“Sister Lin Xuan, how did you feel the night before yesterday? Please tell me.。”

Divine Space, Peach Blossom Pavilion。

Gao Yao swung her ponytail and walked up to Lu Linxuan and whispered with a sweet smile.。

That morning, she bumped into Lu Linxuan when he came out of the God King's Palace. At that time, she teleported away in embarrassment! Now that Lu Linxuan is caught making peach blossom wine, how can we let this pretty girl of her age go?。

“ah! You're done, you even chased me to the Peach Blossom Pavilion to make fun of me. Do you want to follow me to the fighting stage?”

Lu Linxuan pushed Gao Yao away angrily and said。

“Hee hee, I don't dare to go to the fighting stage. I'm not a lunatic like Ah Qi and Sister Jin Dao! You don't know that yesterday they were so angry that they both went crazy. Everyone died at least 5 times, 5 times!”

“It hurts like hell just thinking about it! If it were me, I would definitely have nightmares at night!”

Recalling the life and death battle between Shi Jindao and Ah Qi yesterday, Gao Yao shivered and said。

“oh oh? So you are so afraid of death, so why are you here to mess with me? Let me tell you, I am a concubine now. Even if I can't defeat you, I can still use some holy beasts to help!”

Lu Linxuan seemed to have thought of the magic weapon to win. He looked at Gao Yao and smiled evilly.。

“Ahhhh? You are so shameless! It's a shame you can even think of such a way.……”

Gao Yao panicked and covered her face.。

“Sister Lin Xuan is so smart! Really, I never thought that our concubine could use her status to control the sacred beast! Great, if that fighting maniac Shi Jindao comes back for a fight in the future, I will scare her with a big holy beast!”

Nicole Robin clapped her hands excitedly。

Although she and Boya Hancock came earlier, she has always been obsessed with the historical documents of the Sutra Pavilion, and is fascinated by the culture of the major civilizations in the Divine River Star Region, resulting in a realm that is comparable to that of Shi Jindao。

After thinking about the realm, the level of the immortal treasures was almost the same, so Shi Jindao, who was extremely talented in fighting, naturally suppressed her every time they sparred! In addition, there is no safe zone in the kingdom of God. Sometimes it is difficult to refuse, which makes Nicole Robin very painful!

Yesterday, Nicole Robin was chased by Shi Jindao, but she escaped to the Seaview Shrine of the Pirate Empress Boya Hancock. With the support of the empress, she was able to avoid a battle!

Now that we have this method, we don’t have to ask for help every time.……

“Look, I am Lu Linxuan and I still have a good brain!”

Being praised by Nicole Robin, Lu Linxuan squeezed his waist and said proudly。

“Hee hee, is it just a matter of brains? Lin Xuan, your physical fitness is also very good. The Lord God is so burly... you can withstand it.。”

Gao Yao snickered.。

“Ahhhhh! You are shameless and impatient, I will beat you to death!”

Lu Linxuan's pretty face was on fire, the second-grade sword came out of his body, and he was fighting with Gao Yao!

“Hey hey! You have to go to the fighting stage. Queen Medusa said that sisters should not damage public facilities when they compete, otherwise they will not be allowed to watch movies for a month!”

Mitel Yafei, who was flying from a distance, kindly reminded me。

“oh! Thank you, sister Yafei, for reminding us. We were just joking, so we went back to fight for real.。”

Lu Linxuan and Gao Yao quickly stopped and waved their hands to explain.。

Nowadays, Queen Medusa controls the broadcasting rights in movie theaters. Who can survive a month without watching a movie?。

“Does Sister Yafei often go to the God King's Palace to watch movies recently? Is it really that interesting?”

A beautiful girl in a blue fairy dress, with a smile on her face, threw a knife beside Miter Yafei and said。

“Of course, Xun'er, you also know that I haven't had much talent in cultivation since I was a child. Instead, I have been fascinated by some weird things. The cinema only provides a venue and can sell tickets to make money. It is definitely a profitable business!”

“And those movies are really interesting. You can see some of the customs and customs of the Kamigawa Star Territory in them. It’s a pity that you didn’t go see them, Xun’er.。”

Mitel Yafei's bright eyes sparkled and said。

“Well... now that you say that, I'm a little bit interested.。”

“I haven't been out much recently because I've been busy practicing. I haven't even said hello to the Lord of God for three days. Fortunately, the Lord of God has new models like the sea. Otherwise, it would be Xun'er's big sin.。”

Gu Xun'er sighed softly。

“You! I still take family honor too seriously, which will actually affect my mood! Look at Yunyun Sect Master, not only has he become a concubine, but he is also favored, and his cultivation is also advancing rapidly.。”

““God, maybe the advancement of cultivation is really related to that kind of thing? After all, that is the Lord God……”

“Come on, come on, Xun'er, come with me to say hello to the Lord God.。”

Mitel Yafei winked at Gu Xun'er and said。

“what do you mean……”

Gu Xun'er was pulled up into the sky, but she was still a young and innocent girl. How could she keep up with Mitel Yafei, who had been in business for many years and had a lot of experience?。

Especially in the aspect of "dirty"……

“Mitel Yafei has met the Lord God! I'm bringing sister Xun'er to pay your respects.。”

Side hall of the God King's Palace。

Mitel Yafei looked at Chen Xian who was practicing calligraphy and bowed.。

“Xun'er has met the Lord God and wants to say hello to the Lord God!”

Gu Xun'er's face turned slightly red and she said in a panic.。

“It's almost noon. What are you saying? Ya Fei, haven't you been here this morning? Why are you running so hard to the God King's Palace today?”

Chen Xian put down his jade pen and helped Gu Xun'er and Mitel Yafei up with a smile on his face.。

“Hee hee, I've been here before, but Xun'er hasn't come out since he's been practicing hard for many days. Doesn't this mean he missed you? But he was so embarrassed that he was brought here by me.。”

“Lord God, have a good chat with Xun'er. The lunch break is worth a thousand dollars.。”

Mitel Yafei blinked, bowed and excused himself.。

“Sister Yafei, how could you do this?——”

Gu Xun'er covered her face and said。

“How did Ya Fei learn to be a matchmaker with Medusa?”

Chen Xian said with a smile。

I was with Su Xue last night, but before morning, the ice and snow goddess teacher kicked me out of the Ice Palace on the grounds that she was too embarrassed to see people and couldn't change clothes.。

Chen Xian, who was still unsatisfied, had no choice but to return to his own kingdom of time and space.。

Chen Xian couldn't calm down, so he thought of practicing calligraphy to calm down his restlessness, because there was a low-level god-level gambling battle to be fought in Shendu Academy in the afternoon.。

Now having an otherworldly little fairy like Gu Xun'er by your side is much more effective than practicing calligraphy.……

“Yafei said it right, a moment of lunch break is worth a thousand pieces of gold.。”

“I have to make up for you, Xun'er.。”

Chen Xian chuckled lightly, took the beautiful girl in front of him into his arms and said。


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