extremely excited, an accident happened.

A group of anti-ancestral demons infiltrated into the staff of 770 Walt Paradise, and used 4 monster eggs to cause a huge explosion, and thus summoned The four monsters were like jade torturers in the paradise, causing countless injuries.

This time, Iruma was immediately angered, and he went up to fight with the opponent directly.

The result!

“Hahaha, Lord Iruma, we are all believers of Lord God. "

This sentence directly confused Iruma, and he looked at the person in front of him in confusion.

As a result, the atavistic demon was still shouting without mercy, saying that ordinary demons are not worthy of the Lord Xinyang (bcbi) Sir, if you say that those with low strength and belief are an insult to the Lord of God.

Such nonsense, it is obvious that this group of people is a collection of anti-ancestral demons who believe in the Lord of God.

But it is obvious that they have gone astray. , believe that belief requires qualifications, and think that they are superior to others.

But they do not understand at all that there is no difference between them in front of Chen Xian, the god of luck.

Just like giants who never care about what the ants under their feet look like, they at most It doesn't matter how many boxes there are or not, but whether it's strong or not, it doesn't matter.

For a moment, Iruma was furious, completely angry!

“You guys have gone too far! "

Iruma said.。

“Hahaha, Lord Iruma, you are still too young and may not understand Lord God’s faith. We are the devils who are qualified to believe. "

The atavistic devil smiled wantonly: "Don't hide it, Mr. Iruma, I have heard of many of your deeds. You should be of our generation, too. Come back and lead us down the real path. Divine light!”

“You are not worthy! "

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Iruma's eyes were dripping with blood. Under the influence of his seniors in the chat group, he had long realized that faith is the wealth of the Lord God. It is the only wealth they can attack against the Lord God, except

for Other than that, there are no sacrifices or rituals.

But now, there are such a bunch of bastards who wantonly slaughter the believers of the Lord of God in front of themselves, the spokesperson of the Lord of God. They

even tamper with the teachings of the Lord of God, This is defilement, this is blasphemy, this is the highest level of blasphemy.

When the other party said such words, Iruma had already made up his mind. Absolutely, absolutely, this blasphemous damned person cannot be allowed to continue to live. in this world。

“Otherwise, no matter how you think about it, I will be sorry for the cultivation and trust of the Lord God..."

Iruma lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth, showing an evil and crazy smile. He stretched out his hand and slowly twisted the ring to the final point. He said softly to the demon in front of him:

“Raphael! ". (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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