“ah? "

When Katarina heard this, her face suddenly bulged, and she said with some dissatisfaction:

“Sophia, this little girl, I was so good to her when she was in trouble, but she didn't want to bring me along when something good happened! "

This, how can people get along with this!

I was listening to the conversation between these two people. They were obviously not talking about one side but they perfectly fit together. Toreni was really confused.

But she didn't dare to do it at this time. If you answer the question again, if you are being targeted by Sister Medusa, then it’s really...

But, for two people...

Well, I seem to have heard other sisters say, ah, it’s really true, Lord God is really bad!

“Humph, so Katarina can't fall behind. I'll go talk to the Lord God later. "

The corners of Medusa's mouth raised, like a little fox who had succeeded in playing a prank.

Poor Catalina still hasn't realized how she got herself into the pit.

At this moment, she is still With a face full of excitement, he imagined that Mr. Shenzhou would teach him about planting in the evening.���Skills, abilities that correspond to the earth element, etc.。

“Ahem, no need to tell me~. "

Chen Xian, who had been staring at the corner next to him, suppressed his smile and walked out.

First, he glanced at Torene next to him unkindly, and the latter was frightened by the look and took two steps back.

Isn't it? ...

The Lord God is like this. Did you just hear it and want it? Want it like that.

Toreni was so confused that she even forgot to say hello to Chen Xian for a while.

Fortunately, after all, she just did that kind of thing not long ago , Chen Xian also knew not to act too hastily. Joking is still joking, but you still have to leave time for others.

He shook his head and continued to walk forward.。

“Lord God, I want to make up lessons, make up lessons, I love learning very much. "

Looking at the Lord God whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Katarina quickly ran over and said excitedly:

“I heard that the Lord God just gave Sophia that little girl a hard time, but you can’t favor one over the other!”

“Of course, Lord God, I like Xiao Nizi who takes the initiative best. "

Looking at Catalina walking up naively, Chen Xian almost laughed out loud. He stretched out his hand and pinched her little nose, and said softly: "Well, if you want to learn so much, then let's first Let's go。”

“now? "(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Katarina hesitated for a while. After all, she just wanted to go back and dream directly to her best friend.

However, after all, it was still daytime and she couldn't sleep by herself. We must be able to find each other, so it’s better to go to the Lord of God to make up for the lessons first, and then find him again.

Anyway... Katarina also knows that she says she loves studying, but in fact she gets dizzy when she reads a book, and falls asleep not long after she gets down. .

This little girl has not yet realized that there is no conflict between making up for classes and sleeping.

If she accidentally bumps into her, what she said is true. It may not be long before then, with her weak body. Really fainted。

“.Okay, okay, Lord God, let’s go now. Goodbye, sister Toreni, and goodbye, sister Medusa.。”


Toreni's voice sounded like a mosquito, which means that everyone is a special being in the Kingdom of God, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to hear it clearly.。

“Goodbye then, I must have fun... ahem, I must have fun studying! Pfft~"

Medusa also smiled and waved her hands. She had no choice but to bear it.。[]

This little girl is so interesting! .

Người mua: sabmado

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