Chapter 170 Special treatment [seeking subscription]

Ye Fei laughed when Mu Zijin said this.” “I’ll just give some stomach medicine and have such benefits? 1 Actually, I also know

Chen Luo is not easy to deal with, if it is only Chen Luo down, the key is that the genius doctor Wu is standing behind him. ‘

Ye Fei does not hide his purpose.

Mu Zijin is very clear about the contradiction between him and Chen Luo, not to mention that Mu Zijin is very smart, and it is not good to hide it from her.

If it was just Chen Luo, Ye Fei would have killed Chen Luo long ago.

But Chen Luo’s trouble lies in the fact that he is backed by a genius doctor. In the novel “Genius Doctor”, Wu genius doctor is a world-famous doctor.

Outsiders, he is like the big boss in the whole book. It’s really hard to deal with.

What’s more, Chen Luo also has the contacts left to him by the genius doctor Wu. There are many wealthy families in Yan, and Chen Luo’s favors are next.

Mu Zijin smiled, her lips were pink and moist, and her eyes were as clear as a stream. She pursed her lips and said, “Indeed, there is Doctor Wu behind.

Support, Chen Luo is not easy to deal with, but Chen Luo has been disgraced recently. ’

Mu Zijin knows about Chen Luo’s various scandals recently, and he is half famous as Ye Fei.

This Mu Zijin was not surprised, Chen Luo had been aggressive. Tufei’s counterattack was also normal.

“Chen Luo went to the Wei family in the past two days. The Wei family is a wealthy family in Yandu. Ten years ago, the old man of the Wei family was ill and was dying.

The doctor saved his life, so the Wei family owed the genius doctor Wu a lot of favor. Even Mr. Wei once said that his life belonged to the genius doctor Wu.

Mu Zijin said softly.

Ye Erfei nodded, he was also familiar with the original book and of course knew the whole story.

Chen Luo is a closed disciple of Wu’s genius doctor, and the Wei family owes such a big favor to Cheng’s genius doctor. It’s normal to help Chen Luo.

However, the thing of renqing will eventually be used up in one day, let alone the gentleness of the Chen Luo. He can’t fully represent Wu’s genius doctor.

Even if the Wei family helped Chen Luo once, it doesn’t mean that they will always help Chen Luo!

Unless Chen Luo can establish close ties with the Wei family.

But now it seems that the Wei family and Chen Luo are not closely related.

After all, the top giants of Yandu, such as the Wei family and the Mu family, all have a transcendent status. Want to establish a relationship with such a giant

It’s not that simple a

Ye Fei smiled, “Actually, I expected that the Wei family would help Chen Luo. Chen Luo has connections with Wu’s genius doctor. This is indeed very important.

Tricky. ”

Mu Zijin’s eyes blinked like stars, and she softly said, “In fact, this is the end of the matter. The Yandu circle is very

Many people are aware of the contradiction between you and Chen Luo, especially Chen Luo recently-has been trying to win over Yandu’s upper-class family-”

The contradiction between Chen Luo and Ye Fei can’t be concealed.

Now, all those second-generation and son-in-laws in the upper circle of Yandu know the contradiction between Ye 2fei and Chen Luo.

Ye Fei can hear the concern implied in Mu Zijin’s words.

Ye Fei shrugged and said, “Well, I know, but those Yandu families = all of them are very shrewd and will never stand in line easily.

“That’s right, in short, you still have to pay more attention to Chen Luo’s movements. If you really need help: find me at any time.” Mu Zijin said seriously

Mu Zijin has always been simple and straightforward. She did not shy away from being close to Ye Fei, and offered to help Ye Fei

Ye Fei smiled, “Okay. I see.”

After a pause, Ye Fei said again, “In fact, most of the Yandu families will not express their opinions easily, and most of them are just clumsy.

NS. Between me and Chen Luo. Whoever wins and who will help them. ”

Who wins and who they help!

Ye Fei’s words are really good.

Mu Zijin agreed with Ye Fei’s words, and she smiled lightly, “It seems that you have been prepared. Then I won’t say more.”

Ye Fei also said lightly, “Let me help you look at the acupuncture points first, how do you feel about getting sick recently?”

“I have been paying attention to my diet recently. With the addition of massage and medicine, it basically doesn’t hurt anymore.” Mu Zijin’s mouth was not diminished with a smile.

“That’s good. You lie down in the room first.” Ye Fei said.

Mu Zijin’s face was reddened. She will be treated by Ye Fei again, and the scene of the last Ye Fei treatment still makes her a little fresh in her memory.

Since childhood, Mu Zijin has never had such contact with any man.

But since it was treating the disease, and the target was Tufei, Mu Zijin just felt a little uncomfortable, and soon returned to normal.

Ye Fei massaged the acupoints for Mu Zijin. Neiguan and Zhongwan are two acupoints,-on the hand and one on the stomach

As the name suggests, the Sanzuli acupoint is on the feet.

These three acupoints are all effective acupuncture points for stomach diseases.

Ye Fei has no distracting thoughts, = meticulously massaged Mu Zijin, but Mu Zijin felt that Ye Fei’s hands were too hot

This hot feeling made her face even more flushed. Mu Zijin lay on the bed, closing her star eyes, not looking at Ye Fei or looking at each other.

Beautiful thoughts in my heart are inevitably born.

Ye Fei moves very vigorously. He massages it carefully.

Mu Zijin only feels that the acupuncture points massaged by Ye Fei are sore, and there is also a tingling sensation that spreads all over the body, which is very special.

Ye Fei massaged the acupoints in less than 20 minutes.

But this was less than twenty minutes, but it made Mu Zijin feel extra long and special.

Ye Fei was very focused during the massage. Looking at Ye Fei’s profile, Mu Zijin was thoughtful and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Ye 320fei didn’t have so many complicated thoughts. Of course, he did feel the silky smoothness of Mu Zijin’s skin, helping Mu.

Zijin massages. I felt that the satin-like skin was exquisite and silky to the extreme.

After a long time, the massage finally ended.

Mu Zijin stretched her eyebrows and moved her slightly-lowering her body, feeling relaxed and extraordinarily comfortable.

“Thank you.”

“It’s just a small effort.”

“I’m going to the army to teach firearms and martial arts, so I won’t accompany you. During this time, if you are free, it will take no more than a few days.

Get up to the martial arts gym to practice boxing?” Mu Zijin asked softly.

Mu Zijin served as a military instructor-post. However, she has a special status and belongs to an external instructor. So it is relatively free.

Hearing Mu Zijin’s active invitation, Ye Fei did not refuse, “Okay, I really want to practice boxing with you.’

“Then it’s settled.”

“Well, I’ll go to see Mu Lao.,

The two chatted a few words, and then Ye Fei and Mu Zijin both found Lao Mu, and Ye Fei was treating Mu Lao.

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