Can you feel it yourself? !

Ainz was a little confused. He actually had the feeling of being a human again?

No! This is a living thing, and it is not owned again but can be controlled at will.

His mental state is completely different from before. It seems that he has also added emotions. He has changed from being an emperor among the undead to a living being that surpasses the emperor of the undead? !

“Now, it's just a prayer. It directly changes the racial level without paying anything. This is too exaggerated!”

“Even the light novels in the previous life did not dare to write this. Such a generous god and such a mighty divine power. Are there really such gods in this world? Ainz

hesitated for a while, then slammed the table and gave the order:

“The guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick obey your orders!”

“yes! "

Many guardians knelt on the ground and responded respectfully, even Demiurge was no exception.。

“Pass on the order and let all the creatures in the big tomb accept the belief in this Lord God...

In addition, in three days, I will consolidate my strength and march into the human kingdom. I will spread the teachings on this continent for the Lord God!

The light of the gods cannot only shine on us, Nazarick, but must shine on the entire world and all the heavens and realms!”

“yes! "

Many guardians received orders one after another, and their joy was beyond words.

They saw what happened to Demiurge and Ainz just now. What an improvement this was. It was so terrifying that it was difficult to describe it in any words.

So. Who can not believe in such a powerful and generous god?

Xiaodi really wants a ring: "Praise my God, your glory has shined in our Great Tomb of Nazarick, thank you for your gift~" Please

call me Dragon Mother: "Hey, the new arrival finally realized Have you reached the glory of the Lord of God? I asked you to keep diving from the beginning. Regarding the Lord of God, losing faith for even one second is a big loss!"

That stinky man Tushan Yaya didn't pay his salary: "Humph, they all call me Dragon Mother, really. He is worthy of being one of the first batch of people who believe in God. He is excellent when he spreads doctrines!"

Xiao Di really wanted a ring: "Thank you for your advice, otherwise I don't know how long I would have been confused. But

now everything is better. We are on the right track. All the creatures in our big tomb, including Lord Ainz, have believed in the Lord God. The next step is to advance the human kingdom." Support

Dumbledore: "Like marching to the human kingdom? Xiao Di really wants a ring. Are you not a human being?"

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Huh? I support Dumbledore, but why do you have an opinion against a non-human species? Is it because my snake-man's waist is not tight or my whip is not strong enough that I dare to speak like this in public? !"

A slime: "The slime is trembling..."

Wu Geng, who wants a hand: "My god smiled evilly~"

Tang San, who doesn't want to travel through time: "Eat melon, eat melon."

Zhang Zifan: "Tang San who doesn't want to travel through time again, brother, what does this have to do with you?"

Tang San who doesn't want to travel through time again: "Ahem, strictly speaking I'm not a serious human being."

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Ah this, this If he is not serious, is he serious?" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I don't want to travel through Tang San again: "Probably...well, it's nothing. My father is a human, and my mother is...well, a A hundred-thousand-year-old bluesilver grass took shape.

Hey, when I said this, I suddenly remembered again. I got the time-traveling talisman light before and sent them to me in the future time and space. How could I forget the previous time and space! There should be a few before

. Someone with a charming destiny, such as the Pope, such as Teacher Erlong, and..."

I, Zhang Zifan, said: "And? You shouldn't say it's your mother, this... Wu Geng who wants a hand, You two are the legendary half-brothers."

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand, said: "Get out of here!”[]

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya doesn't pay her wages: "Hey, by the way, is it serious or not? Queen Medusa's eldest cousin, eldest sister, I just want to ask, is he serious about this whip? Evil smile JPG!"

Beautiful Queen Tussaud's eldest cousin: "Humph, boy, I think you are looking for some sex!"

I, Zhang Zifan, said: "Ah, this is so scary (a face longing for JPG!)"

Ouyang Bu Kuang: "Hey, I, Zhang Zifan, are you So coquettish!"

Supported Dumbledore: "You have the nerve to say this, cover your face and cry!"

Xiaodi really wants a ring: "I am a demon!"

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Ahem, Don't worry, they are all a bunch of sluts. Human beings are generally the darlings of heaven and earth. You have to be careful when dealing with the human kingdom, otherwise it will be easy to overturn the situation.。

(Zhao Li's) Xiao Di really wanted a ring. I almost capsized the boat at that time. It's best to get it in advance to the point where you can summon the divine beast to the Lord of God and start it on a large scale. "

Xiao Di really wants a ring: "Thank you for the advice, but to be honest, our Sarik Tomb is also a visitor from another world, and the overall level of this world is very low, and so are humans, so it should be smooth.

Now I am waiting for the expansion of the territory in three days, and strive to gather one million faiths as soon as possible, and then offer more destined beauties to the Lord God!

Support Dumbledore: "Come on, keep an eye on you! " "

This is Zhang Zifan: "Come on +1! "

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya won't pay her wages: "Come on +10086! ! ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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