“Oh my God! It really can turn into the sun! ! ! I thought Sister Na was just bragging!”

“This guy advertises himself everywhere as a god, but it turns out he can really be so powerful!”

Everyone in the Douluo team at the edge of the battlefield was stunned as they watched Reina transform into the blazing sun and knock down a Level 4 True God Demon King from the air!

Especially Xiao Wu, looking at Reina with a look of admiration!

“Wake up, Xiao Wu! I still expect you to pull monsters. The 9-star fairy treasure 'Dragon Song Conch' given to you by the Lord God is just waiting for you to use it at this time!”

Bai Xiuxiu shook Xiao Wu's arm and said。

“ah? oh oh! sorry! I almost forgot……”

“Attack! Dragon chanting conch!”

Xiao Wu blushed and said。

A dragon roar sounded from Xiao Wu's magical conch, and the divine dragon's shadow roared out, coiling three false-god-level monsters and ferocious wolves in a wind field!

“Well done! Let’s start at this level!”

“Qian Renxue, don’t let your guard down!”

Gu Yuena smiled and said, the 1-star artifact "True Dragon Divine Sword", with a sword with thousands of feet of golden light, pierced the throat of one of the false gods and demon wolves!

“Don't rush me! You and Xiao Wu both have separate rewards from the Lord God, but I don’t.。”

Qian Renxue angrily switched to her martial spirit form and fought with a false god and demon wolf!

“Who told you not to save face and be more proactive? There are so many beauties in our Kingdom of God. If you don’t fight, you will only be photographed on the beach by the newlyweds and beauties. It’s a pity that you have such a good skin.。”

Gu Yuena danced her divine sword wildly and spoke with high spirits。

“After you were favored by the Lord God, you became younger and more beautiful.。”

“Is that kind of thing really so magical and interesting?……”

Qian Renxue smiled bitterly.。

It's obvious that she's a little moved. It's not that she doesn't like the Lord God, it's just that she can't stand it.。

Especially once you get close to the God King's Palace, the first thing you have to face are those God maids! All of them are big talkers and good gossips, and they can even turn them into paintings and write books... It makes me feel sick to my stomach!

“Yes, I have!”

“That is to say, the Lord God has been busy recently, otherwise I would not lose to Yan Lingji and the others.。”

Gu Yuena blushed and said。

“The master is mighty! But you can’t drag Xiu Xiu along with you in the future!”

Bai Xiuxiu pouted。

The water magic weapon turned into a big shark with the same destiny, and swallowed up the false god and demon wolf in one bite!

“No! Is your Water Shark Divine Sword so useful?”

Xiao Wu exclaimed。

“Of course, the Lord God taught me how to cultivate weapons! Totally true love!”

Bai Xiuxiu said shyly。

Qian Renxue……


“Sky-breaking sword energy!”

The eldest lady of the vitality fighting team, Shi Jindao, interrupted Qian Renxue's thoughts with a sky-shattering strike. She shouted and started fighting with all her heart!

“After all, it’s fun to fight monsters!”

“It's worth it to stalk the Lord God, drink and chat with him... it's worth it!”

Shi Jindao laughed heartily, gathered his energy and slashed with the sword again, sweeping away all the false god's elementary monsters within ten miles!

“Miss Shi Jindao! Go find me a big man! Of course it will be great if you keep finishing off the ready-made ones!”

Ah Qi said angrily。

I finally relied on my physical skills to seriously injure a 7th-grade false god monster, and then was harvested and hit by Shi Jin Dao. Although this made the team more efficient, I couldn't use my skills to improve myself.。

Moreover, Ah Qi was quite critical of Shi Jindao taking the initiative to find the Lord God. The two of them had made an appointment to have some integrity. Even if they wanted to be together, the Lord God had to take the initiative.。

In the end, Shi Jindao couldn't resist the temptation of the Lord God.……

“Ha ha! Ah Qi, I’m not talking about you. Once you experience the feeling of flying, you won’t be so insistent.。”

“Look at Song Yan, she is the daughter of destiny. The Lord God has taken the initiative to go to Song Yan’s place twice.。”

Shi Jindao smiled evilly.。

“Sister Jindao, don’t make fun of others, I have worked hard to cultivate and contribute.。”

Song Yan said shyly。

“Song Yan is gentle and obedient, of course the Lord God will like her。”

Ah Qi looked at the several top-grade immortal treasures on Song Yan and sighed softly.。

“Sister Ah Qi, Gao Yao is also very gentle and obedient!”

Gao Yao waved and said。

Then, when he was distracted, the god-level demon king whipped him away with his tail!

Ah Qi and others are speechless!


“Judging from everyone's progress, my team is still ahead.。”

Medusa looked at the various expressions of the crowd, and calmly took action to suppress the emerging King of Warcraft!

“That's because Sister Medusa has the highest level, and we all benefited from it.。”

Yun Yun's true divine dharma appears from the void。

“I'm only 2 levels higher than you. Yun Yun, you've cultivated so fast and you're worried about the Lord God. You're really the dark horse of my group.。”

Medusa smiled。

“How can there be...Sister Yan Lingji is the treasure in the Lord's palm, I wish I could take it with me everywhere。”

Yun Yun waved her hands。

“Master, please don't be humble, don't forget that the Lord God has just upgraded the 'Fire Rain Divine Sword' for you!”

Nalan Yanran snickered.。

“There is such a thing, no wonder Sister Yun Yun is so powerful! The 3-star artifact 'Fire Rain Divine Sword' is as powerful as Team Leader Medusa's Ring of Rain and Rain!”

Gu Xun'er praised。

“Speaking of the generation efficiency of natal magic weapons, Sister Medusa's 'Ring of Rain and Rain' is the best one.”

“Your team really has a lot of resources and a high level of talent. It’s hard to lose even if you want to.。”

Kesha looked at Gu Xun'er's 2-star divine sword and said speechlessly。

“Even sister Xun'er has a 2-star artifact? Keisha, when will you give me the Demon Hunting Sword from the Angel Weapon Section?”

Liang Bing appeared in front of Queen Kesha with a gust of black wind and said。

“Get out of here!”

“Are you going to throw away the Dark Magic Sword you just replaced as a fire stick?”

Kesha said with a dark face。

Liang Bing pouted and angrily entered the battle circle again.。

Yan, Zhi Xin and others snickered。

Boom! Boom!

Just when the blood flowed from the sky and the dark ground in the trial square, five figures descended from the platform of the formation formation!

“Oh my God! What's going on? One side is as beautiful as a painting, but there are three black holes on the other side!”

“This sound! This aura...is it a monster? ? ?”

“Didn't Baili Tusu say that the Kingdom of God is infinitely beautiful? How could it be so terrifying!”

“I feel like I was deceived by Baili Tusu!”

Feng Qingxue and Fu Rui, who came out of the teleportation light array, held their faces and exclaimed。

“Don’t be afraid, this is a trial of monsters prepared by the Lord God for us who belong to God. No one will really die.。”

He Xi explained helplessly。

This is probably the first time in history that a new girl has been welcomed in such a terrifying environment...

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