Chapter 298 Do you want to have a relationship?!

Ling Shiyun was impressed by Ye Fei’s acupuncture technique.

Ye Fei’s acupuncture technique, in Ling Shiyun’s view, is not even inferior to Master Wu, and even more powerful than her master Wu Master!

Ling Shiyun now only feels that her whole body is warm, there is an indescribable comfort, like soaking in a hot spring.

Or the feeling of a hot bath.

Ling Shiyun’s complexion was also slightly ruddy.

Of course, this is only acupuncture and moxibustion. Of course, Ye Fei’s treatment speed cannot be so fast, it just works.


Ye Fei earnestly said: “If your physique needs to be recuperated, it will take a long time and it will depend on your current body.

In fact, even if I use Suzaku Fire Needle to help you recuperate every day, it will at most help you increase your life expectancy by three to five years. ”

Ye Fei is telling the truth, and he doesn’t talk about those imaginary things with Ling’s “two, two, three” poems.

With Ling Shiyun’s illness, it is meaningless to hide her, even Ling Shiyun knows her current situation.


When Ling Shiyun heard this, she also nodded slightly and said in a low voice: “I know, Ye Gongzi, in fact, I already thank you very much.

NS. Since I was born, I have almost lost my life. When I was young, I was seriously ill several times.

By now, I am very satisfied. I live another three to five years, and speaking of it, I still make a profit. ”

Ling Shiyun showed a sweet smile.

Her smile is clean and she is strong.

In fact, Ye Fei admires Ling Shiyun a little bit.

Ling Shiyun is different from Luo Weiyu’s injury caused by an accident. Ling Shiyun has been told that her body

Frail, and even life-threatening at any time.

And Ling Shiyun herself, let alone, Ling Shiyun is always on the verge of life and death.

When she was young, Ling Shiyun often caught colds and fevers, a small cold and fever, to her physique, is like a big field

Illness, every time she recovers from the illness, she has a kind of rejoicing that she has survived the rest of her life, and sometimes she can’t even believe that she will survive.

Ling Shiyun wandered on the edge of life and death several times, but finally survived fortunately.

It can be said that this girl is not easy.

If ordinary people become like Ling Shiyun, they will either give up abandoning themselves a long time ago, or wash their faces with tears, lamenting the lack of life.


But Ling Shiyun survived and persisted to this day.

Even the magical doctor Wu sometimes feels that Ling Shiyun can survive to this day because the Ling family has searched for famous doctors and precious medicinal materials.

Ling Shiyun must be cured without interest in money.

It’s because Ling Shiyun herself is the result of being strong and optimistic, fighting with death.

It can be said that Ling Shiyun itself is a miracle.

Ye Fei also admires girls like Ling Shiyun.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “It’s good for you to have this kind of mentality. Maybe your illness really has the hope of being cured.

Don’t be stressed either.

Ye Fei simply comforted Ling Shiyun with a few words.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, she suddenly raised her head, her bright and bright eyes looked at Ye Fei, and said softly: “Ye Gong

Son, the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” you mentioned can consolidate my roots and make up for my innate deficiencies, but it must be a practitioner of both sexes.

is that true?”

Ling Shiyun asked directly.

Ye Fei was slightly startled when he heard the words. He looked at Ling Shiyun and said, “Well, it’s true, but this is also compelling.

The next strategy. ”

Ling Shiyun lowered her neck, her cheeks were slightly red, and said, “I also know that I haven’t been in love yet.

I haven’t been in love yet.

Ye Fei caught a glimpse of Ling Shiyun, and saw her blushing face, her cheeks flushed like water, and her eyes were bright and shining.

The sound is very light, soft and soft.

It can be seen that Ling Shiyun’s yearning for love.

Also, who is a girl of Ling Shiyun’s age who doesn’t yearn for love?

Ye Fei couldn’t help laughing, and said nothing.

“Ye Gong


“Master Ye, have you ever been in love?” Ling Shiyun couldn’t help but asked in a low voice.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Of course.”

Ye Fei thinks of the girls around him, each of them is so unique and special, and each of them is unique and charming, which makes Ye Fei

Indulge in it.

Mu Zijin, Bai Ruoxi, Luo Weiyu, Lu Lingyun, Su Qingzhu

Ye Fei’s decisive answer made Ling Shiyun a little startled, she couldn’t tell what it was like in her heart, she seemed to be relieved.

I feel a bit disappointed again.

Ling Shiyun asked in a low voice, “What is it like to fall in love? Actually, I haven’t really liked someone since I was a kid.

So I would love to know.

With Ling Shiyun’s beauty, there should be no shortage of excellent opposite sex pursuits around him.

But firstly, Ling Shiyun stays at home all year round, and there are few opportunities to contact the opposite sex. Secondly, most of the men around Ling Shiyun

Everyone knows Ling Shiyun’s illness, and she is staying away from her.

Therefore, Ling Shiyun is blank in terms of emotions.

Ye Fei suddenly laughed when Ling Shiyun asked.

Ye Fei thought for a while, and finally replied seriously: “I think falling in love is like when you think of a person,

The corners of your mouth are raised unconsciously, and when you like someone, you will always remember the bits and pieces of getting along with him. you

My heart beats faster and I feel good.’

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Ling Shiyun’s eyes flowed brightly, and she seemed to be more yearning and curious about this matter.

The less she has experienced, the more she wants to try.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Ling Shiyun suddenly raised her head, slightly regretful, and boldly said: “I don’t think I will

I have a chance to know what it’s like

Ling Shiyun raised her face, staring at Ye Fei, and said: “I don’t know if I can ask you to help me, I want to try, love to the end

What it feels like. ”

“What do you mean by 5.1.””

Ye Fei frowned slightly.

Ling Shiyun’s meaning couldn’t be more obvious. Does this mean to be a couple with him?

And it’s not the kind of pretending couple, it’s really falling in love.

Ye Fei looked at Ling Shiyun in front of him, and didn’t understand her brain circuit.

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