
The ultimate boss of the lower god level, the Demon Lord of the Abyss, had his head chopped off by Chen Xian, who was thousands of miles away, with the Great Light Divine Sword, and his angry thoughts roared to heaven and earth!

If it exists like this, either it is sealed in the copy by the Supreme God according to the laws of time and space, or it is a super overlord who swallows stars in one mouthful! It is impossible to die by just losing one's head. Under the urging of the terrifying divine power, another head will be born again! A body as huge as a mountain floated into the air, looking for the guy who cut it!

“He is worthy of being a demon at the level of a lower god. He can still resist under my Great Light Divine Sword?”

“Then some more swords!”

Chen Xian smiled and said, the huge sword of light struck again! Cut again! Cut again!

Three swords in a row completely annihilated the roaring Lord of the Abyss! The surrounding abyss guards who were at the peak level of true gods were killed for their stupidity! One by one, they were all lying on the ground facing Chen Xian!

Such a crushing situation actually appeared in the dungeon world of a lower god. Not only were the god-level monsters dumbfounded, but even Su Xue was dumbfounded!

One minute into the game, Chen Xian killed the ultimate boss, the Abyss Demon Lord, who was thousands of miles away at the entrance of the dungeon.……

You must know that the strength of the Abyss Demon Lord is still superior to her, Su Xue, okay? Doesn't this mean that if Chen Xian wanted to kill her, a fifth-level low-level god, it would be easier than crushing an ant? ? ?

“Are you really Chen Xian? How could you be Chen Xian?……”

Looking at the towering figure with endless rays of light in the sky, Su Xue murmured and lost her mind.。

Even if she gave her 10,000 imaginations, she could not connect the Chen Xian in front of her with the indifferent student from a few years ago! From appearance to temperament to strength, they are completely different!

What’s even more incredible is that this change did not happen suddenly, but evolved extremely quickly!

“There is no true god before the limit... Compared with you, what have we, the lower gods, become?……”

Su Xue's delicate face showed an unconcealable bitterness。

She was originally the most beautiful girl in heaven, but she could no longer find any sense of superiority in front of Chen Xian!

She finally understood the meaning of the old principal's words just now. Anyone who saw Chen Xian's growth rate of strength was not just unwilling to practice? It’s almost as if I’m thinking of committing suicide! ! !

“Teacher Su Xue, why are you standing there so stupidly? Leave those little monsters to you.。”

After the convergence method, Chen Xian appeared in front of Su Xue and smiled.。

“Don't... please don't call me teacher, I'm not even as good as a vase in front of you!”

Su Xue covered her face and said。

Chen Xian……

“How is that possible? I don’t have a vase as beautiful as yours.。”

Chen Xian frowned and thought, then said seriously。

“You bastard, you will die if you don’t bully others!”

Su Xue punched Chen Xian in shame and anger, and then vented her temper on those true god level dungeon monsters!


A beautiful frozen throne appears in the sky, and the laws of ice fill the world!

Everything is icy blue and the wind and snow are picturesque!

Those 8th and 9th level true god-level monsters exploded one after another in Su Xue’s poetic and picturesque kingdom of ice!

“What a nice view! No wonder so many people are pursuing it。”

Looking at the beautiful goddess on the ice and snow throne, Chen Xian's eyes flashed and he said。


Congratulations to "Chen Xian and Su Xue for clearing the instructor-level SS copy 'Chaotic Abyss' in 6 minutes and 13 seconds, breaking the previous record of 16 minutes and receiving ten times the points reward!"”

The melodious law announcement resounded throughout the dungeon hall, and Chen Xian and Su Xue also appeared and returned!

But there was only silence in the hall!

The teachers and students in the entire dungeon hall were all digesting the information they just heard in silence.……

“Did I hear it wrong? Chen Xian went to the SS-level teacher dungeon? And he also broke the dungeon record with Teacher Su Xue?”

