Chapter 892: A little care from our Zhao family

Today, Lin Feihang is wearing a light blue self-cultivating business suit, which was bought by Zhang Bingbing. It is naturally very expensive, costing hundreds of thousands.

But compared with the watch, it is a fraction!

“Boss Zhao, lucky to meet.”

“Hahahaha, little brother, thank you! Thanks to you. I have heard my nephew say that if it weren’t for you, my nephew might have died the night before.”

Zhao Wenbin smiled.

After Zhao Ziqiang’s introduction, Lin Feihang shook hands with Zhao Wenbin.

Zhao Wenbin was talking with a big laugh, and seemed to be really grateful to Lin Feihang, but what he said is very interesting!

Lin Feihang understands Zhao Wenbin!

In fact, Zhao Wenbin was in the Zhao family, and he was considered a “heterogeneous”. The Zhao family was a military family. But Zhao Wenbin didn’t have the temperament of a soldier at all, not only didn’t, but went in another direction.

A full-fledged businessman, especially pure feeling!

Businessmen chase profits.

Zhao Wenbin is such a person.

Moreover, he can be called a “scheming scheming”, he belongs to the kind of smiling tiger, and his mind is very deep. There is no such thing as rabbits and eagles.

This just met.

Zhao Wenbin said that “Zhao Ziqiang almost died”, which seemed to be a special thanks to Lin Feihang, but in fact, he already knew that Lin Feihang wanted to reconcile this matter.

It is not difficult to guess, because Lu Yingyi is Lin Feihang’s “little brother-in-law”.

“Boss Zhao, you have been waiting for a long time.” The two let go, and Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“No, no.” Zhao Wenbin waved his hand with a smile, and said, “I just arrived, let’s get to the front and back.”

After a few polite words, the two sat down.

Zhao Wenbin’s name for Lin Feihang can be a little strange, called “little brother”, Zhao Ziqiang is called Lin Feihang’s eldest brother, and Zhao Wenbin calls Lin Feihang according to his own habits.

For young men who are relatively unfamiliar and friendly, they have no blood or seniority relationship. Zhao Wenbin is used to calling him little brother.

The relationship between Zhao Wenbin and Lin Feihang is naturally “friendly”, because Lin Feihang is Zhao Ziqiang’s lifesaver.

This favor, or kindness. The Zhao family must pay it back, but one yard goes to one yard. Zhao Wenbin knows that Lin Feihang may make peace from it, but he will not easily change his handling of this matter just because of Lin Feihang’s peace.

“Little brother looks so young, I heard Xiaoqiang say that you are only 23 years old this year.”

“Yes, one year older than Young Master Zhao.”

“You are young, hahaha.”

“Boss Zhao Ziqiang praised him.”

“No, no, no, I’m not a winner, little brother, let me tell you, I am a person, I have always been very accurate in seeing people. Although little brother, we met for the first time, but when I saw you, I knew it as a talent. , Your future is limitless! Hahahaha!”


Then you flicker!

Zhao Wenbin has a habit. He really loves to praise people. People who often praise are floating, and then they will treat him lightly.

It’s all routines!

Habits become natural, Zhao Wenbin’s words have always been like this.

Driven by Zhao Wenbin, the two of them spent more than ten minutes talking nonsense before they got to the point.

“Little brother, there is nothing else to say, you saved our family, Xiaoqiang, you are not worthy of retribution.” Zhao Wenbin said, then took out a bank card, put it on the coffee table and slid it to Lin Feihang’s body. forward.

“This is a little bit of caution from our Zhao family. The password is the last six digits of the card number. You must accept it, little brother!” Zhao Wenbin finally smiled and patted Lin Feihang’s thigh lightly.

“Then I will accept it.” Lin Feihang smiled, took the card directly, and carried it away!


A little polite, even if there was no hypocritical shirk, Lin Feihang just accepted it!

Zhao Wenbin’s smile froze suddenly.

Lin Feihang didn’t play the cards according to the routine at all!

Zhao Wenbin who was “hit” was in a daze. Really a little confused, because the development process of the situation is completely different from what Zhao Wenbin thought!

Before he came to Jiangbei City, he did his “homework.” According to his thoughts, those who hurt Zhao Ziqiang must die. Although Zhao Ziqiang is not what happened in the end, it is absolutely about the face of the Zhao family and the face of the big family. You can’t lose it!

Everyone knows that Jiangbei City is Lu Yingyi’s site!

Any retreat of the Zhao family may be interpreted as the Zhao family jealous of his Lu family!

Regarding the Lu family, this matter cannot directly involve Lu Yingyi. If Lu Yingyi chooses to “abandon the car to protect his handsome”, that would be fine.

Lu Yingyi didn’t protect the people below, and left the Zhao family to deal with it, which also gave the Zhao family a lot of face, and there was no need to pursue anything more.

But if Lu Yingyi wants to protect the people, then the Lu family will have to pay a certain price. The price may not be large. It may even be a sum of money and the disappearance of some small characters.

Money is a trivial matter, even a few hundred million is a trivial matter, but this will again concern the face of the Li family!

In the final analysis, this is a matter of face!

If this matter is resolved face-to-face, Lu Yingyi directly kowtows and apologizes to Zhao Jia, and it will be resolved instantly!

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