Chapter 224 Women’s college is not staying!

Su Qingzhu’s requirements are indeed not high. She is just a little girl who has just fallen in love. Because of misogyny, it’s hard to be alone.

Ye Fei opened his heart.

She is not only love, but also dependence on Ye Fei, with all kinds of complicated feelings.

Therefore, Su Qingzhu and Ye Fei can come together.

After the two were together, Su Qingzhu got deeper and deeper into Ye Fei.

Due to the shadow of childhood, Su Qingzhu became insecure, but she was completely sincere to Ye Fei. Just her

However, his request is very simple, and he has never made excessive demands on Ye Fei.

Ye Fei couldn’t help feeling. It turned out that there was a fiery heart hidden under Su Qingzhu’s icy appearance. Only really understand

Only after Su Qingzhu did he realize that she was such a woman.

Wiping Su Qingzhu’s mouth gently, Su Qingzhu whispered: “I’m going to work.”

“Well, I’ll take you off.” Ye Fei drove his Bentley and sent Su Qingzhu downstairs to the Su Group Company.

Su Qingzhu closed the car door, stepped on high heels, his face turned cold, not at all like the little woman in Ye Fei’s arms.

Go straight to work.

Ye Fei smiled knowingly when he saw this scene.

At noon, Ye Fei made an appointment with Mu Zijin. While there was still time, Ye Fei went to the boxing gym to practice boxing alone.

During this period, Ye Fei always adhered to the good habit of practicing every day.

Ye Fei practiced boxing with a huge amount of exercise. He knew that what he faced next was not just Chen Luo, but more likely to be “Hua

The protagonist of the novel “The King of Soldiers” is’Li Yunfeng’!

Li Yunfeng’s force value is higher than Chen Luo’s, and it is more difficult to deal with!

Li Yunfeng is not only proficient in firearms, he is also at the top of his fighting skills. He was once the founder of the world’s top mercenary organization Longya.

Shiren, he retired from the mercenary world after washing his hands in Jinpen, after which he lived overseas for three years and became one of the tycoons of overseas Hongmen.

With the appearance of Concubine Ning Yu, Li Yunfeng will also appear soon, but he doesn’t know when he will appear.

Since this is a real world, some details in the original book have also changed, and now Ye Fei can’t

Determine the specific time when Li Yunfeng appeared.

Therefore, Ye Fei prepared early, and Zhong developed martial arts and fighting skills.

Ye Fei’s current strength is a martial artist with great internal strength.

And Li Yunfeng is indeed stronger than him. Li Yunfeng, as the King of Xuanhuang State Soldier and the founder of the Dragon Tooth Mercenary, is the Huajingzong.

Master warrior.

So Ye Fei has a sense of crisis,-he is practicing his martial arts.

Similarly, Ye Fei will kill Chen Luo as soon as possible, quickly accumulate experience points to 5000 points, and exchange for master martial arts proficiency↓

At that time, Ye Fei is not afraid to deal with Li Yunfeng!

Ye Fei practiced boxing for two hours, sweating profusely, he got off the ring with a wet towel and rested for a while.

Ye Fei’s current physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, but despite this, this extremely high-intensity exercise makes a little tired.

After resting for ten minutes, his strength recovered.

Ye Fei then slowly got up, took a bath and changed clothes, and then left the boxing gym to go to the Mu Family Courtyard.

Mu Family Courtyard.

Inside and outside the Mu’s compound were guards with guns and live ammunition, very strict.

But these guards are very familiar with Ye Fei, and even nodded to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei entered the Mu family compound.

Passing through the front yard of the Mu’s compound, Ye Fei found Mr. Mu.

Elder Mu was lying on a wicker chair basking in the sun at this time, very leisurely.

At noon, Mr. Mu made a pot of hot tea and was basking in the sun. There were various green plants on the wall in front of the courtyard.

Unfortunately, it is winter, and many green plants have withered.

“Old Mu.” Ye Fei greeted with a smile.

Elder Mu looked at Ye Fei, with a smile all over his face↓ He Yanyue said: “Xiaoye is here, sit down, today you are He Zijin

Is it an appointment?”

Elder Mu looked at Ye Fei with a smile, seemingly pretentious.

Obviously, Mu always knew about the relationship between Ye Fei and Mu Zijin.

Mu Zijin’s confession to Ye Fei has almost spread to the upper circles of Yandu, and it is impossible for Mu Lao to not know.

“En, today is an appointment with Zijin.” Ye Fei answered truthfully.

Elder Mu shook his head and smiled, “Hey, I said why this Y head went out shopping for groceries early this morning.

Tian is waiting for you to cook.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile.

He could imagine Mu Zijin going out early in the morning to buy groceries and waiting for him to come to eat.

He is the only one who can make Mu Zijin treat him like this and enjoy such treatment?

Elder Mu lightly sighed: “Hey, even I, an old man, have never eaten the dishes that Zijin personally cooks. You guys really

Elder Mu was very emotional, and when he saw Ye Fei laughed and cursed.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile, he couldn’t say anything else, otherwise, no matter what, there seems to be someone who is cheap and sells well.


“Hey, I really don’t want to stay in Women’s University.” Elder Mu sighed again and again, but he also smiled, very pleased.

Although Mr. Mu has no objection to Mu Zijin and Ye Fei being together, after all, the people chasing Mu Zijin over the years are still

Such as the crucian carp crossing the river, but Mu Zijin didn’t look down on one of them, and he was also anxious as a grandfather.

But when Mu Zijin and Ye Fei were together, Mr. Mu felt that his precious granddaughter was abducted.

Elder Mu couldn’t help but sigh that the female congress was not staying.

“Forget it, at noon today I will go to my old comrades to tell me about the past, you two will eat at home 303, I will not disturb you young

People dating. “Elder Mu touched his beard and sighed with emotion.

Mr. Mu is very open-minded, and Jingran took the initiative to make room for Ye Fei and Mu Zijin to be alone. Ye Fei is very much about this.


This also shows that Mu Lao has a very good impression of him.

Think about it, Ye Fei has taken care of Mr. Mu’s condition very carefully in the past few months. Mr. Mu’s impression of Ye Fei is similar to that of Ye Fei.

Increasing day by day.

“Lao Mu” Ye Fei was about to speak, but Elder Mu waved his hand and said, “Okay, no need to say more, I’ll go out first.

Come on, stay with Zijin. Oh, by the way, if I have time, I will let Zijin’s parents come back and let’s have a meal together.

Ye Fei’s heart moved.

Both Mu Zijin’s parents work in Yandu, but their position is not low, and they are very busy on weekdays, so it is rare to go home.

Does this mean to meet the parents?

Ye Fei smiled, he naturally didn’t panic, and he agreed.

Mr. Mu led the driver to leave the yard slowly, while Ye Fei walked to the kitchen to find Muzi

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