“I was wrong this time. I won’t dare to do it again in the future. "

Seeing Medusa's eyes, Tokisaki Kurumi immediately admitted his mistake and said in a coquettish tone: "Next time, I won't dare to go too far, okay?。”

“Everything should be done with a certain amount of propriety, and no matter what else, at least the spokesperson of our Lord God in every world must be given a certain amount of respect. "

Queen Medusa snorted coldly, her aloof and cold temperament restored again.。

“No matter who you are, I don’t care what you usually do, how you mess around, whatever you do, it doesn’t matter if you are in the Kingdom of God. We are all good sisters, and behind closed doors we all do our own thing.

Although in the eyes of the Lord of God, that is, in the Kingdom of God, there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority, I still want to emphasize that after

leaving the Kingdom of God, you are all the concubines of the Lord of God. Your body belongs to God, and the image you represent is the Lord of God. Sir, I do not allow anyone to slander or damage the interests of the Lord God!

Otherwise, don't blame me for being cold-blooded and ruthless……”

Don't treat it as usual���She has sisters, and she is always like a senior sister, always so gentle and delicate, and always so tolerant of everything.

Even when many sisters first came here, they accidentally offended her because they didn't change their temper for a while.

Queen Medusa will not show any resentment or hostility, and will always resolve embarrassment and embarrassment in the spring breeze and drizzle.

However, this does not mean that she is the kind of gentle and peaceful person!

She, but Medusa, is the only queen of the snake people. She is the only king and the absolute king of the snake people who are full of violence and cruelty, full of cold-blooded ruthlessness and class distinction!

Anyone who dares to touch Medusa's bottom line will face the most ruthless and absolute blow from the snake queen.

In the past, regardless of the situation, in this Kingdom of God, Medusa’s only bottom line and the most untouchable opponent is the God Lord! (bcdb)

As the ray of light that brought me hope during my transformation, Medusa can be said to be a supporter with a state of obsession.

There is no reason to support, and it is obvious that Chen Xian is worthy of her heart!

And what Tokisaki Kurumi did in the previous plane, both in terms of image and the interests of believers, seriously damaged the Lord of God.

That is to say, there were no irreversible consequences, otherwise Medusa’s punishment for Kurumi Tokisaki would definitely not be limited to three days of confinement.。

“yes! "

Many female gods responded one after another and said respectfully.

It has to be said that although it is said that there is no difference between before and after in the Kingdom of God, it does not mean that there is no difference between the time before and after entering the Kingdom of God. There is a huge gap.

After all, Nalan Yanran now calls Angel Yan her sister!

However, as Chen Xian’s first god in the Kingdom of God, Medusa is also the first concubine god, and she has the added bonus of endless aura. What's more

, most of the sisters who came to the Kingdom of God were guided by Medusa to settle in the Kingdom of God. In

addition, Medusa was also the first to grow from weak to strong with our Lord God. Although the foundation of the main world is not very good, the current level of cultivation is really unfathomable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Except for a few

existences, almost no one can detect it. How far has Medusa reached her current state?

So naturally, Medusa became the uncrowned king in the hearts of many female gods in the Kingdom of God.。

“Okay, we are all sisters, there is no need to be so serious. "

Queen Medusa smiled slightly, her charming smile blowing slowly like a spring breeze, turning everyone's original serious mood into calm.。

“Hurry up and go back to practice. Look, you are almost overtaken by the sisters who come later. You are all standing here to listen... What's the point?

If you want to, my sister will help you make arrangements. "

As she spoke, Medusa's eyes lit up again, and the divine light flowed in them. She looked at me beautifully, as if it contained a different meaning.。

“Well, Sister Medusa, the divine sword I have in the Divine Sword Pavilion is about to mature. I have to go and take a look.。”

“Yes, yes, that afternoon I made an appointment with Sister Qi Zui to go to Baiyuan Garden to collect herbs. Let’s talk later.。”

“That's right, Ling'er, aren't we going to tame the alien beasts? Let's go quickly. It won't be fun if we are overtaken by other sisters tonight.。”

“Uh-huh. "

Scanned by Medusa's unique look, many female gods instantly understood that their eldest sister's little pimp habit was coming back. They all apologized and begged for mercy, and quickly ran away. Speaking of which, relatively


, Among other reasons for respecting Sister Medusa, this is the existence they fear most, and it is also the unique authority of Medusa! After a

while, only the new pink-haired girl Zhu was left in the scene. vegetable。[]

The new girl was obviously still a little overwhelmed. She backed away step by step, not knowing what reason to show her kindness.。

“Well, me too, too... I have a headache. Sister Medusa, I'm not in good health, so I'm going to leave now.。”

“Don't go, our Lord God is the only ultimate god in the universe, an omniscient and omnipotent existence. Isn't it easy to help you cure this?”

“ah? ”.

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