“God! So many people came at once! The level of cultivation in their world is very high!”

Boya Hancock exclaimed。

“Seven beauties, looking at their elegant clothes, I am afraid they are all masters of spiritual practice!”

“That's right, they are in great shape, refreshed and energetic, and they are all cultivators.。”

“It’s exciting now!”

“Their names are so interesting. The world culture is very similar to that of Inoue Orihime!”

Shui Yunji, Nalan Yanran and others had bright eyes and exchanged words with laughter.。

“It's a pity that they arrived a day late and couldn't taste the seafood dishes prepared by Huang Rong and Nicole Robin. It's really a pity.。”

Hua Mulan smiled and said。

“Sister Mulan, you doubled the amount last night. You didn’t eat much, right?。”

Yun Yun Le Dao。

“And he also tricked two teammates, and they haven’t even gotten up yet.……”

Gao Yao covered her mouth and snickered.。

“Ahhhhh! Don't sleep and drink anymore. You have never seen this kind of thing before! Lord God didn’t blame me, why are you still holding on to me?。”

Hua Mulan covered her face, too embarrassed to look into Chen Xian's eyes。

Although she was drunk, she was still drunk. She remembered what happened last night clearly, and those embarrassing words she said in Chen Xian's arms were still lingering in her ears.。

“Okay, stop making trouble and let the newcomers see the joke.。”

“The seven of you, Tsunade and Terumi Mei, come from the same world, which can be considered as adding excitement to my kingdom of God. Get along well with Medusa and the others, and they will teach you how to do everything.。”

Chen Xian smiled and used his spiritual thoughts to lift the seven women up. When Hinata Hinata and others' hearts were about to explode with shame, they disappeared.。

Now that Chen Xian has ascended to the level 8 Ultimate True God and has the invincible power to freely enter and exit the Divine River Star Territory, it’s time to go out and do what he has always wanted to do.。

“Congratulations to the Lord God!”

Dongfang Huaizhu and others knew that Chen Xian was leaving the country today, so they all bowed and said goodbye respectfully.。

Tushan Yaya, who had been favored by Chen Xian several times and whose realm had soared, also had a rare red face and watched Chen Xian leave the Kingdom of God with some reluctance.。

“Congratulations to the Lord God!”

Terumi Meiqi and others also saluted in a panic, but they were not used to Dongfang Huaizhu's sharp daughter-like bowing method!

“I am Medusa. Let me take you to settle down in the palace first. There are many gods in the Kingdom of God now, so I won’t introduce them to you one by one. As time goes by, you will naturally know everything。”

Queen Medusa smiled and glanced at Senju Tsunade, Terumi Mei and others, then dragged the seven people into her palm and flew into the air.。

“Wow! It is the divine form of Queen Medusa!”

“I’m so envious. I heard Sister Huaizhu say that it requires level 5 divine power to be displayed in the Lord’s kingdom!”

Lina, Princess Honglian and others said with envy。

Being held in the palm of Queen Medusa's hands, Tsunade and others were even more confused! ! !

“God! Are you actually a god? I thought the Lord God was the only true God here!”

Seeing the white clouds surrounding him and the cranes approaching him, Tsunade Senju said in a trembling voice。

“Lady Medusa! Can we... also have a chance to become gods here like you?”

Terumi Mei swallowed her saliva and said nervously.。

Haruno Sakura, Tenten, Uzuki Xiyan and others looked pale, for fear of falling from the sky!

Especially when he saw the giant beasts like mountains below, Tiantian was so frightened that he hid his head in the arms of Tsunade Senju, trembling all the time.。

“Haha, don't be afraid, I won't let you fall down。”

“As long as you practice well and serve the Lord God faithfully, you will soon have supernatural powers like mine. Moreover, there is also the opportunity to visit the netherworld.。”

“As long as you become a god and serve sincerely, my Lord Chen Xian will not restrict everyone's freedom, and you can go to all heavens and worlds.。”

Queen Medusa harnesses the divine dharma and walks the path with a smile。

“You can also go home at will! Oh my gosh, this is great!”

Tiantian was frightened. When he heard this, his eyes suddenly shone and he became bolder!

If she could become a god and appear in front of her parents, she would be so excited just thinking about it! ! !

“Thank you, Lady Medusa, for the tip!”

“We will work hard!”

Terumi Mei smiled tenderly, especially when she thought of the majestic and heroic appearance of the God Lord Chen Xian just now, Terumi Mei felt a burst of joy in her heart.。

Where can I find such a man in all the worlds?……


Just when Tsunade and others were surprised and panicked by the majestic shrine of the Kingdom of God and the surrounding giant beasts that covered the sky, Chen Xian, who had been in seclusion for a few days, appeared again in the comprehensive activity area of Class 9 of Shendu College.。

“Chen Xian! ! !”

“Our ace is out!”

“Ahhhh! Chen Xian, are you out of seclusion? We were almost bullied to death.。”

When Zhou Shen, Song Yu and others saw Chen Xian, they came over in a swarm of surprise or grievance!

“What's going on here? I haven’t seen you in just a few days, have you exhausted all your resources?”

“But my cultivation is progressing well.。”

Looking at Song Yu and Zhou Shen who had reached the third level of True God, Chen Xian chuckled leisurely and said。

“No, it’s not! The dungeon points you helped us earn are enough to last until the end of this semester.。”

“I feel aggrieved because that bastard Chen Zhuofeng recently hired many masters from Shengtian Seminary to block us outside the school. Although no one was killed, many students were beaten badly.。”

“Zhao Ye and Concubine Meng were at the highest level. They went to settle accounts with those people but there was no news. Seeing that you were not out of seclusion, Teacher Su Xue also went out to find someone, leaving only Zhou Shen and me here as liaison officers!”

Song Yu said anxiously。

“Chen Xian! In three days, there will be a college competition. There is a lot of chaos outside the campus. Many masters from other colleges are catching our students from Class 9, trying to get some details about you!”

“Don't go out yet, the other party shouldn't dare to kill anyone anyway! That Chen Zhuofeng was beaten up by thousands of us last time, and the most he could do was lose his temper.。”

Zhou Shen carefully analyzed。

“Haha, this temper is so good. How dare you ask me about my details? At least the other party should be a god-level expert.。”

“I just need that thing to reshape the ultimate throne!”

Chen Xian narrowed his eyes and said, closing his eyes for a moment, he teleported away with Zhou Shen and Song Yu.。

“Ha ha ha ha! Teacher Su Xue! Are you familiar with this place?”

“My father was killed by you and Chen Xian near the Evil God Inn. Today, you, the delicate goddess of ice and snow, should you take the initiative to do something to compensate me!”

In Huangshen Canyon, Chen Zhuofeng looked at Su Xue, a teacher of Shendu College who was trapped in the formation and struggling to support himself, with hot and sinister eyes.。

It is said that the most beautiful teacher in Shendu College is Chen Xian’s woman!

For Chen Zhuofeng, this is simply the most wonderful thing...

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