“This guy Yafei has tricked people to death.……”

In the afternoon, inside the God King's Palace。

Gu Xun'er covered her face and said。

At this point she finally understood something。

Why would a beautiful and powerful queen like Medusa happily choose beautiful concubines for Chen Xian? Why would the dignified and elegant Dongfang Huaizhu not be jealous at all because Yan Lingji was favored?。



“oh? Has the little princess of the ancient tribe finally thought about it?”

In the super holographic cinema next to the God King's Palace, Queen Medusa, who was choosing a movie for the girls, saw Gu Xun'er's state and said with a smile.。

“I’ve met Sister Medusa. Sister, please stop laughing at me. I’m really embarrassed to death.。”

Gu Xun'er's face was like a peach and plum, and she was ashamed to owe Medusa a favor.。

Regardless of the level of strength or the time and seniority of following the God Lord, Queen Medusa is the eldest sister who does her duty. It has become a natural thing for all the girls to pay tribute to Medusa.。

“Where are you making fun of me? I'm afraid you don't know the benefits.。”

“Our God Lord is the only ultimate true god in the universe. With the God Lord, any woman will become more and more beautiful.。”

“Don’t you see your skin and hair glowing?”

Queen Medusa narrowed her eyes and said。

“ah? I thought there was something wrong with my cultivation.。”

Gu Xun'er said in shock。

Several other beautiful women present widened their eyes!

“The Lord God is the only ultimate true god in the universe?”

“So handsome and awesome!”

“Let’s talk about why my Lord is so perfect...it turns out that he is walking on the legendary extreme road! According to the billion-year-old classics of the Divine River Star Region, no one has ever been able to set foot on this extreme realm!”

“If that's the case, doesn't the Lord God's concubine also have the ultimate aura? This is the benefit that Sister Medusa said!”

“Xun'er is so beautiful in this state! So feminine……”

Honglian, Song Yan and others were inexplicably surprised!

“It’s over, no wonder the master has become more and more beautiful recently! How can a woman resist this benefit?。”

Nalan Yanran lamented。

“Just talk about why Yan Lingji is so keen on pestering the Lord God, and there is such a secret in the middle。”

Zi Nu rubbed her forehead and said。

“This is... really not good news……”

“Do you want to tell Sister Yaya about this? She competes with Sister Honghong in everything. If she finds out, she will probably do something ridiculous.。”

Tushan Rongrong, who had just arrived at the door of the cinema, rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly.。

“Okay, let’s see what good movies are available today。”

“Yesterday was an ancient martial arts film by Red Fish Star. The plot was a bit boring.。”

Queen Medusa narrowed her eyes and said。



Just when the girls were distracted by the news of the explosion,。

Shendu Academy, Divine Arena!

“Chen Xian, you unpunctual bastard! You actually made me wait here for you for an hour!”

Xuanwu, a 3rd-year-old supreme student, pointed at Chen Xian and cursed with murderous intent.。

The supporters around Xuanwu were also very angry. The dignified Ultimate God actually broke the appointment and kept so many reporters and fans in Shentian City waiting. It was simply so willful and lawless.。

You must know that today is an arena gambling battle involving a 3-star artifact. Not only Shendu Academy, but also many geniuses from Shengtian Academy are here! Because there were so many people, the auditorium was directly changed to sell tickets to occupy seats!

“Oh, am I here? Xuanwu, you are so confident that you even invited so many audiences.。”

Chen Xian looked at the thousands of people in the audience and was speechless.。

I and Gu Xun'er were having a bit of fun, and these guys were already freaking out after arriving only an hour late.。

Do you think your 3-star artifact is so easy to deceive? Chen Xian estimated that in order to win this game, Xuanwu would definitely wait an extra year, let alone an extra hour.。

Xuanwu entered Taoism with a sword, and the Great Light Divine Sword was too tempting for Xuanwu.。

Zhao Ye, Meng Zifei and others in the audience saw Chen Xian looking over and waved excitedly! This is the battle between their class 9 geniuses and the supreme students, a battle at the lower god level!

Such a rare sight that has never been seen in thousands of years is worth waiting for a few hours!

Su Xue, a magic teacher not far away from Concubine Meng and others, saw her heart beat faster and her cheeks turned red when she saw Chen Xian appear! He didn't dare to meet Chen Xian's eyes at all! If a student discovered her relationship with Chen Xian, she would feel ashamed to stay in Shendu College.。

“Chen Xian! You are my boyfriend, Feng Lin Xuanya, you must not lose, you know?”

A clear and pleasant voice came from the southwest corner of the arena.。

Seeing the beautiful figures approaching, the whole place fell silent for a moment!


I don’t know whose sword fell to the ground!

“God, let me die! Feng Linxuanya actually confessed her love to Chen Xian in public! ! !”

“How could this be? Hasn’t the fight not started yet? Junior sister Hyuna, why don’t you decide who to choose after reading the results?”

“It’s over, it’s over! My motivation for thousands of years of hard work... is it over like this? Chen Xian, how could you pursue the goddess of my dreams so quietly!”

“Junior sister Hyuna doesn’t want it!”

“can not be like this! Yesterday I dreamed of your smile. Why are you with Chen Xian today?”

“You didn’t even agree to it as a supreme student before!”


The voices of sorrow and anger from young talents of all ages could be heard in the audience!

Several male supreme students near Xuanwu looked at Chen Xian with daggers in their eyes!

With Feng Lin Xuanya's beauty and talent, it is certain that she will have the chance to become a supreme master at the age of 3. Coupled with the Feng Lin family's rich heritage, if she can get Feng Lin Xuanya, she will definitely gain both human and financial resources!

Unexpectedly, Chen Xian not only took away the honor of being the number one genius in the Divine River Star Region, but also took away Feng Lin Xuanya! ! !

Concubine Meng and others opened their mouths!

Su Xue looked at Feng Linxuanya with complicated eyes, and then sighed quietly.。

She knew that with Chen Xian's incredible talent, there would be no shortage of women, but she didn't expect that she would come so quickly, and she was also the most beautiful woman in Shendu College, Feng Lin Xuanya……

“Got it, you think today’s news isn’t big enough?。”

Chen Xian looked at Feng Linxuanya and chuckled.。

He didn't expect that the last kiss he had with Feng Lin Xuanya would lead to such a result. If he became the ultimate true god, he would even have maximum love luck!

“Chen Xian! ! !”

“You even managed to catch Feng Linxuanya? Hey, is it because of the majesty of that great sword of light?”

“In this case, I will leave you with nothing!”

Xuanwu's eyes flashed with black light, and the terrifying aura of the lower god locked onto Chen Xian!


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