“White month! How can you be so powerful? It's impossible! Even the smelly monkey from Aolai Country couldn't catch me so easily! ! !”

The Black Fox Empress screamed and struggled, but the black fire around her body was constantly being suppressed and shrunk. Bai Yuechuo had already forced her into a desperate situation by suppressing it with her spiritual power without using any magic techniques!

“I have said that I am blessed by gods. In the past, you were destroyed once by my gods. Today, I, a loyal believer, will take care of the people for my gods.。”

Bai Yue squinted his eyes and said。

“The three flavors of true fire kill evil spirits!”

With the blessing of the divine light of luck, his original pure Yang Yan has evolved into the three flavors of true fire, and its power is a hundred times greater than before! It’s already a match for Dongfang Huaizhu’s Phoenix True Flame!


“Forgive me! Please forgive me, Bai Yue! I never dare to do bad things again! help me——”

The black fox struggled for just a few breaths and was already burned to ashes!

The embers of the Sanwei True Fire fell to the ground and caused a disaster. Fortunately, Bai Yuechu took them back in time, otherwise the entire Tushan Mountain would be buried in a sea of fire! Such terrifying flames left everyone present breathless!

“……You just killed the Black Fox Lady like that?”

“You are not the reincarnation of Dongfang Yue Yue! Even Dongfang Yue cannot have such a powerful flame. This is not a flame that can be found in the human world!”

Black Fox Zuo made Tushan Meimei scream, looking at Bai Yue Yue like a ghost!

“Why are you thinking so much about my past life? What he has now has nothing to do with him. He is not even a weakling compared to my god.。”

“Um, you were threatening me just now, then just go and get the lunch box。”

At the beginning of Bai Chu, a ray of fire flickered on Tushan Meimei's body。


“help me! Sister Yaya, please save me! Sister Rongrong, help me! I know I was wrong!”

The flames were like maggots attached to the bones, burning into Tushan's beautiful internal organs!

That kind of pain and fear made Tushan Meimei collapse directly!

“Deserve it!”

Tushan Rongrong moved his mouth, but still closed his eyes and cursed。

“He deserves to die, but it's not your job to kill him!”

Tushan Yaya narrowed her eyes and said, taking off the wine gourd and taking a sip of wine. The demonic power that froze everything covered it, intending to extinguish the flames of the first month of the month.。

“It's useless. The level gap between you and me is too big. If you want to fight with me, you have to at least wait until you come back from the Kingdom of God!”

Bai Chuo laughed and said。

He just wants to stimulate the competitive Tushan Yaya in this way to make the other party believe in gods and believe in gods in despair!

“……Sure enough, it can’t be destroyed?”

“You disappeared for twenty days, so you went to the so-called Kingdom of God? Where did you get the strength?”

Tushan Yaya narrowed her eyes unconsciously and said。

This feeling of powerlessness made her very hurt and angry! Very serious consequences!


The entire Tushan Mountain, including the giant tree of bitterness, was aroused by Tushan Yaya's thoughts, and huge spiritual power poured into Tushan Yaya's body! Tushan Yaya became extremely tall by the way, like a mountain giant looking down at the beginning of the month!

“The law of heaven and earth...sister is serious about it!”

Tushan Rongrong clicked his tongue!

Tushan Susu has fainted from fright。

The Tushan guards and the leader of the Qi Dao Alliance who had woken up around them were so frightened when they saw Tushan Yaya's power that they squatted on the ground to protect their heads, and various magic weapons were used to set up a defensive circle around them for free.。

“As expected of Tushan Yaya, who uses the spirit-gathering magic and the laws of heaven and earth together, you must be the number one person in Tushan.。”

“Unfortunately, it is far from enough!”

Bai Chuo said with a smile. After speaking, he raised one hand to the sky, and the terrifying spiritual pressure that almost exceeded the limit of this world burst out! The entire sky was roaring and trembling, and a sky-covering handprint condensed thousands of miles of spiritual power to suppress it!

“this scale……”

“Early white month? ? ? Have you become a god? You can't kill my sister!”

Tushan Rongrong's face turned pale and he exclaimed。

Over there, Tushan Yaya just looked at the handprint that covered the sky and felt a little unable to hold on!

“The gap is so big……”

There was a trace of blood at the corner of Tushan Yaya's mouth. Just resisting Bai Yuechu's spiritual pressure had already reached her limit. This was after absorbing all of Tushan's spiritual power.。

After Bai Yue's palm came down, she knew there was no chance of her surviving.……

This reality deficit made Tushan Yaya close her eyes, and unconsciously began to recall the past and the reasons why she had worked hard step by step to become stronger.。

Thinking of the figure in the red dress who has been chasing her whole life, Tushan Yaya's beautiful face showed a look of relief.。

“Ahem, why did Sister Yaya show such an air of separation? My palm that covers the sky is not meant to hit you. If I beat you to death, Tushan Honghong will not have to peel off my skin!”

Looking at Tushan Yaya who was waiting for death with her eyes closed, Bai Yue said with a dry smile.。

Tushan Yaya? ? ?

Tushan Rongrong and others? ? ?

Xin said that you have already created such a formation, but you still said that you have no intention of taking action? Who are you trying to fool by telling lies?

“White month!”

“Tushan Yaya is the woman that my Third Young Master is attracted to. Is she someone you can bully?”

A golden figure flew towards the sky with boundless golden light. The speed was so fast that cracks appeared in the surrounding space!

Before the golden figure arrived, the long magic weapon in his hand had already risen into the sky, clashing roaringly with Bai Yue's sky-covering giant hand!

“Dinghai hits the target with ten thousand demons!”

“Sure enough, he came anyway!”

Tushan Rongrong said excitedly。

“Nosy stinky monkey!”

Tushan Yaya cursed expressionlessly. She was not as good as others. If she was saved by the monkey she hated, she would be in a worse mood. She might as well just die!

“Hey, I'm waiting for you!”

“Only you, Third Young Master Aolai, with your extreme face, are worthy of me using all my strength to suppress you!”

Bai Yue grinned。

Obviously, he was targeting this dead monkey from the beginning. As long as this dead monkey is suppressed, no one can stop Tushan Yaya and others from leaving the Kingdom of God!

“Look at my Wuzhi Mountain!”

“Ruyi golden hoop!”

Bai Yuechuo and the golden figure shouted angrily almost at the same time. There was a tearing thunder in the sky, and the giant hand covering the sky and the supreme divine weapon finally collided!

At that moment all sounds between heaven and earth were lost!

White light and golden light fill the entire world!

“Hahaha! At the beginning of the month of Bai, although I don’t know where you got your fortune from, in the end you are still one step ahead of me!”

The golden figure laughed wildly。

“call! Did the monkey win? Very good!”

Tushan Rongrong and others breathed a sigh of relief。

“It’s also Wuzhishan, I’m indeed a parallel importer。”

“It's better to summon my sacred beast.。”

Bai Yue smiled bitterly。

Under the puzzled gaze of the golden figure, Bai Yue knelt down on one knee, facing the east and chanting a spell:

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer, Bai Yue, respectfully invites the sacred beasts of the Kingdom of God to come, suppress the smelly monkeys, and promote the divine power of our religion!”



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