“Help, I don’t want to be trapped here! woo woo woo woo! Bai Yue, please let me go. You can take Tushan Yaya away as you like, I don’t care!”

“Someone help me! Yaya, Rongrong……”


At the foot of Tushan Mountain, next to the Tree of Sorrow, the Third Young Master of the Aolai Kingdom, who was stepped on by Jihong Pegasus, the fifth-grade holy beast of the Kingdom of God, and suppressed forever, cried bitterly.。

Thinking of the terror of the Pegasus just now, the Third Young Master didn't even have the slightest temper to resist!

That is simply the true God who transcends all laws! It's an existence that can easily blow up the entire planet with one kick! He couldn't figure out how such an existence could be related to the bastard Bai Yue Yue?

“That's...the god behind you?”

Tushan Yaya turned a deaf ear to the monkey's cry for help, because the horrific scene just now was still deeply imprinted in her mind. The moment the sky-high horse appeared, even time stopped! Tushan Yaya realized how insignificant she was in front of the other party!

Who would dare to save someone from the punishment imposed by that kind of existence? Who can save?

Tushan Rongrong and others have been frightened and are still in a sluggish state! After living for hundreds of years, they actually saw the true god, the true god who transcended everything, the true god who could easily destroy the entire planet.……

With such an existence as a backer, it is completely understandable that Bai Yuechu would be unbelievable!

“Hahaha, the god behind me?”

“no no! It was just a little pony that belonged to my god. Sister Yaya was so frightened just now that she didn’t hear the other person’s identity.。”

Bai Chuo smiled, although he was very frightened by Ji Hong Tianma, but he must stay calm and calm for the Lucky God Sect!

“That's just... the foal of the god you believe in……”

Hearing Bai Yuechu's words, Aolai Third Young Master, Tu Shan Yaya and others' eyes widened, and their eyesight turned dark.。

“White month! White month! I have decided that I will also believe in the true God with you, okay? I can do whatever you want me to do, just don’t keep pressing me like this!”

“I am proud of Third Young Master, I really am convinced!”

Third Young Master Aolai wailed:。

The other god's pony is so ferocious that it can kick the planet apart, but he is just playing with it, so he can be properly converted!

“Can you talk about the Kingdom of God you mentioned earlier in detail?”

The audience was silent for a long time, Tu Shan Yaya looked at Bai Chuo with complicated eyes and said。

After seeing the true God, how can she be willing to be an ant again? She Tushan Yaya will never admit defeat for the rest of her life!



Boom! Boom! Boom!

The kingdom of God is in the palm of your hand, the bells of heaven are ringing。

Tushan Honghong, who had just planned to go to the God King's Palace to resign, and was visiting the two little girls in the lower world, suddenly had a premonition of something and froze in place!

Having become a god, she is also extremely sensitive to changes in fate, and her figure instantly appears on the platform of the formation!

“interesting! interesting!”

“At the beginning of the month, Bai Yue did another wicked thing. He even tricked Tushan Honghong from two time and space into our Kingdom of God.……”

Chen Xian stood next to the reception formation platform and said with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth. He was also drunk on Bai Chuchu, who only valued food and pocket money!

“What interesting things make the Lord God so happy?”

Yan Ling's red dress fluttered, and Ji's charming and unrivaled devil figure leaned over and said。

“You little goblin, you'll find out later.。”

Chen Xian flicked Yan Lingji's forehead lovingly and said。


“Sure enough, we can't compare!”

Seeing such a scene, Shui Yunji and others lamented and envied her. Unfortunately, Yan Lingji's beauty and charm cannot be learned by any woman.。

“The arrival of a new god has made the Lord of God care so much. It must be extraordinary!”

Dongfang Huaizhu appeared beside Chen Xian with a charming smile and said。

“The visitor is related to you and Honghong。”

Chen Xian nodded and said。

Tushan is red! ! !

“Of our world?”

Dongfang Huaizhu's eyes brightened, as if he had guessed something, and he looked at the three guiding divine lights in astonishment!



Three rays of divine light, two fell on the reception formation platform, but one of them turned a corner and shone on Tu Shan's red forehead, who was stunned on one side!

Girls! ! !

“Ahhhh! Why did that divine light rush towards Sister Honghong?”

“Oh my god, what's going on?”

“Don't panic, don't panic, the Lord God is here! There will be no problem!”

“This is the first time I’ve seen this happen!”

Huang Rong, Cheng Yaojia, Boya Hancock and others exclaimed。

“Tushan Honghong?”

Dongfang Huaizhu and Medusa, who had just arrived, exclaimed and looked at Tushan Honghong with some worry!

Both of them are in the realm of gods, and they have already sensed that the divine light is actually a memory or soul in different time and space!

Such a miraculous phenomenon is simply unheard of!

“I see……”

“Thank you, Lord God, for your great kindness.。”

Tushan Honghong instantly integrated that soul memory, bowed to Chen Xian and said。

With this soul memory of Tushan Susu, she finally knew everything! I feel complete and happy like never before! She knew that because of Chen Xian's intervention, she had avoided a terrible and miserable life!

I also know the identities of the two people who arrived.……

“Tushan Yaya! Tushan Rongrong has met the Lord God!”

After the light beam dissipated, Tushan Yaya and Tushan Rongrong appeared completely in front of the girls. They knelt down in front of Chen Xian and said。

When they first came to the Kingdom of God, they didn't even dare to look at each other. They didn't immediately see the sister who was so excited that she cried.。

“Wow! So beautiful and elegant!”

“Wait, she has such beautiful ears like Sister Honghong!”

“You can tell just by their names, they are a family!”

Song Yan, Cheng Yaojia and others exclaimed。

Medusa raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Tushan Honghong with deep meaning.。

“Sister Honghong, congratulations on the reunion of the sisters.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu walked to Tushan Honghong and smiled enviously.。

“Sister Honghong……”

Dongfang Huaizhu's voice reached the ears of Tu Shan Ya Ya and the two women, making the two women stunned.。

“Get up quickly. You three sisters really have a close relationship. Let’s talk among ourselves first, and then come to the God King’s Palace to see me later.。”

Chen Xian sighed with emotion, and a gentle divine power lifted Tushan Yaya and Tushan Rongrong up, and their figures disappeared without a trace.。

“Congratulations to the Lord God!”

Medusa, Dongfang Huaizhu and others bowed and said goodbye.。

And Tushan Yaya finally saw the incredible figure behind her, the sister she had been searching for for hundreds of years.……


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