“Ahhhhh! What a beautiful sister, with wings! Are you the owner here?”

Xiang Ling said in a trembling voice。

“Don't talk nonsense, this must be the godly Lord of the Lord, the Lord has made it clear just now!”

“Zhu Xiuning, the great wizard of Wumeng Linggu, has met the godly master!”

Xiuning bowed and knelt down and said。

As the great witch Zhu of Wumeng Linggu, she has the inheritance of the great goddess Nuwa. Even as a girl, she was still wise and wise, and a girl is prudent!

This is also the reason why Baili Tusu traveled to the past and found it so difficult to come to the Kingdom of God. Unless he really saw the power of the true God and knew that after coming to the Kingdom of God, he could meet a greater being than Nuwa, otherwise he would not be able to Ning's arrogance makes it difficult to be someone else's woman.。

“The ghost girl Feng Qingxue has met the godly master!”

“Fang Ruqin from Linchuan has met a godly man!”

“The little fox demon Xiang Ling has met the godly master!”

“Fu Rui, the daughter of the headmaster of Tianyong City, has met the godly master!”

Seeing Xiuning kneeling down so carefully, Feng Qingxue, Fu Rui and others also hurriedly followed suit.。

Especially Xiang Ling and Fang Ruqin. Like Xiuning, they were found by Baili Tusu from the past time and space, but their minds are far beyond Xiuning's. They were already intimidated by Hexi's noble temperament and divine majesty. The words came out!

“Sisters, please wake up. I am Hexi, the heaven-based king of the super-god universe, a true god-level god in the Kingdom of God! The Lord God is out today. You and I are both gods and there is no need to kneel down.。”

“You are lucky to be in the Kingdom of God today. The situation there may seem scary but there is no danger of life. I will protect you and experience the battle between the gods up close. It will be of great benefit to your subsequent promotions.。”

Hexi used his spiritual thoughts to lift the five people up, manifested the boundless Dharma, protected the five people in the palm of his hand, and went to the trial square.。

“yes! Lord Hexi!”

“Thank you so much!”

Xiuning and others bowed and said。

But then after seeing the battle scene between those extremely beautiful women and the monster king in the trial field, I was completely stunned!

On the infinitely vast trial plain, there is a beautiful angel wielding a sword to penetrate the true god and demon king, and the light of the sword shines in the sky! There is a nine-day fairy who uses the supreme magic to regenerate the world with lotus flowers, holding the stars in his hands! A battle of that level was so bright and dazzling that even He Xi was speechless!

“This method... I'm afraid it's even more difficult than Nuwa's!”

“Can we also become such a being?”

Xiuning and Feng Qingxue's hearts surged when they saw it, and they were shocked beyond words.。

Xiang Ling, Fu Ruo, and Fang Ruqin were completely confused, watching as if they had lost their souls as the women in front of them evolved the world and led the dance of thousands of laws!


“Everyone is making great progress! Such a level of war between gods is probably rare even in the Kamigawa Star Region.。”

“Just watch it here, my law clone will stay here to protect you!”

He Xi's eyes grew hot when he saw it, and his figure split into two parts. The clone guarded Xiuning, Feng Qingxue and others, while the real body spread its wings and soared into the sky, bringing a terrifying time and space storm to the battlefield!

Such a sassy figure, like the God of War coming to the world, attracted Zhou Zhiruo and others to look at him sideways!

“Sisters, the newcomers are watching us! Let’s go all out and let the blood boil!”

He Xi smiled and said, the divine sword pointed in the sky, shining brightly!



In the space of the Kingdom of God, a divine trial evolved into a truly god-level masterpiece!

And where Chen Xian appeared, a fight that shook Kamigawa was about to break out!

“Is this the entrance to the Tiandao battlefield?”

“I've been in your little world, why don't you just take me in?。”

Looking at the abyss-like dark barrier in front of him, Chen Xian walked up to Tian Sheng Linglong and smiled.。

There are many Tiandao teams from other universes and galaxies around, all waiting to enter. They are all at a very high level, at least at the mid-level god level!

“Because the fluctuation of your divine source is too strong! Even with the Tiandao jade token, my small world of Linglong Pavilion cannot take you through the Tiandao barrier.。”

Tiansheng Linglong pinched her waist and pouted.。

“oh? Where is it too strong? Tell me。”

After not seeing Tiansheng Linglong for several days, Chen Xian suddenly said teasingly。

“You bad guy, don't say that kind of thing here.……”

As if recalling the scene of Chen Xian cleaning himself up, Tiansheng Linglong's originally noble face showed a look of shame and anger, biting her lips and whispered。


Seeing the little princess of Shengtian Longting, who was famous for being unruly, cold and arrogant, showing such a daughterly attitude to a lower god, immediately attracted dozens of sharp eyes to Chen Xian!

“Who is this guy? How dare a low-level god dare to molest the little princess of Shengtian Longting in public?”

“Couldn't he be the pretty boy raised by Tiansheng Linglong?”

“How can this be! Sheng Linglong was a Taoist child that day, and she amazed the world as soon as she was born. Now she is even known as the most beautiful woman in the Divine River Star Region! How could he fall in love with an ordinary-looking low-level god boy!”

“Some time ago, the Linglong Princess even rejected Prince Luo Xing, who was about to become the supreme god in the Destruction Domain. Naturally, it was impossible for her to fall in love with that guy. He probably just wanted to climb high and eat swan meat.。”

Several high-ranking gods in the distance looked at Chen Xian and sneered.。

They are not within the sphere of influence of the Holy Heavenly Dragon Court, but they are frequent visitors to the Heavenly Way battlefield. Naturally, they know a beauty like Heavenly Saint Linglong well.。

“oh? They don't even know me. Thousands of great gods were killed in vain a few days ago.。”

Hearing that he was being maliciously speculated again, Chen Xianle said。

Of course, this is not a malicious speculation, because Tiansheng Linglong, the most beautiful piece of swan meat in the Kamigawa Star Region, Chen �� has already eaten twice, and in a way that no one can even imagine.……

“Did you kill it in vain? The ultimate divine throne has been forged. I was very cautious when I saw the aura of your throne.。”

“These people are not under the rule of our Holy Heavenly Dragon Court. They are separated by the barrier of heaven. Of course, they don’t know about your unfaithful actions. Otherwise, they would have come here to hug you by now.。”

“Now everyone is waiting for the entrance to officially open. The waiting period is also a time to test the strength of each space team. You can hide it from me later. You are my trump card, you know? If you expose your strength in advance, you will lose a lot of money.。”

Tiansheng Linglong’s voice transmission explained。

“exquisite! Are you talking to that little guy on purpose to annoy me?”

Seeing that Tiansheng Linglong was still communicating with Chen Xian, a burly man wearing dragon-carved divine armor from behind the crowd came out of the air with a stern look on his face.

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