“Chen Zhuofeng, you, a level 6 true god, actually have an idea for me, Su Xue! Just wait, I'll cut you into pieces when I break this ghost formation!”

Su Xue held the "Falling Snow Divine Sword" and continuously exploded the laws of divine power, resisting the roaring dark wind blades in the formation, and supporting a beautiful ice and snow space!

Behind Su Xue were squad leader Zhao Ye, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and Concubine Meng, who was barely able to provide help with the help of the 9-star fairy treasure.。

But looking at Concubine Meng's pale and weak look, it was obvious that she could not hold on for long. If Su Xue had not received the notice in time, Concubine Meng would have been in a very bad situation right now!

“Hey hey hey, so what if I just have an idea for you? When you are tired and exhausted, I will take you to my father's tomb and train you personally. I will definitely make you immortal!”

Looking at Su Xue's exquisite face and lithe figure, Chen Zhuofeng grinned and said。

His father, Chen Jianchao, was killed by Chen Xian and his body was completely gone. Not even the throne of God was left behind! How could Chen Zhuofeng not be crazy? This time, they teamed up with the masters from the Blood Moon Sect and Shengtian Temple to start fishing, using students from Class 9 as bait!

I just didn’t expect that the first one to take the bait would be a mermaid like Su Xue!

“The Ice and Snow Goddess teacher of Shendu Academy is indeed beautiful, and this second-grade artifact, the 'Falling Snow Divine Sword', is well-deserved!”

“Is this Luoxue Divine Sword the gift that Chen Xian gave you? You really are willing to spend money to pick up girls!”

“Grade 2 artifact! Hahaha, no wonder I can persist for so long under the "Black Wind Array" of my Blood Moon God Sect! Chen Zhuofeng, we have agreed in advance that the artifact belongs to us, and Su Xue’s lower god’s throne also belongs to us!”

“This great beauty is at your disposal, we only need the 'Luoxue Divine Sword' and Su Xue's divine throne!”

The four guardians of the Blood Moon God Sect spoke forcefully.。

“That's nature, nature……”

Chen Zhuofeng forced a smile and agreed.。

There is no way, I am just a level 6 true god without a god, and I have no qualifications to bargain with the Blood Moon Cult!

In fact, if there are two senior brothers from Shengtian Temple behind him who are willing to help support, otherwise this cooperation will be difficult.。

“Chen Zhuofeng, since the Blood Moon Divine Sect wants to take Su Xue’s throne, then her life cannot be spared!”

“That's right, these three teachers and students must die here today. If you want to play, just do it here. If they are brought back to the city, once they are discovered by the masters of Shendu Academy, it will be a fight to the death between the two sides.。”

The two brothers Chu Wenshang and Chu Tianxiong, the supreme students at the lower god level of Shengtian Temple, said in a cold voice.。

They only took action to target Chen Xian, who is known as the greatest genius in the universe! Not interested in anything else at all!

As for the artifacts, what they want is Chen Xian’s two third-grade artifacts. Su Xue’s second-grade Luoxue Divine Sword is also available to the Blood Moon Sect.。

“yes! Just follow what the two senior brothers want!”

Chen Zhuofeng smiled dryly and nodded!

In this way, my trip was just to enjoy the two beauties in front of me. That day, he went to find Chen Xian and was beaten by thousands of people. Among them was the little bitch Meng Zifei. This time, he will be settled together!

“Teacher Su Xue! Will we get help?”

“Me, I'm a little scared!”

Looking at the increasingly smaller world of ice and snow around her, Concubine Meng gritted her teeth and said with a pale face. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she fell into the hands of that madman Chen Zhuofeng.……

“Don't worry, I have crushed the communication talisman, the old principal and An Yongsheng will come to us!”

Su Xue tried her best to comfort her while struggling to support the ice and snow world.。

If she hadn't owned the "Luoxue Divine Sword" given to her by Chen Xian, she, Concubine Meng, and Zhao Ye would have encountered mishaps long ago!

