Chapter VIII Cong Peng was mistaken by cleverness

But this is impossible!

Therefore, Zhao Wenbin had foresighted how this matter would develop and what the outcome would be. There were nothing more than two possibilities, and he was fully prepared.

As for Lin Feihang, Zhao Wenbin has understood that the Lin family is the four major families that have just developed in recent years, but Lin Feihang is like a legend.

Many things are naturally beyond the reach of Zhao Wenbin.

But the relationship between Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying, and Lu Yingyi’s attitude towards Lin Feihang, etc., can still be checked.

Zhao Wenbin knew that Lin Feihang was a capable young man.

It is impossible to chase Lu Xuanying without the skills. It is even more impossible to become the brother-in-law recognized by Lu Yingyi.

I don’t know the specific situation, but Zhao Wenbin knows that Lin Feihang will definitely try to reconcile this matter, and he is also prepared for this.

According to his thoughts.

He straightforwardly gave Lin Feihang money and thanked Lin Feihang for his life-saving grace to Zhao Ziqiang. Lin Feihang definitely didn’t want it, and would evade it.

If he received the money and the Zhao family repaid the kindness, it would be difficult for him to reconcile it.

It will definitely not be accepted.

Zhao Wenbin even thought that Lin Feihang might directly bring the topic to Lu Yingyi when he dodges, and then come up with a mediation statement.

This is normal.

But what the hell is collecting money directly?

Because it was inferred that Lin Feihang would not collect money, in order to express his sincerity of gratitude, I also thought that Lin Feihang might ask how much money is in the card.

The more money he won, the less he would receive it. Therefore, Zhao Wenbin released a full 50 million to Kari!

However, Lin Feihang didn’t even ask how much money was in Kali.

Just accept it!

This led to Zhao Wenbin’s long-prepared rhetoric, which suddenly became useless. This made Zhao Wenbin even subconsciously start to wonder if he overestimated this young man named Lin Feihang?

Didn’t Lin Feihang think so much?

Want to give money?

Don’t want to reconcile things?

Isn’t this stupid?

If his identity as Zhao Ziqiang’s life-saving benefactor is used well, he can mediate this matter to the satisfaction of both parties.

That Lu Xuanying would definitely favor Lin Feihang, and Lu Yingyi would be more convinced of him.

Even the Lu Family himself might have an eye for Lin Feihang!

The benefits are great, not just a sum of money can be compared!

How can this opportunity be missed?

and many more!


Zhao Wenbin suddenly felt that Lin Feihang might not have thought so much because Lin Feihang’s behavior was abnormal. The seemingly “banal” behavior of receiving money directly is actually something ordinary people can’t do!

When people are faced with gratitude, especially when they give bank cards directly. I usually ask urgently, evasively, and are polite.

Don’t talk any nonsense, even without the human kind of courtesy, just accept the card directly, this is abnormal!

Zhao Wenbin had no idea what Lin Feihang was thinking.

He thinks there are only those two possibilities.

Either Lin Feihang is really mediocre, not as capable as he guessed, or a little clever, he can win Lu Xuanying…

Maybe it’s the face, Lu Xuanying has a weird temper! If you are maverick, who can have a reasonable explanation, you just look right!

Another possibility may be that Lin Feihang thought of mediating things, but there is no good way.

Collect the money first, and when the Lu family loses money, he will fill in the money collected.

It can be regarded as a contribution to the solution of this matter.

Zhao Wenbin is a smart man.

With his dazed skill, he thought of so much.

Although smart people are smart, they all have one problem, that is, sometimes they are clever and mistaken.

Especially people with complicated minds think a lot, and in many cases, they will “fight with the air” on their own.

However, Zhao Wenbin is not a “fighting wits and courage with air”, at least he has grasped part of Lin Feihang’s mind, especially at the beginning.

Before seeing Lin Feihang, he had all guessed right. Lin Feihang did have the ability, and Lin Feihang did want to reconcile it.

There is no problem with the idea.

But after seeing Lin Feihang, Zhao Wenbin was affected by Lin Feihang’s “abnormal behavior”, but was confused because of too much thinking, and was not clear about the situation.

And something he didn’t know.

Lin Feihang knows what kind of person Zhao Erye is, even better than himself!

Bystanders clear! Lin Feihang knows what Zhao Wenbin has done, what he is, and his style of doing things!

Therefore, Lin Feihang’s abnormal behavior of directly collecting money was specially prepared for him, a person who is scheming and complicated!

If Zhao Wenbin’s mind was simpler, Lin Feihang would not do it.

The smile on Zhao Wenbin’s face froze, but from another point of view, he still maintained a smile. Although there was something wrong with his expression, the smile on his face soon “bloomed” again!

“Hahahaha, my little brother is refreshing! I don’t procrastinate or hypocrisy at all, I just like my dealings with refreshing people!” Zhao Wenbin laughed.

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