Chapter 297 Admire!

As top genius doctors, Ye Fei and Wu geniuses know this well.

That is, even if Ye Fei used the Zhu Cui fire needle, it might not be able to save Ling Shiyun.

Even God Doctor Wu has no hope for this, he just wants Ye Fei to have more contact with Ling Shiyun. If it’s two people

To be able to rejoice in love, then using the “Huang Di Nei Jing” is a matter of course.

That’s what the genius doctor Wu planned.

Although Wu’s genius doctor is old-fashioned, but his life is close to the sky, Ling Shiyun’s congenital shortcomings may only rely on the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”.

To make up, this is also the result of the review of multiple documents by the wise doctor Wu.

Ye Fei looked at the genius doctor Hao next to him, and he said, “Well, I will try my best.”

“Okay, please.” Wu Shenyi said: “Ye Gongzi is really kind, and I blamed Ye Gongzi for the old man before.”

Ye Fei shook his head, then said: “Then ask Miss Ling to follow me into the room.”

Ye Fei looked calm.


Although Ling Shiyun’s face was reddened and a little embarrassed, she still agreed.

Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun arrived in the room.

At this time, the genius doctor Wu watched Ling Shiyun and Ye Fei enter the room, and the genius doctor Wu was waiting outside, not anxious.

Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun arrived in the bedroom. Ye Fei knew that Ling Shiyun was afraid of the cold, so he closed the doors and windows.

Ye Fei’s thoughtful behavior made Ling Shiyun’s heart slightly startled.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei said to Ling Shiyun: “Miss Ling, take off your coat, then sit down and I will check your pulse.”

Ye Fei also needs to determine what Ling Shiyun’s condition is.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly. She sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out her slender hand to get Ye Fei’s pulse.

Ye Fei diagnosed Ling Shiyun by cutting the pulse.

In fact, Ye Fei didn’t know Ling Shiyun’s physical condition. He diagnosed Ling Shiyun’s pulse and saw Ling Shiyun’s pulse.

Faintly, Ye Fei also noticed some of these things.

Ling Shiyun’s physical condition is indeed not good.

According to the current situation, Ling Shiyun’s physical condition can be said to last no more than two years. Her vitality and body are very good.

Weak, and it is weak to the extreme.

Every cold winter is extremely difficult for Ling Shiyun.

Ye Fei saw Ling Shiyun’s pale complexion, only her smart eyes reflected her shadow.

Ye Fei sighed and said: “Miss Ling, your physical condition is indeed not optimistic. If it weren’t for the doctor Wu to treat you,

You are afraid

Ye Fei didn’t say much, but the meaning is very clear.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, she bit her lip, and whispered: “I know.

Ling Shiyun knows her current situation very well.

Ling Shiyun’s current situation is like this, her body is extremely weak, and she is even coughing up blood these days. If it weren’t for Wu Shen

The doctor insisted on conditioning her body, but she was afraid that Ling Shiyun would not be able to stand it long.

Ye Fei said lightly: “Then I will use acupuncture and moxibustion to help you treat it first. If you are lying on your stomach, I will use the Suzaku fire needle first.”

Ye Fei said, he took out the silver needle with a serious and meticulous attitude.

As a doctor, Ye Fei showed an attitude of absolute earnestness, with no distractions. He disinfected the silver needles and took them again.

Towels and hot water are prepared for Ling Shiyun’s acupuncture.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, her face was slightly red, she took off her coat, and then lay on the bed, revealing a piece of fragrant shoulders and snow.

Skin, let Ye Fei acupuncture.

Ye Fei’s acupuncture techniques and acupuncture points are different from those of Wu Shenyi.

This is also the mystery of Suzaku Fire Needle.

Zhuque Fire Needle is after all the legendary acupuncture method. Ye Fei uses Zhuque Fire Needle to find the key acupoints and meridians, and then two

Pinching the needle with a slight shock, it pierced into the acupuncture tract.

Ling Shiyun’s body trembled slightly, and she only felt hot all over,-a hot air came out of the Jianjing point, and Ye Fei’s needle pierced it.

It is her shoulder well.

Ye Fei’s acupuncture technique is very special.

His acupuncture technique is very mysterious, it looks completely different from other acupuncture techniques, and the Suzaku fire needle is better

The use of Qi Yuzhen, that is, the control of Qi, gave Ling Shiyun a subtle change in her body.

In a short period of time, Ling Shiyun felt that her whole body was too warm.

Ling Shiyun’s physique is yin deficiency and chills, and she is very afraid of cold.

And Ye Fei’s Vermillion Bird Fire Needle can restrain Ling Shiyun’s physique, because Ye Fei’s Vermillion Bird Fire Needle is a fire attribute, press

According to Chinese medicine, it is full of yang.

Therefore, Ye Fei’s Suzaku Fire Needle is definitely an excellent treatment for Ling Shiyun.

If it is about prescribing prescriptions and medical experience, Ye Fei may be inferior to God Doctor Wu.

But when it comes to acupuncture and moxibustion, Ye Fei, who is proficient in “The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”, thinks that he is no less inferior to the supernatural doctor Wu.

Pass it!

The Zhuque fire needle in Ye Fei improved Ruo Ling Shiyun’s body. Although it was only a slight modification, it also made Ling Shiyun feel

It’s incredible.

Next, Ye Fei pierced Ling Shiyun’s acupuncture points with Zhuque fire needles, which was also extremely accurate.

The acupuncture points that Ye Fei pierced with Zhuque fire needles are all-some of the Guanqiao acupoints that are important to the human body. Soon, Ling Shiyun’s back

The department has been given at least ten needles by Ye Fei.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei also used other methods to cooperate

Gradually, Ling Shiyun felt a warm feeling rising from her, and Ling Shiyun felt it immediately

Here comes the warmth.

This heat made Ling Shiyun’s cold hands and feet seem to have a touch of warmth.

After about half an hour of acupuncture and moxibustion, Ye Fei pulled out the silver needles from Ling Shiyun’s body one by one, and asked with a smile: “Miss Ling, you

how does it feel?”

Ling Shiyun raised her head, her cheeks were slightly red. The contact with Ye Fei just now was actually very private, even the supernatural doctor Wu did not

Treated her in this way.

Ling Shiyun put on her clothes in a panic, covering her fair and beautiful skin.

Because Ling Shiyun is indoors all the year round, Ling Shiyun’s skin is astonishingly white, and it is almost as clear as jade.

Divide people.

Ling Shiyun put on her coat. She whispered in surprise, “Master Ye, your acupuncture technique is very powerful, even if it is my master’s needle

The moxibustion technique did not give me such a feeling. I don’t think I’m so cold anymore.”

Ling Shiyun’s face showed a sincere admiration!

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