“younger sister! There is no need to talk nonsense to such a lunatic!”

“Watch my brother catch him and punish you!”

Duan Yu snorted coldly.。

Anxious to show off his "Six Meridians Divine Sword", he jumped out directly and hit Song Cai's vitals with a Shaoyang Sword Qi from a distance of dozens of meters!

“Hehe, it doesn’t matter, you don’t believe the empty talk either.。”

Song Cai chuckled. He actually didn't move in the face of danger. He just mobilized his spiritual energy to form a light blue spiritual energy shield around his body.。

Now, thanks to the efforts of Yao Yue and others, the number of followers has soared to nearly one million!

So Song Cai also unlocked the believer's welfare "Shinto Book" uploaded by Chen Xian in the chat group! Even if Song Cai has just started learning now, the "Spiritual Qi Body Protection" in the first volume of the Book of Heaven is only at the initial level, far from being comparable to Ouyang Ke, Bai Yue and others, but it is also in the category of cultivators, and beyond the understanding of this plane !


Duan Yu screamed! The Six Meridian Divine Sword Shaoyang Sword Qi was directly bounced back by Song Cai's spiritual energy shield, and returned to Duan Yu's arm with a whooshing sound!

“Yu'er! ! !”

“Brother Duan Yu, are you okay?”

Duan Zhengchun and Wang Yuyan exclaimed。

“Why! He didn't take any action at all!”

Duan Yu ignored everyone's concerns and looked at Song Cai in disbelief! The opponent didn't even move the scabbard, okay? His Six Meridians Divine Sword was bounced back like this?

“What a good boy, no wonder he was able to kill Murong Fu, he really had some skills!”

“Stop hiding him. Whoever catches or kills him will receive a reward of ten thousand taels!”

Duan Zhengchun felt frightened when he saw Song Cai being so strange and unpredictable, and directly shouted to the officers and soldiers around him:。

“Bounty of ten thousand taels!”


“You have to kill him even if you risk your life!”

The soldiers of the palace became irritable and said, in this troubled world where heroes are fighting for hegemony, it is good to have enough food. Ten thousand taels of gold will really make everyone jealous!

“Take your life? Prince Duan, what you are doing is unethical.。”

“I am an immortal and a messenger of the gods. I did not kill Wang Yuyan because of her face. Do you really think that I am merciful?”

Song Cai narrowed his eyes and shouted, actually stepping on the spiritual energy vortex, standing in mid-air under the horrified eyes of everyone!

At the same time, Song Chai, who was determined to establish his authority, activated his thunder method, and several thunder clouds were attracted by it, causing the Mantuo Villa to thunder loudly and with terrifying momentum!

Not only Wang Yuyan was dumbfounded by such an immortal method, but Duan Zhengchun and Duan Yu, who was covering his arms and shouting, stared blankly at Song Cai standing in the air!

Thousands of other officers and soldiers were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders exploded, and many of them knelt on the ground with a roar!

“Immortal...he is an immortal!”

“We actually want to use a knife on the immortal! Please forgive me! Please forgive me!”

“I have an old man and a young man in my family. I ask the immortal not to send down thunderous punishment!”

Facing a being who could stand in the sky, how could anyone dare to take action? They kowtowed and begged for mercy.。

Even the well-informed Duan Zhengchun panicked!

He didn't even dare to provoke Yihua Palace. How could he have a list of people looking for the legendary immortal? ? ?

“Duan Zhengchun is ignorant and does not recognize the immortals. Please ask the immortals to calm down!”

Duan Zhengchun turned pale, struggled for a moment and then knelt down.。

Only Wang Yuyan didn't know what she was thinking, she just looked at Song Cai in the sky with surprise and confusion in her eyes!

She didn't understand, if Song Chai was really an immortal, why would he go to fight with Murong Fu? He even lowered his status and said that it was to save his face that he did not go on a killing spree. When will he have the face to be valued by the immortals?……

“Could it be... could he really come to ask for a hand in marriage from the god behind him? There is a god who wants to marry me?”

Wang Yuyan thought of that possibility, and Qingcheng's pretty face couldn't hide the slightest hint of blush.。

“Since you are an immortal, why would you kill my cousin?”

“If you really care about my thoughts, please explain this matter, otherwise I cannot forgive you!”

Wang Yuyan looked at Song Cai and said in a clear voice。

“She is worthy of being the daughter of destiny. Even if she sees my strength, she can still hold her own.。”

“It’s okay to tell you that Murong Fu’s real name is actually Gusu Murong, and he is a descendant of the Yan Kingdom on the border! He is bent on seeking restoration, wants to go to Yihua Palace to propose marriage, and use the power of Yihua Palace to start a war!”

“Not to mention that Palace Master Yao Yue and Palace Master Lian Xing are just like you, they are the daughters of destiny and cannot be tolerated by ordinary men! Furthermore, for his own selfish interests, he completely disregarded the lives of the people in the world and intended to launch a restoration war. How could such a narrow-minded person not be killed?”

“The red silk betrothal gifts and rare treasures from all over the world that I brought today were actually prepared by Murong Fu in order to win the favor of Palace Master Yaoyue.。”

Songchai explained seriously。

“ah? Murong Fu actually has such an origin?”

“No wonder he was so keen on making friends with martial arts people. It turned out that he had the idea of restoration!”

Duan Zhengchun exclaimed。

“He actually went to Yihua Palace to propose marriage, so shameless!”

“Sister, you are not worth avenging this kind of person! By the way, the immortal said that you are the daughter of destiny. Is it possible for my sister to become an immortal like him?”

Duan Yu exclaimed。

“yes! Yu Yan! If you could become an immortal, our small country would be saved!”

“No other big country will dare to challenge us in the future!”

Duan Zhengchun also thought about the key, and suddenly his heart beat faster and he said excitedly.。

“How could I be the daughter of destiny? How to prove what you said?”

Wang Yuyan still looked at Song Guai with some caution.。

“Simple! You can recite this mantra, and if it is destiny, you can get a glimpse of the divine Dharma or the location of the divine kingdom just like the Lord of the Moon Palace!”

Song Chai went with the flow and said bluntly:。

“Since you have such ability, what you say should be true, I am willing to give it a try!”

Wang Yuyan hesitated for a moment and made up her mind.。

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings……”



Just when Song Chai once again found Yu Yan, the Queen of Destiny, to join the Lucky God Sect。

《Mythology plane。

Yi Xiaochuan, who finally built the Gate of God's Kingdom, breathed a sigh of relief!


“When these fairy sisters become gods, they will definitely come back here and send me to the future.。”

Yi Xiaochuan looked at Princess Yushu, Lu Su, Lu Fei sisters and the palace maid Xiaoyue, and said sincerely。

“It's easy to say. You've worked hard on your missionary work.。”

“I will ask for your merit in front of the Lord God!”

Yu Shu and Lu Zhi chuckled and nodded.。

“Let's go, I don't know when I can come back yet, so I promised Yi Xiaochuan in such a hurry。”

Lu Sudao, after finishing speaking, the graceful figure stepped into the divine door!

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