“oh? There are new people arriving, just in time for the Kingdom of God to be promoted.。”

“You guys should rest for a while. I'll go take a look at the formation platform.。”

Chen Xian covered the empress Shui Yunji and Lu Linxuan with the brocade quilt, and after taking a lingering glance at the two women's moving beauty, he walked out of the palace.。

“Shui Yunji pays tribute to the Lord God……”

Shui Yunji covered her face and shouted weakly and shyly:。

As for Lu Linxuan, he didn't even have the strength to hum.。



“Good morning, Lord God!”

“Lord God, which piece of clothing are you wearing today? Ahhh, I have such a headache!”

“How about this piece of imperial armor?”

Seeing Chen Xian come out, the goddess maid Barbara who was already waiting for her panicked and said:。

Chen Xian's lips twitched. Do you want to fight on your own? I just went to see if the new god was okay. As for taking out the most expensive and heavy armor from the ready-to-wear pavilion, it was a shame that Barbara had such strength when she first arrived.……

“Barbara, don't panic, okay? Go and wash up with the Lord God first. I'll take care of the clothes. These things you chose are not suitable.。”

“Fortunately, Qiu Shiyu asked me to help him. You really can't do it alone. I'm so nervous, and I don't understand the Lord God's preferences.。”

Yusu Sakayanagi rubbed his forehead and said。

Yesterday, Barbara and Noelle entered the Kingdom of God from the God’s Maid Election Channel in the world of “Genshin Impact”. Their maid group was seen through the spiritual mirror formation. When they knew that Barbara and Noelle were professional maids, Afterwards, everyone was happy for a while。

Unexpectedly, little cutie Barbara was still nervous when she worked in the Temple of God for the first time.……

“Yes...I'm sorry!”

Barbara's pretty face turned red and she lowered her head and said。

In fact, the main reason for her panic was that she was disturbed by the screams of the Empress Shui Yunji ten minutes ago.……

In the Genshin Impact world, such bold things have been experienced there!


“I have met the Lord God!”

“Good morning, Lord God!”

“Lord God is in great spirits! The clothes are also super cool!”

Seeing Chen Xian appear on the reception formation platform, a dozen divine beauties who had already arrived to greet him bowed and saluted.。

“Haha, it’s rare that even Kesha you are so obedient and come to say good morning.。”

Seeing that the Queen of Angels had not been seen for several days, Chen Xianjiu stepped forward to help Kesha up, held Kesha's slender waist with interest and said。

“Lord God, many people are watching.……”

“Kesha has just formulated daily rules for being a god. She must greet the Lord God at least once within a week. Of course, she must set an example.。”

Being hugged by Chen Xian like this, Kesha's luxurious and delicate face could not hide her shyness and happiness.。

Next to them, Lingxi and Zhixin looked at Queen Kesha with envy. To this day, perhaps because of their rank and thin skin, Zhixin and Lingxi, as Yan's bodyguards, have not dared to take the initiative to pay attention. Serving in the King's Palace。

But now that Kesha has formulated the rules, it is also one of the requirements to go to the Temple of the God King alone to report on the practice with the Lord God, so Zhi Xin can't help but think of what might happen, and actually looks forward to it in her heart. Finally, it is the beautiful purple angel. , they seem to be as favored by the God Lord as Kaisa Kazuhiko.……

“Lord God, if you want my sister, you can take her away later.。”

“And buy one get one free。”

Liang Bing's enchanting figure flashed on the platform, leaning over very naturally and saying。

“You are everywhere, why can't you go catch butterflies for a day or something?”

Kesha said speechlessly。

“Buy one get one free... Mr. Liang Bing, please don't be so excited so early in the morning!”

Xiao Wu covered her face in shame and said。

“We should have gotten used to Sister Liang Bing's courage, right?。”

Gu Yuena chuckled.。

“Because master, why don’t you try to make too many concessions?”

Bai Xiuxiu blushed and complained softly.。

She still remembers how she was tricked into the God King's Palace and suffered a lot.……

“It’s really nice to have a sister here.。”

“It's a pity that I don't have it。”

Tianquanxing stared at such a weird but harmonious scene, chuckled and said。

“No, even you are so open-minded. Are you going to be promoted to the Heavenly Evil Star?”

Ke Qing said in shame and anger。

As the leader of their "Genshin Impact" team, Ning Guang must not deviate from the course!

“In this way, it is a pity that our group does not have this benefit for the Lord God.。”

Lisa blinked.。

As soon as these words came out, Qin staggered!

The newcomers Xiang Ling, Fischer and the others also looked at Lisa with eyes that ruined their outlook on life! I seriously doubt that the guy in front of me is no longer the gentle, elegant, knowledgeable and beautiful librarian before!

“Are all women who get together with the Lord God so easily brainwashed? Can it be returned to a more normal group?”

It's hard to find a way。

Without thinking about the new divine rules and regulations, it seemed that she would inevitably have to go to the God King's Palace... When she thought of this, Keqing felt inexplicably flustered and numb, and she couldn't even use Flying Thunder God!

“The newcomer is here!”

“What a pure aura, there seem to be two beauties in it who have been blessed by the Lord God in advance!”

Yan Lingji looked at the shining divine light in the sky, her beautiful eyes were in a state of law perception, and various data kept emerging in the depths of her pupils.。

“You've made a lot of progress, you've learned the angel's reading techniques.。”

Chen Xian smiled and said。

Just as the girls were laughing and communicating, four beautiful and unparalleled figures walked out of the teleportation beam. As soon as they appeared, they attracted exclamations from Xiang Ling, Ke Qing and others.。

“What a beautiful woman! Are all the women in other worlds so beautiful?”

“Look at her outfit and temperament, she is much prettier than our Genshin Impact world!”

“Oriental costume beauty! So elegant!”

Keqing looked at Princess Yushu and exclaimed。

“……Kingdom of God! We have truly arrived in the kingdom of gods!”

“Yu Shu has met the Lord God!”

“Lu Su has met the Lord God!”

“Lu Pheasant, Xiaoyue! I have met the Lord God!”

Although she was shocked by the beautiful scenery of the Kingdom of God in front of her, Yu Shu was the princess of a country after all. She was the first to come back to her senses. Looking at the tall and handsome Chen Xian, she prostrated drunkenly and said。

Lu Su also saw Chen Xian's true divine form when he chanted the incantation for the first time. He recognized the man in his mind and knelt down shyly.。

“Tsk tsk, look at this little beauty who is as pure as a clear spring. Does the Lord God still have the intention to let me and my sister accompany me later?”

Liang Bing leaned into Chen Xian's ear and smiled softly.。

“Of course, I’ll take care of you two later!”

Chen Xian laughed angrily.

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