Chapter 169 Mu Zijin’s help!

In a blink of an eye, another 700 experience points were credited to the account, Ye Fei. At this time, the experience value has reached 3300 points. __

Ye Fei heard the sound of the system and felt relieved for a while, especially refreshed.

At the same time, Ye Fei was also thinking to himself: “Chen Luo should go to the Wei’s house or the Zheng’s house at this time to find the two big brothers.

busy. He is most likely to go to the Wei family. The Wei family has a lot of energy in Yandu and is able to help Chen Luo reduce or even settle the trouble of the poison capsule incident.

The Wei family and the Zheng family were the two big families that owed the favor of Wu’s doctor at the time. These two families were the top wealthies of Yandu.

Ye Fei guessed that Chen Luo would go to the Wei family or the Zheng family for help. After all, only these two top giants have the energy to help Chen Luo balance the influence of this matter.

Other families, such as the Lei family, are inferior to these top giants. “Eight Six Soil”

Of course, Chen Luo will definitely ask Lei’s family for help in the end. After all, Lei Ming’s father is Xuan Huangguo, a drug and food supervisor.

The head of the department, he can help.

While Ye Fei thought about it, he saw Su Qingzhu leaning against him, his eyes closed slightly, and two fragrances came.

Seeing Su Qingzhu leaning on his shoulder, the beauty of the iceberg was amazing at the moment.

Ye Fei grabbed her slender waist and whispered softly, “Would you like to stop sleeping for a while? Don’t go to the company today.,

“No, I have to go as soon as possible. Otherwise, I’ll show up.” Su Qingzhu whispered.

Su Qingzhu didn’t dare to look into Ye Fei’s eyes. She just thought it was a little absurd. In the past few years, she had never been late for work at the company, but now because of Ye Erfei, she has been’absent from work’ for a long time.

If you don’t go to Hongyan’s company today, if it reaches Su Xiaokun’s ears, then you will be exposed.

So Su Qingzhu must go to Hongyan Company.

“Well, I’ll take you there.” Ye Fei smiled.

Su Qingzhu got up and put on his clothes. After putting on his clothes, Tu Fei drove Su Qingzhu straight to the Su Group.

Su Group.

Ye Fei sent Su Qingzhu downstairs, then turned around and left.

While Su Qingzhu was biting his mouth while watching Ye Fei’s back, he was a little dumbfounded. She couldn’t help shaking her head, when did she

Have you become so worried about gains and losses?

Su Qingzhu stepped on high heels and went to his office.

Su Qingzhu’s female assistant, Xiao Li, saw that Su Qingzhu was coming, and hurriedly ran to report to Su Qingzhu: “General Manager Su, you didn’t come this morning. This is our company’s sales data situation last week. There are also two pieces of information from Su’s headquarters”

When the little assistant saw Su Qingzhu, he secretly found out what happened to President Su, and didn’t come to work for a long time. Is this just for once?

The little assistant looked at Su Qingzhu carefully, and was taken aback for a moment. He couldn’t help but blurt out, “Mr. Su, you are so beautiful today.”

Su Qingzhu paused his jade hand holding the information, and his red lips lightly opened: “How beautiful is today?”

The female assistant stunned and said in a low voice, “I can’t describe it either. I feel like you are very feminine.

The face is radiant.”

Su Qingzhu was slightly startled, and at the same time, his face was slightly red: -Red, couldn’t help but think of a sentence: the nourishment of love.

“Mr. Su, I’ll go out first if there is nothing wrong with the R8o6′ female assistant hurriedly said.

The female assistant quietly exited the office, while Su Qingzhu looked at the information in her hand, a little absent-minded, and Ye Fei’s figure appeared in her heart.

Su Qingzhu thought of Ye K. She couldn’t help but her mouth turned up, and then she patted her head, as if she was about to kick Ye Fei out of her mind. It was because of the bad guy that delayed her work.

I drove Ye Fei out of my mind, and Su Qingzhu began to work seriously.

Time flies, and three days have passed.

Needless to say, the progress of Ye Fei, Su Qingzhu, and Luo Weiyu is of course needless to say. During these three days, Qizheng Group’s shares suffered too much again. The limit fell for three consecutive days.

During this period of time, Qizheng Group’s stock price has evaporated 40% of its market value, and the stock price has almost been cut in half, which is enough to show the bad impact of this incident.

However, after Chen Luo visited the Wei family, the Wei family helped Chen Luo…

Chen Luo specially published a clarification announcement on the Internet. Although the effect was not great, Hao Mutual could be regarded as a voice.

On the other hand, the Wei family helped Qizheng Group temporarily lift the seizure of the production line, and assigned the main responsibility for the poison capsule incident to the supplier that supplied the Qizheng Group.

But nevertheless. The crisis of the Qizheng Group has not been lifted, but it has not made the impact of the poison capsule incident worse.

Chen Luo did all this. As Ye Fei expected, he was not surprised.

At this point in the matter, Qizheng Group has been greatly injured, because of the foul reputation of this incident, the drugs produced by Qizheng Group

The market share will also be reduced by the wife, and the brand will be greatly affected.

And Ye Fei also buried his back hand, and he will give Chen Luo a fatal blow.

Early this morning, Ye Fei made an agreement with Mu Zijin that he was going to the Mu Family Taiyuan for acupuncture and moxibustion for Mu Lao. By the way, he would take a look at Mu Zijin’s stomach problems.

Before Ye Fei went to Mu’s house, he bought a few more boxes of Wei Kang Shuwei medicine.

When he arrived at the Mu’s Taiyuan, Ye Fei saw Mu Zijin trimming the flowers and plants in the yard. She squatted down. The long hair is rolled up, and the eyes are extremely focused

Mu Zijin is wearing a set of home clothes. Still not applying Fendai, plain makeup is enough to turn sentient beings upside down.

Ye Fei arrived in the yard and smiled, “Didn’t you practice martial arts today?”

“I’ve finished punching, it was you who came too late.” Mu Zijin smiled lightly. Ye Fei did arrive later than usual today.

Ye Fei took out the stomach medicine and handed it to Mu Zijin, and briefly explained, “I went to buy the stomach medicine, so I will delay some time in the middle.”

Seeing those boxes of stomach medicine, Mu Zijin’s heart warmed, put away the stomach medicine, smile bright as sunshine: “Thank you. I also know

You have been very busy lately, so I have to trouble you to watch for my 2.7 and grandpa:”.

Ye Fei laughed but didn’t say anything

Mu Ziyan whispered: “I see that Chen Luo has been in trouble recently in the news. Chen Luo has been very quiet recently. It seems that he wants to deal with you.”

Ye Fei’s heart moved, Mu Zijin seemed to be very concerned about the contradiction between him and Chen Luo: “Zijin, you seem to care about me and Chen.

What happened?”

Mu Zijin smiled sweetly. 2 With her eyes as clear as a stream under the ice, she smiled lightly, “No way, you can’t take someone’s stomach medicine for nothing.

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