Chapter 223 I like you more and more! [1/4 seeking subscription]

According to the setting of the system, Ye Fei’s experience points, the difficulty and influence of things caused by him, etc.

Face to decide.

Lei Haoran, as the heir to the Lei family of Yandu, is also a very important role in the original book.

And it was much harder to kill Lei Haoran than to kill Lin Yufan.

Although Bi Jinglin Yufan is the protagonist, he is too weak and has no background. It is normal to be crushed by Ye Fei.

After killing Lei Haoran, 1000 experience points are obtained, which is not too cool.

Currently Ye Fei has 3300 experience points.

“Lei Haoran is dead, get rid of a confidant’s trouble.” Ye Fei secretly said, feeling refreshed.

In the original book, Lei Shaohui, Lei Haoran and his sons were Chen Luo’s biggest accomplices in destroying the Ye family. After the Ye family was destroyed, Lei Shao

Hui and Lei Haoran’s “Four Four Zeros” father and son are also among the greatest vested interests.

Ye Fei clearly remembers the ending in the original book. Lei Haoran seized most of the Ye family’s industries, including

All kinds of high-end hotels, financial funds and even brilliant entertainment companies were swallowed by Lei Haoran.

And Chen Luo dominates the Ye family’s real estate, cultural tourism and other companies.

Therefore, when Lei Haoran was eliminated, Ye Fei was also very happy.

Hearing the words of Lei Yiming, Ye Fei’s mouth curled up, and the matter was completely over.

And the best part is that Lei Yiming was extremely hostile to Chen Luo on the phone, and even said to Ye Fei: “Brother Ye

Call me when you want to deal with Chen Luo, count as a buddy, his grandma’s, Chen Luo dare to poison

Lei Yiming was irritated by Chen Luo’s poisoning, and obviously had a grudge against Chen Luo.

Chen Luo colluded with Lei Haoran to such a degree that Lei Yiming felt angry and resented Chen Luo.

If Ye Fei didn’t find out in time, his father would even be in danger!

In fact, although Chen Luo did not poison Lei Jin in the original book, Chen Luo also used a few tricks to combine Lei Jin and Lei-Ming.

The father and son were not lightly reconciled, and in the end Lei Yiming also died under Chen Luo’s hands.

Perceiving Lei Yiming’s anger at Chen Luo, Ye Fei’s mouth curled up.

It seems that he still had unexpected gains after solving Lei Haoran, which made Lei Ming resent Chen Luo.

Lei Jin and Lei Yiming’s father and son will completely control the Lei Family after the Lei Family’s changes.

Of course, after this time, the Lei family was also greatly injured.

Without Lei Shaohui, Lei Haoran and others, the Lei family’s power today is not as good as before, and it has plummeted.

But despite this, Ye Fei is quite satisfied.

After all, as an ally, it is not good if the Lei family is too strong, and it is even a bad thing for Ye Fei.

Only the Lei family is weak, but Ye Fei can be in a dominant position in the two alliances, and it is even convenient for Ye Fei to control the Lei family.

Therefore, Ye Fei is very satisfied with the current status of Lei’s family.

“Brother Lei, don’t worry, I will notify you when the time comes.” Ye Fei whispered.

“Okay, I see, Brother Ye, I won’t bother too much.” Lei Yiming said with a big smile, and then hung up the phone.

He is obviously full of spirits when it comes to happy events.

Ye Fei also hung up, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei heard a pleasant sound around him.

“Who is calling?” Su Qingzhu was lying on the bed, still sleeping curled up, like a little cat.

In fact, the curled up sleeping position represents a person’s lack of security in his heart, and Su Qingzhu is obviously such a person.

Ye Fei sighed secretly when he saw this. In fact, Su Qingzhu, because of the shadow of his childhood, was resistant to anyone.

Like a wounded stray cat, licking its wounds in the corner happily.

She opened her heart to Ye Fei alone.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel a little pain when seeing her look like this.

Su Qingzhu looked at Ye Fei in a dazed manner, his bright eyes were slightly out of focus, and he looked at him blankly, his expression still

Little cute.

Ye Fei saw it, smiled and walked forward, and picked Su Qingzhu up in a princess hug, and amidst Su Qingzhu’s exclamation, he lifted her up

He took it directly to the dressing table in the bathroom.

In the mirror on the dressing table, Su Qingzhu hooked Ye Fei’s neck. His skin and neck were as white as jade, and everything was beautiful.

Ye Fei smiled and said: “You wash up first, I have already prepared breakfast.”

“En.” Su Qingzhu took the initiative to kiss Ye Fei’s cheek, and then began to wash, she was humming a song, obviously in the mood


After washing, Su Qingzhu wore a silk nightgown and walked back to the bedroom barefoot. Under Ye Fei’s gaze, she had

Some embarrassedly turned their backs to change clothes.

Ye Fei admired the smooth powder back, and then listened to Su Qingzhu softly asking: “Who were you calling just now? Listen

Looks in a good mood.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “It’s the Lei family’s business.

Right now, Ye Fei simply told Su Qingzhu about the Lei family.

After listening to this, Su Qingzhu opened his bright eyes and said in surprise: “Lei Haoran is dead.

Of course Su Qingzhu also knows how powerful the Lei family’s power is, but Ye Fei actually grasped Lei Haoran’s handle, and let

Lei Haoran committed suicide in fear of sin.

“Well, I’m dead, I guess Lei’s family will make the news of his death public this afternoon at the latest tomorrow.” Ye Fei whispered.

Su Qingzhu nodded slightly, she was surprised at Ye Fei’s method, even Lei Haoran of the Lei family was not his opponent.

“The things here are a bit complicated, so don’t think too much about it and eat first.” Ye Fei gave Su Qingzhu an omelette.

Hearing this, Su Qingzhu smiled. She was eating the omelette with candy hearts. She bit the omelette and accidentally ate it all over her mouth.

Ye Fei saw this scene and carefully wiped the food residue from the corners of Su Qingzhu’s mouth,-and smiled and said, “How do you eat?

Why eat into a small cat

Ye Fei moves gently and treats his own woman. Of course, he is 2.4 and gentle.

Su Qingzhu stared at Ye Fei blankly, feeling Ye Fei’s gentle movements, and her eyes became soft for a while.

When she got up, she whispered softly: “Ye”


“I feel that I like you more and more.” Su Qingzhu’s face was slightly red, and he said softly.

Ye Fei laughed and stared at Su Qingzhu, Ye Fei’s eyes softened, and the surface of the Y head was cold.

But after real contact with Su Qingzhu, she discovered that her requirements were surprisingly low.

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