“Ha ha ha ha! Teachers from low-end colleges are so naive. Under the black wind formation of our Blood Moon God Sect, do you think your talisman information can be sent out?”

Black Yama, one of the four guardians of the Blood Moon God Sect, had a ray of blue light floating on his finger. It was the help spell that Su Xue secretly activated!

“What! you——”

Seeing this scene, Su Xue looked panicked!

She didn't expect that the Blood Moon God Sect's formation suppression was so powerful that it couldn't even send out a distress signal from the wind system? ? ?

“Concubine, if something unexpected happens later... you and I will explode our godhood!”

“I, we can't embarrass Chen Xian!”

Su Xue's voice trembled and she whispered:。

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Meng glanced at Amelia Su in astonishment and nodded with choked sobs!

“If you are still struggling, hand over your artifact first!”

Hei Yanluo, the guardian leader of the Blood Moon God Cult, took a step forward, and the terrifying one-star artifact "Black Wind Divine Spear" went straight towards Su Xue!

“It’s over!”

Su Xue closed her eyes in despair!

However, she was just about to despair and self-destruct, but after feeling the sudden presence of breath around her, she burst into tears and was ecstatic!

“What a big battle, 4 ninth-level lower gods, and 2 peak-level lower gods?”

“You Blood Moon God Sect and Shengtian Shrine are really putting your effort into dealing with me.。”

Chen Xian appeared in front of the formation with Song Yu and Zhou Shen. He held the one-star artifact "Black Wind Divine Spear" thrown by Black Yama and smiled.。

As soon as he came out of seclusion, someone came to deliver an artifact and a divine throne. This made Chen Xian's originally irritable mood inexplicably much better!

“Chen Xian! ! !”

“it's him! Two senior brothers, he is the ultimate true god Chen Xian!”

Chen Zhuofeng's eyes turned red and he said。

“As expected, you are so powerful that you, who don’t even have the status of a god, actually picked up a 9th-level lower god’s weapon from me with your bare hands!”

Black Yama's face changed in shock and he said。

“This boy's body is really abnormal!”

“The rumors are true!”

The two brothers, the Protector of the Blood Moon Cult and Chu Wenshang, said with solemn eyes.。

You must know that even masters with divine status like them would not dare to take Black Yama's "Black Wind Divine Spear" with their bare hands! With Chen Xian's physical strength alone, his reputation as Extreme is well-deserved! ! !

“Teacher Su Xue!”

“Concubine Meng, are you okay?”

Zhou Shen and Song Yu saw the crumbling Su Xue and Meng Zifei, and they exclaimed and said:。

“I'm okay!”

With tears in her eyes, Concubine Meng said, "There is nothing more joyful than surviving a desperate situation."。

“I'm lucky, I came in time, right?。”

Chen Xian turned around and looked at Amelia Su gently and said。

“Damn it, you know what would happen if you were a step too late!”

Su Xue looked at Chen Xian and cursed shyly. She felt at ease with this man who already owned her completely.。

“How dare you flirt in front of us!”

“Give me back the magic gun!”

Seeing that Chen Xian did not take him seriously, the Black Yama Protector of the Blood Moon God Sect was furious and unleashed his spiritual thoughts to fight for the one-star artifact "Black Wind Divine Spear" that Chen Xian held in his hand.”!

“If you're so anxious to take it back, I'll give it to you。”

Chen Xian narrowed his eyes and said。


The finger strength beyond the limit ejected the "Black Wind Divine Spear" back at such a speed that it shattered the surrounding space and time. Under the horrified eyes of Chen Zhuofeng and other gods, it penetrated the heart of Black Yama!

Black Yama looked at his chest with a blank expression. There was only a black hole and nothing else!

Dominate the Divine River Star Territory for thousands of years! Black Yama, the 9th-level lower god, fell without even being able to move the Kingdom of God and the throne of God in his palm!



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