Chapter 342 I am the most suitable! [Subscribe]

“Several leaders, I personally have opinions.” Ye Fei smiled slightly and took the initiative to say


Hearing Ye Fei’s words, the leaders frowned slightly.

Zhang Jianhua also couldn’t help looking at Ye Fei. He knocked on the table and said solemnly: ”

Ye Fei, you mean that you are more suitable as the head of the Dragon Force than Li Yunfeng


Zhang Jianhua looked at Ye Fei, full of questions.

Ye Fei smiled slightly, confidently, he said: “Yes, General Zhang, I

That’s what I think. ”

Ye Fei looked directly at Zhang Jianhua. Did not give in at all.

The chief instructor of the Dragon Force has a special status, and he must fight for this position!

Several other generals and leaders on the scene looked at each other.

It even made eye contact with Zhang Jianhua.

The general on Zhang Jianhua’s left spoke first. This general was not

Fully said: “Ye Fei, I know you are excellent, but you are still young

, Should obey the organization’s arrangement, there will be your future and opportunities in the future

The general said patiently to Ye Fei.

Others said: “Yes, I also agree with Chief of Staff Wang’s opinion.”

“Yes, Ye Fei, although you are good, you are still younger after all.

Insufficient, lack of experience. ”

Everyone said so.

Hearing the words of Chief of Staff Wang and others, Li Yunfeng suddenly raised the corner of his mouth-

Si smiled, it seems that he can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai this time.

Almost everyone thinks Ye Fei is too young, lacks qualifications, and lacks experience


This is Ye Fei’s biggest shortcoming.

Even if Ye Fei has Mu family relations and contacts, Li Yunfeng is not bad.

Li Yunfeng has long been connected with the “Xia Family”, another wealthy family in Yandu.

As for the Xia Family’s strong support for him, they have already helped Li Yunfeng through operations.

Find a relationship.

In other words, in terms of relationship, Ye Fei and Li Yunfeng should be on the same level.

And the ones that can really be considered by General Zhang and others are Ye Fei and Li Yunfeng.

Physical conditions.

The Chief of Staff Wang has made it very clear just now, although Ye Fei is very good,

But after all, it is lack of experience. This is Ye Fei’s biggest shortcoming.

You know, Ye Fei is still young now, even in his twenties.

Many troops are all recruits.

If Ye Fei can stay in the Dragon Force for one or two years,

After that, when Li Yunfeng is promoted, he will be able to succeed and become a dragon.

Chief instructor of the army.

After this, with Ye Fei’s strength and potential, who else can stop


At that time, maybe even Zhang Jianhua and others will rely on Ye Fei.

Maybe Ye Fei can become the same as the one in the Yandu Military District.

Become an eye-catching military god.

This is a promising future.

Why should Ye Fei act too hastily?

Zhang Jianhua, Chief of Staff Wang and others all sighed secretly, thinking that Ye Fei is really

It’s a bit too hasty, too impatient.

After these years and two years, Ye Fei can truly become a

Soaring into the sky.

Zhang Jianhua looked at Ye Fei, and he asked in a low voice: “Ye Fei, since you personally have

Opinions, but our organization also has our considerations, you are indeed young

Some, lack of qualifications, unless you can enjoy a reason that convinces us,

Otherwise, I would advise you to accept it. ”

Zhang Jianhua has an official attitude.

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei smiled slightly and said, “I can say that, of course

There is a reason. I personally think that I am the most suitable for the position of Chief Instructor of the Dragon Force

Candidate because I have a complete set of training methods. If I serve as Jiao

The position of Chief Instructor of the Dragon Force, then the overall strength of the Dragon Force

Take another step.

Ye Fei’s answer is very clear.

Hearing that, Zhang Jianhua, Chief of Staff Wang and others all looked at each other and felt

It’s incredible, while looking at Ye Fei.

Zhang Jianhua said: “What do you mean by this can make the Dragon Force’s overall reality?

Go to the next level?”

Seeing that Ye Fei is so confident, Zhang Jianhua couldn’t help but be puzzled and surprised.

Li Yunfeng also squinted and looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled and said: “Yes, I have a unique set of exercises. Several people,

I am the youngest master of the world in the history of Xuanhuang Kingdom, I can become the master of the world

Grandmaster, of course, has some reliance on it. I have a special formula for

Cultivate the dragon troops to improve the overall strength of the dragon troops. ”

Zhang Jianhua’s eyes lit up, staring at Ye Fei scorchingly and said, “Ye Fei, you

Is it true?”

0. Ask for flowers

Ye Fei, as the youngest master of Xuanhuang Kingdom, this is indeed nothing


As the youngest Master of Transformation, he must have a hole card.

If Ye Fei can really give this special technique to the taxis of the Dragon Troops

Soldiers practice,

Suddenly Zhang Jianhua was moved.

“It’s true, there is no joking.”

Ye Fei also answered seriously.

Zhang Jianhua and several others looked at each other, and they seemed to be moved by Ye Fei.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Yunfeng immediately stood up and said loudly: “Several people

General, I also have something to say. Although I don’t have any exercises, I have someone to lead the team.

Experience, and the Dragon Tooth mercenary I founded was once among the top in the world,

I think I am the most suitable candidate. ”

Ye Fei glanced at Li Yunfeng and said slowly: “Several generals

There are still three months before the National Special Forces Competition, right?”

“Yes.” Zhang Jianhua nodded.

“Last year, what was the ranking of Jiaolong Special Forces in the Special Forces Contest?” Ye Fei asked.

Zhang Jianhua said: “Ranked fifth.

The fifth place in the National Special Forces Competition is a very remarkable result.

Looking at the special forces across the country, the Jiaolong unit can also be regarded as a first-class unit.


However, in the past two years, the performance of Jiaolong troops has gradually declined.

The Jiaolong troops ranked third the year before, but they ranked fifth last year, a drop of two.


This is also one of the reasons why the Jiaolong unit has to change the chief instructor this time, that is

The ranking of the National Special Forces Competition last year was dissatisfied.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Let me be elected chief instructor, I will use my exercises to help

Dragon Troop, I’m confident that the Dragon Troop can get the first place, so just give me this

In three months, if it fails, I am willing to quit. ”

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