Xiao Di really wants a ring: "Thank you everyone, but I still have to warn Ainz-sama in advance not to use too powerful magic. Try to

shock and control the kingdom directly, otherwise we will kill 4 people at once according to the original plan. It would be a waste of faith to massacre ten thousand people again!"

As soon as these words came out, the group fell silent for an instant, and then became even more noisy.

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya didn't pay her salary: "It's so scary. It seems that the newcomer's world is not simple."

Supported Dumbledore: "40,000 people... shivering. It turns out that the newcomer is also a big boss, with a group status -1JPG!"

My young master Zhang Zifan: "This is the world of newcomers. It's really Versailles!"

Regardless of the noise in the group, Tang San, who was looking at the group messages, still had a plan in mind.。

“Although time travel was used before to send those Destiny Daughters from the future, there were still too few.。”

“Although Spreading Faith in 160 is very good, if I encounter those guys from the God Realm again, it will still be a bit difficult to play with my current strength.

We still need to find the Girl of Destiny..."

Tang San touched his chin and became worried:

“You're right, since that guy Wu Geng can do it, and there will be no problems later, then why can't I, Tang San, do it?”

“Be sure to save up for time travel in the next lottery, or exchange it with someone else. Then there will be Teacher Bibi Dong Pope Erlong... ahem, no one can be missing anyway!”

“Anyway, that was also a parallel time and space, and it has nothing to do with the cause and effect of the current time. In that time and space, my mother also suffered a lot of sins and suffered a lot. It would be better to go directly to the Kingdom of God and live a happy life. A matter of concern. "

Having made up his mind, Tang San began to scroll through the group chat members to borrow the time travel talisman.

There was no hesitation at all, not to mention that at this time he had realized that there were not many Destined Daughters in his world.

But he was not only There is only one world!

There is the God Realm on the continent, and although the God Realm is full of false gods, it certainly does not lack the existence of the Daughter of Destiny. What's more,

the God Realm is also connected to many small worlds. Those continents can There is no difference. Since you can find the Daughter of Destiny,

then those worlds may also be able to do it!

Coupled with the inheritance of those worlds, as long as your strength can surpass the God Realm, you will easily usher in a wave of faith. How can it be Not happy?

“So let's get busy..."

Tang San raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Tingfang, and murmured: "Everything will be for the Lord God, everything will be for the happiness of mother and the others!”

On the other side of the realm,

there is still a famous scenic spot like the school rooftop. A beautiful girl with a cool temperament is dealing with the entanglement of the man next to her.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, this is not some pursuit of love between a man and a woman or a couple messing around, but a pair of brothers and sisters who are having trouble.

The Naze brothers and sisters!

Back in the day, when Naze Hiroomi had received the benefits, of course the first person he thought of to share it with was his sister, Mizuki Naze.

But (bcbg) obviously, maybe because of his irregularity as an elder brother over the years, Xiao Meiyue did not listen to his words at all, thinking that the so-called Lord God Supreme Luck God Sect was another irregularity of his elder brother. Playing a prank.

Maybe he just wanted to take a picture of himself praying and worshiping her foolishly, and use it as a threat to ask him to call her Oni-chan... This is

not the first time this has happened!

“Little Meiyue, just listen to your brother this time and trust your dear Onii-chan, right? "

Seeing that Meiyue didn't believe it for a while, Bochen was not discouraged and continued to persuade him persistently:

“The power of this Lord God is really terrifying and infinite, and the Lord God is also extremely generous and caring for believers. Follow me and believe, there are only benefits.。”

“And..." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Naze Hiromi paused and said in a faint tone: "After a while, I gather millions of people, and I will be able to establish the gate of the Kingdom of God.

At that time, as long as the Daughters of Destiny can pass through the Gate of Destiny, they can go to the Kingdom of God and become gods to serve the Lord. Sister, this is a great opportunity! "

Regarding this point, Naze Hiroomi has actually thought a lot about it. To be honest, he is reluctant to let his sister go to the Kingdom of God. It is very likely that heaven and earth will separate us. However, according to what all the senior members of the group said, as long as he can successfully

become The leader of the group, the concubine of the Lord God, can return to this world.

Suddenly, Naze Hiromi also let go。[]

After all, although he is a big fan of girls, he is not a BT. He only has a brother-sister relationship with his little Meiyue.

It's not like that kind of long-lasting fate,

so he very much hopes that his sister can pass through the gate of the Kingdom of God to serve the Lord God. After all, that is the most glorious and brightest path.

As a brother who is looking forward to his sister very much, it is better to go to the Lord God than to let the pigs in this world lose him.

After all, Naze Hiroyuki is very clear about the brilliance of my god!

As for whether his sister can pass through the gate of the Kingdom of God and become the Daughter of Destiny, Naze Hiroomi has no doubts about this.

After all, his sister is the cutest in the world. If even his own sister cannot pass, then no one in the world can pass. .

Người mua: sabmado

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