It would be better if you were facing other people, but the person in front of you is Tushan Yaya.。

“It's Tushan Yaya, I really didn't expect it..."

Queen Medusa kept repeating in her heart. The movement of her feet was to retreat quickly, but her eyes were honest and she looked at the woman in front of her motionlessly.

No. Way, this is indeed too rare!

Not only Chen Xian, who among the destined beauties in life can imagine Tu Shan Yaya's appearance, and who can see his proud iceberg beauty sister melting Afterwards, she looked so charming and not curious?

So it was too difficult to get Medusa to move her eyes away, and the more she looked, the more frightened she became, and the more she looked at her feet, the slower she moved. After such a long time, it was still... Didn't move out of the door.

Without him, this is really amazing!

The Tushan Yaya in front of me changed from her usual queen appearance. The boy's eyes were red and closed tightly. With the status of Medusa, he could naturally see the other party clearly. Those gently trembling eyelashes and slightly shaking shoulders.

This state is indeed too pleasant.。

“She really deserves to be Tushan Yaya. With such an appearance, let alone the Lord God, even I, as a woman, can’t help but feel excited! "

Queen Medusa was filled with emotions, but she was filled with emotions here. Tushan Yaya was really embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.。

“It's all your fault, it's all your fault, Lord God, it's so abominable. "

As she spoke, Tushan Yaya was so angry that she couldn't help but cry. There was nothing I could do,

this was really embarrassing, it was so embarrassing.

Normally, when a few people think about each other, The reserved and distant feeling when we get along clearly seems to be quite good.

But now, my most unbearable and private state has been seen by the other party. Who can accept this appearance?

But having said that Coming back, it’s really not surprising, Medusa did this on purpose.

After all, you have to know that what Tushan Yaya has experienced in the outside world is really too big, and it can’t be hidden at all. After all, there are many Tianmian beauties following her, And they also brought back a new person, Liu Yueqing.

So Queen Medusa, who had learned the basics of the situation, would naturally come over to inquire out of curiosity. Moreover, this is the temple where the Lord God actually lives. There is not much wildness and she will not be casual. Use your spiritual sense to explore.

So this embarrassing scene happened.。

“"Ahem," (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Xian coughed twice, his expression somewhat unnatural. Even with his face, he felt a little confused when facing this situation.

Although the entire Kingdom of God belongs to him and everything is under his supervision, when enjoying the emotions between husband and wife, even Chen Xian will not supervise everything at all times .

In that case, how could it be possible to fully experience this rare scene?

But it was this distraction that created this embarrassing scene.

The three of them faced each other, Tushan Yaya clinging tightly to Chen In Xian's arms, there was an awkward silence for a moment.

However, although Chen Xian couldn't think of a way to solve this problem for a while, it was normal for him to act as if nothing had happened.

So in this situation, While gently stroking Tushan Yaya's smooth back to comfort her, he looked at Queen Medusa thoughtfully, her eyes motionless.

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