“It was such a fierce battle, but you haven't been killed yet? Is the newcomer this time so powerful? "

Wang Yuyan looked at the direction of the main hall where the flames were splashing, and said with her seductive lips in disbelief.

Thinking about how when she first came in, she couldn't even hold out even one and a half moves of the Lord God.。

“Ah, the newcomer this time is a demon king after all, and that plane is still a medium plane and is not weak in strength,"

Hua Mulan said next to her, sighing helplessly: "When I was in that world, I didn't He may not be able to beat her, and it looks even less certain now.。

“Speaking of combat effectiveness, our sisters from the Kingdom of God have taken a different path from the popular gods from the beginning.。”

“Do you still remember that Feng Lin showing off a few days ago? She is a fighting goddess that has been accumulated for thousands of years. Not only is she beautiful, but her fighting experience is all accumulated by herself. Many of the enlightenments that break through the laws are achieved by people themselves.。”

“Our sisters in the kingdom of God have been spoiled by the Lord God. All resources and insights are given to us by random hands, and it comes too easily. "

The female assassin Ah Qi appeared silently.

Since coming to the Kingdom of God and constantly advancing, Ah Qi has even had some fear of her own strength! Uncontrollable fear! To put it

simply, her strength has grown too fast! Her mood is still there I can't keep up!

Just imagine, which cultivator can be promoted from a mortal assassin to a god who is the lord of all things in just one month!

Even Ah Qi has regretted consummating the marriage with the Lord God twice!

This leaves Ah Qi no time at all Once the spiritual enlightenment was accumulated, another breakthrough was achieved……

“Sister Ah Qi, you are too obsessed with strength. Just relax like the rest of us and spend every day as a flower and bird. When you are in a good mood, can’t you just practice for a few days~。”

“There is no need for us to compare with Feng Lin Hyuna. After all, she was the eldest lady born in the Kamigawa Star Territory, and she was born to be a goddess. "

Lianxing rubbed her beautiful forehead and said.

After she and her sister Yueyue came to the Kingdom of God, the people they communicated with the most were Shi Jindao and others who lived nearby. Occasionally, they were called by the God Lord to go on dates.……

“Sister Lianxing has a good attitude! But this time, the newcomer sister is expected to become a concubine very quickly. Able to mingle with everyone. "

Song Yan pouted her cute mouth and ate the candy.。

“If you can take the initiative to spar, the Lord God will also favor you. "

Lu Linxuan couldn't help but said with a smile.。

“This, this, taking the initiative to run or something, is too much. "

Song Yan blushed instantly and quickly refused, but her heart moved. Although she was ashamed, she still wrote down these words.。

“Haha, you all guessed wrong. This is not because of the newcomers, nor is it because the Lord God is partial. We still have to rely on our sister Medusa. "

The little medical fairy, dressed in white, who looked like a beautiful fairy, flew over and smiled slightly: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) As soon as these words came out, many

concubines present instantly understood.

Do you understand? , Sister Medusa is a legendary pimp, and she thinks all day long about sending away the sisters who have just joined the Kingdom of God.

Among the sisters present, I don’t know how many people have suffered a big loss from Sister Medusa. , without much preparation, they became confused. For

a moment, when they heard that Queen Medusa had such an end, the girls laughed one after another.。

“.Sister Medusa, this time, the gift is not a gift but a gift, haha。”[]

“That is, if you let Sister Medusa think about giving this and that every day, you will suffer, right?。”

“Hehe, I really didn’t expect that Sister Medusa could be where she is today?”

“Hey, it's a bit bad to gossip behind your back. "

Suddenly, the cold and domineering voice of Queen Medusa (Qian Nuozhao) rang out, scaring them all to stop what they were saying. The next moment,

this beautiful Snake Queen appeared. Beside the girls, some said angrily:

“Am I not doing this just to quickly fulfill the Lord God and fulfill you?

Little girls are disobedient one after another. They don’t know how to care for others, and they don’t want to think about how shy they are all day long. Without my push, how long will it take for you to be willing to appear in front of the Lord God?”

“If anyone talks nonsense again, be careful and I will arrange arrangements for you

." Queen Medusa waved her fist.

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