Chapter 85: Contradictions!

Shi Qinghai just stood aside like this, as a strange spectator.

From these few sentences, Shi Qinghai probably knew that Qin Feng was probably misunderstood by the female nurse when he was at the train station.

But Shi Qinghai is not a bad guy, Qin Feng is still his enemy, Shi Qinghai is not so stupid!


Seeing that the situation was not right, Qin Feng raised his hands, pressed down, and said in a deep voice, “Auntie, there is a misunderstanding, can you listen to me explain?”

Mother Liang held back her anger, and just about to speak, the female nurse on one side said: “Aunt Cuiying, you have just finished the operation now, and you can’t have too much mood swings, otherwise if the wound opens a second time, It will be difficult to deal with!”

Mother Liang hesitated and said, “My son hasn’t heard from him for several years, and now I can finally know, I can’t rest assured.”

Immediately, Mother Liang looked at Qin Feng, “Didn’t you say that you and your eldest baby are comrades-in-arms? You should provide me with proof first, how can I trust you!”

Qin Feng looked at Mother Liang, was silent for a while, and said, “Auntie, Mengzi is my subordinate. He joined the army five years ago. He has a birthmark on his butt. He is a left-handed man who likes to eat candy.”

Hearing this, Liang Mu had already believed most of it.

If you can describe the characteristics of a big baby so accurately, you will never find it if you don’t get along for many years.

“What about the other person!” Mother Liang’s voice suddenly became louder and her emotions became agitated.

“Auntie, auntie, don’t get excited, if you are too excited and have surgery again, it will cost you tens of thousands of yuan.”

Shi Qinghai looked worried and quickly reminded him.

Hearing that it cost tens of thousands of dollars, Liang Mu just calmed down.

Her health is small, but tens of thousands of dollars is definitely not something she can afford.

Qin Feng bowed his head and said guiltily: “Mengzi was injured while performing a mission. The superior rewarded him for first-class work. Mengzi said that he hadn’t been home for a long time, so he asked me to come back and see you.”

In fact, Liang Meng was already dead, and it was because of Qin Feng’s negligence. However, in order to take care of the emotions of Liang’s mother who had just been operated on, Qin Feng decided to conceal the facts for the time being, and waited for a good opportunity to speak out later.

Liang’s mother was breathing fast, and two lines of clear tears fell.

Going home… how she hopes her son will be able to go home! But it was such a simple trip, this simple hope, she waited like this for five or six years, and when her hair turned white and her waist became bent, she still couldn’t wait!

Mother Liang controlled her emotions, glanced at the worried female nurse next to her, and said, “What did this little nurse say? Why do you say you are a liar?”

Qin Feng smiled bitterly: “This matter was a misunderstanding. On the first day I went to Fu City, those swindlers admitted to the wrong person, thinking that I was in a group with them, so they called my eldest brother and accidentally scared this lady. .”

The female nurse whispered: “How can there be such a coincidence in the world.”

Because of the first stereotype, the female nurse now feels very bad for Qin Feng. Even though Qin Feng has explained it clearly, she still thinks that he is a bad person.

Qin Feng ignored her, hesitated, and looked at Shi Qinghai who was silent, took out his proof from his pocket, and said, “Mengzi and I belong to the same army. Auntie, you know the strictness of the army. I must know that I can’t be a liar.”

Mother Liang hesitated for a while, carefully read the ID in Qin Feng’s hand, and finally nodded.

She knew best how the eldest baby entered the army. It was a series of non-disclosure agreements and a strict seal.

At that time, Liang’s mother knew that the troops her son went to were definitely not ordinary!

“Well, this gentleman, if there is nothing particularly important, stop talking first and let the patient rest.”

“The time from waking up to the present has exceeded the patient’s active time, and I need to rest!”

Qin Feng frowned and looked at the female nurse, only to feel that this woman was so ridiculous that she had been aiming at him inexplicably.

If it weren’t here, he would be able to make this woman speechless in the future!

Mother Liang saw this scene, her eyes flickered, but she didn’t speak.

“Okay, okay, let’s come out first and give Auntie a rest.”

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Shi Qinghai said.


Although Qin Feng was angry, he didn’t stop there. The nurses said so. If he still lays here, then there is really a problem with his life.

The four of them walked out of the ward together. After the female nurse Chao Shi Qinghai smiled and said goodbye, she hurried to the general department.

Qin Feng looked at Liang Ruoxue, who was tall on one side, and asked softly: “Are you Mengzi’s sister?”

The main task here this time is to protect Mengzi’s sister Liang Ruoxue!

Qin Feng had noticed Liang Ruoxue since he walked into the ward just now. His slender figure was weak and the slender eyebrows were like a pale shadow of a distant mountain.

Two curled eyebrows are frowning, and a pair of eyebrows looks like weeping and not weeping.

Such a weak expression immediately aroused Qin Feng’s desire for protection.

Had it not been for Liang’s mother just now, Qin Feng would have rushed forward and asked.

Hearing Qin Feng’s words, Liang Ruoxue glanced at Shi Qinghai hesitantly, then nodded.

“Well, this is Liang Ruoxue.”


As the saying goes, men know men best.

When Liang Ruoxue glanced at Shi Qinghai, Qin Feng had a bad premonition in her heart.

This outrageously handsome man seems to have a leg with Mengzi’s sister!

This situation made Qin Feng a little unacceptable for a moment.

Steady his mind, Qin Feng said solemnly, “That’s right. Liang Meng and I are brothers who live and die together. In a sense, I am also your brother. Now he has something to do with him and can’t come back. Let me replace him. Take care of you for a while.”

Hearing Qin Feng’s words, Liang Ruoxue couldn’t help but feel a sense of resistance in her heart.

She only had Shi Qinghai in her eyes, and she would always be Shi Qinghai. Even if the strange man in front of her really had something to do with her brother, she didn’t need his care.

Liang Ruoxue waved her hand and said: “I am eighteen years old and can take care of myself.”

Qin Feng looked stern, and said solemnly: “It’s not that simple! Otherwise, do you think I will come to Fu City just to see you?”

“The next words are very important and very private. No one else should know.”

Qin Feng looked at Shi Qinghai with an unquestionable tone: “You avoid it first!”

To be honest, the aura on the soldier King Qin Feng’s body was astonishing, and the killing aura that killed thousands of enemies was far from what Shi Qinghai could compare to without even killing a chicken.

Shi Qinghai understood that Qin Feng was jealous of him because he was too handsome.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that he had been getting stronger after crossing, just stare at him like this, and he couldn’t stop it.

Soldier King Qin Feng is so terrifying!


Before Shi Qinghai spoke, Liang Ruoxue had already stopped in front of him, with a small face full of rejection and dissatisfaction: “Brother Qinghai is his own, so you don’t need to avoid it.”

Qin Feng frowned, and his tone became colder, “Xiaoxue, what is your own person? Are you not afraid that your brother’s secret will be leaked out?”

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