Chapter 84: Coincidental Misunderstanding

After a while, Mrs. Liang said: “I know, this time I owe you a great favor, but we can’t afford to pay a million dollars! Didn’t we have signed a contract? Take the demolition money as a demolition. The house is worthy, I remember it was written in the contract, the house has more than one million assets, right!”

“We can sell you the house, and then take the remaining money to rent.”

Shi Qinghai’s brain hurts when Liang Mu’s series of words have been reduced to the limit.

This is how some people’s brains are so dead!

“If I really pestered Xiaoxue, I would have done it a long time ago!”

That’s right, but it has been done a long time ago, and it has been successful now.

Shi Qinghai said impatiently: “I don’t want you to think, I want me to think!”

Liang Mu was stunned, and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“Isn’t it just a few dollars? Isn’t it just a string of numbers? It’s less than one million!”

Shi Qinghai said earnestly: “Auntie, I am not interested in money, and I don’t like money at all.”

Mother Liang was stunned again, all the words were stuck in her throat, still unable to speak.

Finally, Shi Qinghai said slowly: “Moreover, your education like this is problematic. It’s too extreme. Is it because of your suspicion and your worry that Xiaoxue will not marry forever?”

“Auntie, why am I worse than others?”

Shi Qinghai looked at Liang’s mother who was speechless, and said seriously: “Don’t all rich people should approach you, are they all wrong?”

“If I were to be more cruel, I would pay you medical bills and find a doctor for two or three days of trust. If I used it to make money, I would be able to earn 100 million.”

In Shi Qinghai’s mind, one hundred million is really not much, that is, it is a trivial meaning.

But to Liang’s mother, it sounded like a bolt from the blue and became the last camel to crush the straw.

She wanted to refute, but she knew better that Shi Qinghai had the capital to say this.

She had no idea what to say.

Liang Ruoxue on one side saw that the situation was not right, hurriedly waved her hand, knelt down and said to Liang’s mother: “Mom, don’t worry, Brother Shi is very good to me.”

Liang Mu: “…”

Shi Qinghai also couldn’t laugh or cry, Liang Ruoxue’s words had no comforting effect, it was entirely for Liang Mu’s knife.

Shi Qinghai was even worried about what to do if Liang’s mother had a heart attack because of her anger.

Fortunately, Liang Mu’s adjustment ability is still very good.

Putting his face to one side, he said coldly: “Girl, pour me a glass of water, Mom is thirsty.”

When this sentence goes out, it is a disguised form of subduing. Shi Qinghai was also relieved.

Otherwise, if Liang Mu is really stubborn, then she won’t be able to deal with it.

Liang Ruoxue hurriedly nodded, and after the hot water and cold water turned into warm water, she passed the cup to Liang Mu’s mouth.

Mother Liang concentrated on drinking water, Liang Ruoxue and Shi Qinghai looked at each other, and even blinked slyly.

Shi Qinghai almost didn’t laugh out loud for her actions.


At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door sounded.

Then, an unfamiliar nurse walked in and said: “Hello, Ms. Chen Cuiying, there is a gentleman named Qin Feng outside who said he wants to see you. He said he is a friend of your son Liang Meng.”

Liang Meng! !

Mother Liang suddenly raised her head and said excitedly: “Quickly, please come in!”

Liang Meng, who has been a soldier for several years, the son she has been worried about day and night, is there finally news today!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng in a white T-shirt walked in.

His angular face is no longer the same as before, but it looks a little heavy.

Seeing this, Liang Mu’s heart murmured, and a bad instinct suddenly emerged.

Shi Qinghai was also in the ward at this time.

It seems to be destined, or Shi Qinghai’s charm is too amazing. When Qin Feng first came into the ward, it was not Liang Mu or Liang Ruoxue that he saw, but Shi Qinghai in the corner of the bed!

At this startling glance, Qin Feng was in a trance for an instant.

How is this person so handsome?

Although he was dressed plainly, his whole body was full of a powerful charm, which made people want to get close to him. His extraordinary and handsome face was unparalleled in the world, revealing an ungodly temperament.

This is such a person, even if he wears the most common Uniqlo home clothes, he can’t hide his temperament in the slightest.

Yes, it is temperament. The face can be plastic surgery, but the temperament cannot be imitated.

Looking at it this way, Qin Feng had a faint feeling of embarrassment in his heart.

Should be heavenly, why fall into the world?

Pressing down the shock in his heart, Qin Feng turned his head, looked at Mother Liang, and said, “Auntie, hello, I am Mengzi’s comrade-in-arms, Qin Feng!”

“Qin Feng, Qin Feng! How come you are the only one, my son, the eldest baby? Where is Liang Meng?!”

Liang’s mother was weak, revealing a sense of panic and nervousness.

As a mother, she can no longer describe her inner tension.

Shi Qinghai remained silent, like an unrelated spectator.

In Shi Qinghai’s mind, Qin Feng’s appearance at this time was irrelevant.

Without him, Liang Ruoxue was already devoted to herself, no matter how hard Qin Feng tried, it was of no use.

On the contrary, Qin Feng secretly protected Liang Ruoxue and could also increase Liang Ruoxue’s safety.

After all, in the near future, foreign killer organizations will soon come, kidnapping or assassinating Liang Ruoxue.

Wave after wave!

Therefore, Shi Qinghai did not do anything to hinder this matter.

Qin Feng returned to Fu City because of Liang Ruoxue. This was the direct cause and it was difficult to stop.

But perhaps it is God’s will to make people.

When Shi Qinghai didn’t plan to do anything to make Qin Feng officially return, and even became Liang Ruoxue’s brother, destiny made a little joke with Qin Feng.

“Auntie Cuiying, the bottle is almost finished, and I will give you another bottle of blood…liar!”

The female nurse in charge of this ward came in with the injection. Before she could finish her words, she stared at Qin Feng with wide eyes, shocked and angry!

When Qin Feng saw this familiar visitor, he instantly felt his head grow bigger.

It’s hard to do, it’s hard to explain.

Mother Liang looked at Qin Feng and then at the nurse who had been taking care of her for the past two days. She instinctively inclined to the nurse and asked:

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with him?”

The female nurse looked resentful, and hurriedly walked to Liang’s mother and said, “I came back from my relative’s wedding two days ago and met him at the train station. He is a group of crooks who want to lie to my cell phone. !”

As soon as these words went out, Mother Liang’s face instantly became ugly.

As a figure of the older generation, she hates this kind of disdain the most!

Especially the liar in front of him has an unknown connection with his son!

This makes Liang Mu even more angry!

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