As Tushan Yaya spoke, her tone became weaker and weaker. From the scolding at the beginning, it turned into a plea later, and even a little sobbing rather than hurt.

Hearing this, Chen Xian raised his eyes and indeed found that his proud wife's clear eyes were covered with a hint of hazy mist.

Chen Xian felt a pang in his heart when he saw this, and said to himself, it seems that this experience is really serious for Yaya, a girl like Daji.。

“Stop reading, don’t read anymore, okay? "

Tushan Yaya covered her delicate face and kept murmuring in her mouth. Her voice became weaker and weaker, and gradually turned into nothingness.

But Chen Xian did not hesitate or hesitate at all. He went forward and hugged Tushan Yaya directly in his arms when he heard an exclamation.。

“I said, no! "

Chen Xian said so, stretched out his hand and gently took Tu Shan Yaya's hand off his face.。

“No, don't..."

Tu Shan Yaya struggled, neither daring nor willing to resist her beloved Lord God.

Especially now that she was in the arms of the Lord God, Tu Shan Yaya's warm and gentle breath enveloped Tu. Shan Yaya's whole body made her couldn't help but squint her eyes slightly, feeling comfortable as if she was about to fall asleep in the next second.

But even so, Tu Shan Yaya was trying her best to resist this state of wanting to rest. , biting his lip gently, expressing the entanglement in his heart:

“Don't want to show it to you。”

“Don't want me to see it? Why, I want to see it! "

Chen Xian, with his usual complaisance, retorted directly, but his tone was so gentle. The gentle voice enveloped Tushan Yaya like an ocean, relieving the other party's mental fatigue.。

“Hum, you won’t let me see it, but I insist on seeing it. My dear Yaya, you can’t be so selfish.。”

“Um? "

Hearing this, Tushan Yaya raised her head in doubt, her beautiful eyes full of confusion.。

“I said, you can't be so selfish..."

Chen Xian's tone was gentle, and he said softly: "My lovely and beautiful wife has shouldered so much pressure and shouldered so many responsibilities for our Kingdom of God. , working hard for our (bcbh) future.

This gesture of hard work is so beautiful and fascinating. Tell me, you show such a beautiful look in front of me but don't let me see it. Is your mentality selfish? ! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Lord God..."

Tushan Yaya murmured. Although the man in front of her was criticizing her on the surface, anyone could feel the favor hidden under this superficial criticism.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand, Gently put it on the face of your sweetheart, calling the other person's name。

“Chen Xian…”

“You, you are just a silly girl, no matter how stable and arrogant you usually are, you look like an all-knowing elder sister in front of other sisters, but you, my beloved Yaya”[]

Chen Xian put his hand on Tu Shan Yaya's, held it gently, and said with emotion: "My dear wife, you are just a silly girl in my eyes.。”

“Huh, I'm not some stupid girl. "

Tushan Yaya was immersed in this gentle atmosphere, feeling the Lord God's love for her, and was particularly obsessed with this feeling, but when she heard this, she couldn't help but retorted with a slight snort.。

“Not a silly girl? Haha..."

Listening to Tushan Yaya's rebuttal, Chen Xian also laughed.

Người mua: sabmado

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