“ha! Hahaha!”

“Chen Xian, Chen Xian, are you really so inflated? Do you really think that you can already compare with those supreme students? Even if you have the 3-star artifact Great Sword of Light, you don’t have a divine position to truly unleash its power!”

“If you want to compete with us on the teacher's copy, you are simply asking for humiliation!”

Pei Li laughed and said。

“I really want to know what kind of capital and ability you have. I dare you to bet that I am a 7th-level low-level god!”

Rong Feifei sneered.。

“That means he has an intention!”

“So good!”

“I use this Great Light Divine Sword as a bet, and the administrator, Ms. Li Mei, serves as a witness. I wonder if you two can come up with something of equal value?”

With a thought in his mind, Chen Xian summoned his strongest magic weapon into his hand and said。

“What! ! ! Chen Xian, you are crazy, that is a 3-star artifact! I won't allow you to mess around like this, put it away quickly!”

Su Xue's face changed in shock, and she punched Chen Xian angrily and said。

The administrator Li Mei was completely shocked!

After being an administrator for nearly a thousand years, this was the first time she saw a 3-star artifact. Who knew that it would be used as a bet by a first-year student? ? ?

Li Mei felt that her heart couldn't bear it anymore!

“you sure?”

Fire God Pei Li came back to his senses from the shock in his mind and said with excitement in his voice.。

Rong Feifei was laughing so hard!

“Yeah! Su Xue, you really have a way! Are you already on good terms with Chen Xian, and he would actually take out a 3-star artifact for you?”

“Such friendship, wouldn’t it be too immoral if we refused!”

“Although I, Rong Feifei, don’t have the artifact, I have a lot of 9-star immortal treasures and points. Plus Pei Li’s entire net worth, although it’s not as valuable as the 3-star artifact, it’s not much different!”

“You must know that we have been saving for thousands of years, and the points are also used to redeem artifacts! Chen Xian, are you willing to take a gamble?”

Rong Feifei's eyes sparkled with light.。

Over the years, Su Xue has given up on the teacher dungeon, but she and Pei Li have not given up. They have gained a lot of points!

Now if you can directly get Chen Xian's 3-star artifact, you will make a lot of money!

As for losing? Absolutely impossible!

As a seventh-level lower god, Rong Feifei can crush Su Xue to death with one hand! How could it be possible to lose?


“Very good, then ask two teachers, Li Mei, to register your bet details, so that you won’t regret it in tears later.。”

Chen Xian narrowed his eyes and smiled.。

Su Xue squeezed Chen Xian's sleeve tightly, breaking into cold sweat from nervousness!

If Chen Xian loses the 3-star artifact for this, the school competition will be greatly affected. The stakes are not small, and the friendship is as deep as an abyss.……

“Pei Li!”

Rong Feifei shouted。

“Understand, it doesn’t matter if I even press my own divine crystal in!”

Pei Li smiled ferociously.。

Under Li Mei's stunned gaze, Pei Li and Rong Feifei's bet list almost filled two pages! ! !

After all, what Chen Xian took out was a 3-star artifact, and its value was terrifying!

If Chen Xian had not been willing to count the points between the two of them, there would have been no possibility of a bet!

Pei Li and Rong Feifei are both gods who have been famous for thousands of years. This incident actually cost them all their net worth.……

Such a shocking bet immediately attracted the attention of surrounding teachers and supreme students from each class!

“crazy! All crazy!”

“Is that first-year Chen Xian? So young to be so crazy!”

“Haha, I am so overwhelmed by the glory! He has been crowned the number one genius in Shendu Academy!”

“After all, he is only in the first grade, and he is able to escape from two lower gods. Moreover, he is also an ultimate true god, the first genius to reach the extreme level of cultivation in hundreds of millions of years.。”

“Who can say otherwise? He has already had many dazzling performances. He broke the S-level dungeon record.。”

“No way!”

“No wonder you can have a 3-star artifact! That guy Xuanwu entered the divine way with a sword, and what he needs most is the Great Light Divine Sword. It is said that he has already made a declaration of war with Chen Xian, but there is no result. Unexpectedly, now……”

“Hehe, the Great Light Divine Sword is about to change hands before it is warmed up!”

“It’s hard for a hero to pass the beauty test. If he can use a 3-star artifact to chase the Ice and Snow Goddess, it will be worth it.……”

“By the way, Su Xue is really beautiful!”


Hearing the complaints from the surrounding teachers and supreme students, Su Xue covered her face in shame and did not dare to look up!

In the Kamigawa Star Territory, gods do not talk about teacher-student ethics. Several supreme students once expressed this idea to Su Xue.。

You must know that the status of the supreme student is much higher than that of Su Xue, a first-year teacher. Her willingness to actively pursue Su Xue will definitely make other female teachers envious!

Unexpectedly, Su Xue, who had always rejected male pursuits, actually got so close to Chen Xian. Chen Xian was even willing to take out a 3-star artifact as a bet, so it was completely reasonable for everyone to speculate that the two were already together.……

“Even if I risk my life, I won't let you throw away the artifact!”

Seeing that the matter had come to this, Su Xue looked at Chen Xian and gritted her teeth.。

“You don't need to work hard, let's go, I'm looking forward to the copy of the next god!”

Chen Xian smiled and took the initiative to pull Su Xue into the SS-level teacher copy "Abyss of Chaos"”!

“Pei Li, although your realm is one level lower than mine, if you can help me win the Great Light Divine Sword this time, I will agree to your pursuit!”

Seeing that Chen Xian and Su Xue had already entered the dungeon, Rong Feifei sent a message to Pei Li with her thoughts.。

“real? OK, great! Even if I risk half my life, I will help you win the bet!”

Looking at the graceful Rong Feifei, Fire God Pei Li grinned excitedly and said。

He also pursued Su Xue before, but found that there was no chance at all, but Rong Feifei is not much different! Moreover, Rong Feifei’s divine attribute has a bonus effect with his fire divine attribute, so it is also extremely suitable as a dual cultivator for Taoists!


Pei Li and Rong Feifei stepped into the dungeon teleportation array one after another!

“Chen Xian! You use the Great Light Divine Sword to deal with these Abyss Fire Demons, and I will lead the ultimate boss, the Abyss Demon Lord, to the Lufa rooftop! Try to make it within one hour...……”

Su Xue stood on her Frozen Throne and shouted, but after feeling Chen Xian's aura, Su Xue was stunned!

“One hour? Haha, can it break the record in one hour?”

“Prepare for a candlelight dinner tonight!”

Chen Xian smiled strangely。

The breath of the 7th-grade ultimate true god burst out without any suppression, shaking the space and time of the entire copy! The aura is a hundred times stronger than the lower god Su Xue! ! !

“Use my divine light to slay evil spirits!”

Following Chen Xian's dharma metaphor, the ultimate power of the law in the palm of his hand and billions of times the power of light were poured into the Great Light Divine Sword!

The shadow of the sword is monstrous, and a sword strikes the confused final boss from an infinite distance away!

The Abyss Demon Lord didn't even see Chen Xian's shadow, and his head fell off.……


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