That's right, just like Chen Xian's mood, Tu Shan Yaya and Chen Xian have long been able to achieve the status of an old married couple, so Tu Shan Yaya naturally won't care about the Lord God watching her have a happy couple. The look of leaking.

After all, not to mention this little bit of beauty, her whole body had been seen more than once or twice?

Not to mention this, I don’t know how many times I’ve done that kind of embarrassing and dizzy uniform cosplay, so why would Tushan Yaya care about this?

The only thing Tushan Yaya cares about is that she doesn't want her tired and miserable appearance to be exposed in front of her most beloved Lord God.

Yes, a proud woman like Tushan Yaya cares most about her appearance, temperament and demeanor.

How could a beauty like her, who was always dressed up and so elegant, tolerate looking like herself with messy clothes and a tired and miserable look?

Especially in front of the Lord God, she was even more unwilling to let her unbearability be shown.。

“It's so embarrassing... It's so embarrassing..!”

After realizing this, Tushan Yaya was on the verge of tears. She desperately wanted to recover and tidy up her appearance, but it was really difficult to do so.

There was nothing I could do about it. The turbulent emotions just now, as well as the constant pressure and fatigue, could be said to have directly caused Tushan Yaya to temporarily lose control of her body. She couldn't even raise her hands to solve the problem, let alone sorting out the complicated locks. of luxurious clothing.

And even if she could tidy up her appearance, Tushan Yaya felt that it wasn't just this that was embarrassing her now, but more so because of her unbearable mental state.

It was just my first time to fight against an enemy, and I didn't even make a few moves. I felt the pressure just by talking to the opponent, which made me like this.

It can be said that Tushan Yaya can't get over this problem for a while. She just can't accept that as a person who is highly sought after in the Kingdom of God, she can be so unbearable.

What's even more difficult to accept is that this unbearable situation was displayed openly and openly in front of the Lord of God without care... In

extreme shame, Tushan Yaya actually stretched out her hands to cover her eyes, and there came a Out of sight, out of mind, he kept mumbling:

“Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me! "(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But how could such self-deception really allow her to become invisible successfully, or in front of the Lord God?。


Chen Xian looked at Tu Shan Yaya, who had a temper like a child's coquettishness, and looked at his wife, who was usually graceful, dignified, and well-groomed. At this moment, she turned out to be so naive, cute, and silly. For a moment, even with his status, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It's interesting. He has a noble, cold, arrogant and noble look, and now he is so cute and naive. The contrast is really too great. Interesting。

“Lord God!”[]

But when Tu Shan Yaya heard Chen Xian's laughter, she was immediately filled with embarrassment and anger.

The face that was already blushing enough can't be said to be red now, but it can be said to be completely red, like a red apple, which is really cute.

Tushan Yaya scolded her directly and said in a very depressed mood:

“Don't watch it anymore, don't laugh anymore, Yaya is like this, Yaya is like this, it's really embarrassing and ugly, promise me, Yaya, please, promise me not to watch it anymore, okay? ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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