Chapter 343 Success! [Subscription required]

Ye Fei’s words directly made everyone at the scene focus on his body.


Especially Zhang Jianhua, looking directly at Ye Fei, his eyes are bright and his eyes


Ye Fei is so confident?

You know, the Jiaolong unit has fallen sharply due to its performance, falling from the top three to

In the first five, two chief instructors had to be fired consecutively, but the effect was still not

Ideal, that’s why this selection was made.

As one of the facades of the Yandu Military Region, the Jiaolong troops had a very

Importantly, the position of chief instructor is also very special.

When Zhang Jianhua heard these words from Ye Fei, he suddenly felt that this was a solution.

After all, it only takes three months for Ye Fei to produce results in three months. If you lose

He took the blame and resigned, assuming responsibility and consequences.

Zhang Jianhua was lost in thought, and everyone felt that “Nine-three-seven” was a no-nonsense.

The wrong idea.

After all, Ye Fei takes full responsibility.

Zhang Jianhua thought for a while, and finally said, “We have to discuss this matter again.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “No problem.”

Li Yunfeng’s eyes were slightly cloudy, and he glanced at Ye Fei. He knew Ye Fei’s

It was a good thing that completely destroyed him.

In fact, if it weren’t for Ye Fei’s so-and-so-footing, he’s now

He is already the chief instructor.

Ye Fei turned a blind eye to Li Yunfeng’s eyes, and the two of them looked at each other tightly.

Then Ye Fei ignored Li Yunfeng.

As for Zhang Jianhua and others, they discussed in a low voice on the side, and finally

Zhang Jianhua nodded slightly, he still had a final word, Zhang Jianhua said to Ye Fei

: “Ye Fei and Li Yunfeng, the results of our discussions have come out.”

Ye Fei and Li Yunfeng looked at Zhang Jianhua at the same time.

Zhang Jianhua said solemnly: “Ye Fei, you will be the chief instructor, Li Yunfeng

Served as deputy instructor for three months. After three months, if Ye Fei you are in special

Did not allow the Dragon Troops to achieve further results in the military competition, then

Sorry, Ye Fei, you will resign as chief instructor!”

Zhang Jianhua said loudly. He looked at the two of them and was ready to respond.

Hearing what Zhang Jianhua said, Ye Fei’s answer was also loud and powerful: “No question.

Question, I accept.

But Li Yunfeng’s expression became cold, he opened his mouth to refute, but here

One of the general leaders was desperately winking at Li Yunfeng, Li

Yunfeng squinted slightly after seeing this, and then said: “I accept.”

“Okay. That’s all about it, Ye Fei, you will take office from tomorrow.

As the chief instructor of the Dragon Force!” Zhang Jianhua said.

Ye Fei nodded slowly.

Li Yunfeng clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and then slowly relaxed.

“Well, this matter is so set, and the meeting ends.

The meeting is over.

Zhang Jianhua and others got up and left their seats.

The corner of Ye Fei’s mouth finally showed a smile, which was settled.

After Zhang Jianhua got up, he walked to Ye Fei’s side with a smile, and then looked at

Eyeing Ye Fei, he took the initiative to shook hands with Ye Fei and said, “Ye Fei, I am also

I’ve admired your name for a long time. ”

“General Zhang, you laughed, you are a tiger general, and I am the name that has been admired for a long time.” Ye

Fei said with a smile. Ye Fei is really not lying about this, because General Zhang is

The real power faction of the Yandu Military Region is very famous, known as the’tiger general’.

General Zhang smiled and said: “Let’s stop praising each other, what you did in Ezhou

I have heard of these things a long time ago. It’s just that this time things have a big impact,

It’s a very wide-ranging story, especially as the Jiaolong unit is one of the signs of the Yandu Military Region. I

Personally, I hope you can lead the dragon troops to create brilliance. ”

Ye Fei heard the words and smiled immediately: “Definitely live up to his expectations.

Ye Fei is very confident.

In fact, in order to prepare for today’s recruitment, Ye Fei has plans for himself

The exercise he just said is correct, but this exercise is not

“Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”, but based on the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” Ye Fei created a

Kind of exercises.

The cultivation potential of this method is limited, but it can squeeze out the practitioner’s

The potential allows them to develop rapidly in strength, and even become a warrior in a very short period of time.

Of course, this method also has side effects. The side effect is that people lose

Going to the potential, there is no hope of a master for the whole life.

But how many masters are there in the world?

Looking at the whole country, the Grand Master can count them all, just a few people.

Therefore, this side effect is also acceptable. 0

As for the other side effects, they are trivial.

This method and the “Huangdi Neijing” make up for innate deficiencies, and the Taoist method is natural

It feels different, and it is very domineering in comparison, so Ye Fei named it ”

“Dragon Elephant Forging Body Judgment”.

This “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” is very special, and it should be suitable for the Dragon Division

Special forces of the team practice.

Ye Fei is very confident about this.

“In that case, I can have good news for you.” General Zhang and Ye Fei shook hands.


Ye Fei also smiled and shook hands with General Zhang.

During the conversation between the two, General Zhang obviously admired Ye Fei.

Moreover, General Zhang knew that Ye Fei had unlimited potential and was determined to make good friends with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is only in his twenties, he is already the master of the world, and he will achieve future achievements.

Of course limitless.

Even if Ye Fei failed this time, at his current age, the future is even more capable

Furthermore, although General Zhang is now in a high position, General Zhang is even more

Knowing that Ye Fei has the Mu family and the Ye family’s support, it will be truly terrible in the future.

Of course, Li Yunfeng’s potential is also great, and Li Yunfeng is still a sea

The leader of the Waihongmen, there is also a dragon tooth mercenary, he himself can be called a top soldier


It’s just that General Zhang has heard of Ye Fei’s deeds in Ezhou.

I have some admiration for Ye Fei and feel that Ye Fei is a responsible man.

This is also true. During the discussion just now, General Zhang 3.4 also took the initiative to

Ye Fei spoke, and in the end he gave the final word. Ye Fei served as the Dragon Force

Chief instructor.

At this moment, the system sound rang in Ye Fei’s ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully stopped Li Yunfeng and rewarded 500 experience points

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