“You may hear it wrong by yourself, but you won’t hear it wrong by a group of people. Just look at the frightened expressions on the faces of the people around you.……”

“Ahhhhh! Chen Xian went to get a dungeon of a god, and also set a record by clearing it? ? ? Please tell me this is not true, how the hell could this happen!”

“Damn it! Why did Teacher Su Xue suddenly become so fierce? Penetrate the SS-level lower god dungeon in 6 minutes?”

“And you still take Chen Xian with you? Even if Chen Xian had a 3-star artifact like the Great Light Divine Sword, this efficiency would be too exaggerated!”

“Chen Xian must be hugging his thigh and eating soft food! That was Su Xue, the ice and snow goddess in my dream, she was so kind to him!”


Countless crashes and shocking sounds came from every corner!

Li Mei, the task manager, looked at Chen Xian and Su Xue in front of her in confusion, unable to say a word!

She couldn't imagine how Su Xue, a fifth-level low-level god, could kill the Abyss Demon Lord in only 6 minutes! The last dungeon record was set by two lower level 9 gods working together to set a clearance record of 16 minutes! ! !

“Su Xue, you...have you become so powerful? Killed the Abyss Demon Lord in 6 minutes?”

Li Mei was shocked for a long time, but she couldn't help but look at Su Xue and exclaimed in admiration。

The supreme students and teachers around them who heard the news also looked at Su Xue with ghostly eyes! I seriously doubt that Su Xue possesses some heaven-defying artifact! ! !

“I... I'm just lucky. I found something that can restrain the Abyss Demon Lord.。”

Su Xue's face turned red, she gritted her teeth and said bravely。

This was a scene she had guessed before walking out of the dungeon. Such an incredible record could not be exposed! Otherwise, someone will soon guess that Chen Xian has the power to kill lower gods!


“I see!”

“Scared to death! I thought you two killed the Abyss Demon Lord with your strength!”

“Even so it’s super awesome! Chen Xian was indeed able to withstand the attack of the lower god, and he didn't die!”

“Who says otherwise? If you are killed in an SS-level copy, you will really die!”

The teachers around him smacked their tongues.。

Several third-year supreme students glanced at Chen Xian with disdain and disappeared.。

From their point of view, Chen Xian was just eating a soft meal and earning points along with Su Xue. He was still on a different level from real low-level seminarians like them, in heaven and earth!

“Chen Xian, you are so lucky to have a beauty like Su Xue willing to help you clear SS-level dungeons!”

“You're dancing like this, why don't you have time to fight with me?”

Xuanwu, the supreme student of Class 1, walked up to Chen Xian and smiled and said mockingly.。

He really, really wants Chen Xian's Great Light Divine Sword!

“Xuanwu, please stop it. There is only one month left for the school competition. If something goes wrong with you, it will be a loss for the school.。”

Su Xue subconsciously dissuaded her.。

Then as soon as the words came out, I realized that something was wrong!

“What did Amelia Su just say? He actually thought that Xuanwu was no match for Chen Xian!”

“Hey! They are indeed a couple who come together, with blind trust in their love!”

“So it seems that our ice and snow goddess was really taken down by one year? What a waste of beauty resources!”

“Look at Xuanwu's face, Chen Xian is dead!”

The surrounding teachers and supreme students snickered.。

“Chen Xian, Amelia Su thinks so highly of you, you won't let down the beauty, right?”

Xuanwu endured the anger in his heart and squinted at Chen Xiandao。

“No, no, as long as you have the capital, see you in the ring tomorrow。”

Chen Xian stared at the artifact cloak behind Xuanwu and smiled.。

The opponent's cloak is a 2-star artifact! Throwing it into the Kingdom of God will make the aura of the Kingdom of God skyrocket. The aura of the artifact has its own aura of laws, which is extremely beneficial to Tu Shan Yaya and other new comers in their spiritual cultivation!

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