“Okay, I know, I went back to sleep for a while. Speaking of which, when I came to the Kingdom of God, I didn’t feel tired at all after not sleeping for so many days. "

Katalina complained, her little appearance is really cute.。

“However, let’s get in touch with Xiaodun first. She should have finished spreading her faith over there, and is probably about to establish the gate to the Kingdom of God.。”

“Yeah, yeah, I'll accompany you to pick her up then.。”

“By the way, Sister Toreni, where did you go the night before yesterday? I wanted to find you to bring some divine spring water, but I couldn't find you, but I found you...right." Katarina suddenly thought of something and was confused

. asked, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Sister Medusa, here, here, yes, it is Medusa who took me to get it."。”

“Sister Medusa. "

Toreni was stunned for a moment. When she saw the person coming, she quickly said hello.

Although her actions were like this, her mind had already flown to the night before yesterday.

The night before yesterday, well...

Toreni said with a sigh, Her pretty face instantly turned red. She had no choice but to think about the scene the night before yesterday. It was really embarrassing. Fortunately,

Katarina, a girl, was very insensitive about this matter, otherwise she would have made a joke. Just a few words, I am afraid that I will be so embarrassed that I will find a crack in the ground to hide.

No, you are joking? Wait, who is the person who came just now, Sister Medusa!

Torene opened her eyes suddenly, and sure enough, Medusa Sha now looked at her with a smile on her face, her eyes full of that special meaning, which made this little girl's face turn red instantly.。

“It seems that the make-up lessons that night were very good. "

Medusa joked with a smile, and also pointed out in her words.。

“Sister Medusa, stop talking..."

Torene pulled the hem of her skirt, blushing so hard that she couldn't even lift her head.。

“Make-up lessons, what make-up lessons? By the way, Lord God, hehe, I have been working in the Kingdom of God for a long time, and I haven’t seen Lord God a few times. "

Katalina opened her beautiful big eyes and said something later.。

“oh? The teaching effect of the Lord God is very good~Improve your strength, sublimate your life, make up for your shortcomings, and sometimes beautify your face. Medusa

raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile: "What, little girl, do you want to give it a try?"”

“Of course, as my cultivation level increases, if I can feel better about my elemental abilities, I will be able to take better care of this land and garden! "

Katalina's eyes really got bigger after hearing this, with a dazzling light shining in them. She said excitedly: "Well, Sister Medusa, how do you make up for the class? Do you need to sign up? I want 657, I want it!”

“Haha, Xiao Nizi is indeed motivated. "

Looking at Catalina in this state, Medusa laughed out loud instantly. This girl is really stupid and stupid. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) No, like

this She doesn’t even know anything about feelings!

Hehe, she knows very well that our God Lord likes this kind of people。

“This is not necessary. This is a benefit that everyone can have. I will tell you and the Lord God later. Speaking of which, many people in your world have already completed their make-up lessons, such as that little girl Sophia. "

Medusa said with a smile.

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