
this time it was Queen Medusa's turn to cough in embarrassment. Although Medusa also understood that this state was caused by the Lord, who wanted to divert trouble.

But there was no way, the look in the Lord's eyes was too fierce. It was so hot that even Queen Medusa, who had known her so many times, found it somewhat difficult to maintain her position when being watched all the time. Helpless, Medusa could only sacrifice her life to break this embarrassment


“Well, I'm really sorry, Yaya, I didn't pay attention to this for a moment. Don't worry, I'll leave right away. I will never mention this matter to anyone. "

Medusa said, her scalp numb with embarrassment. This scene finally defeated her curiosity to continue watching, and she quickly twisted her waist to escape from here.。

“Humph, leave quickly, leave quickly. "

Looking at the other party's leaving movements, Tushan Yaya finally regained some of her color, but it was obvious that her shy look biting her lip still showed her uneasiness at the moment.。

“���I'm so ashamed.!”

Tushan Yaya said angrily. After she recovered, she still bit Chen Xian's chest and murmured angrily:

“It's all your fault, it's all your fault. How will people behave like this in the future? !”

“hiss! "

Chen Xian took a breath of air... Of course he was pretending, but he understood that in this situation, he could not continue to be tough. He quickly patted Tu Shan Yaya's head and said comfortingly:

“Right, right, it's all my fault. Don't worry, I won't let you continue to be embarrassed. Tell me, how do you think this matter should be resolved?

Don’t worry, as long as you come up with a solution, I will definitely help you do it!”

“The solution..."

Tushan Yaya was confused. For a moment, an outrageous and exaggerated idea filled her mind. The shy Tushan Yaya thought quickly and shook her head, but at this time, This is because we have forgotten that at this moment, the friend Han Zheng is on the chest of the Lord God.

So once these two actions are combined, the ending will be extremely interesting.

If it were put on an ordinary couple, it would be the husband’s pain. He screamed, but who was Chen Xian? How could the dignified God Lord feel pain because of this? The

reflection was Tu Shan Yaya. Under such a tug, her teeth were even loosened, and her head hurt. Go ahead, quickly retracted, and bumped into Chen Xian's chin again.

This time, the pain caused by the collision on the forehead was mixed with the anxious pain from before, which in itself was embarrassing and infuriating Tushan Yaya was panicked and in pain for a moment, and Yanli fell down drop by drop. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“.It hurts! "

Tushan Yaya covered her mouth with one hand and her head with the other. Her delicate shoulders were shaking constantly, and she murmured with sobs.。

“You, you, you, what's going on? "

Faced with this scene, our Lord God (King Zhao) was completely confused. Even with his astute mind, he could not imagine the psychology of Tushan Yaya's operation.

A woman's heart is indeed a needle under the sea.…[]

Chen Xian couldn't help but cover his head and look at the sky. However, not to mention the needle at the bottom of the sea, even if there was a needle in the sea of stars, Chen Xian could find it directly for him.

However, facing Tu Shan Yaya's current thoughts, Chen Xian couldn't figure it out. He really couldn't figure it out! .

Người mua: sabmado

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