Chapter VIII Break him down!

Lin Feihang directly said, “Just let him come over tomorrow.”

The private room is very quiet.

Jiang Handong was still looking at the file, because Lin Feihang answered the phone and revealed very little information, so he did not pay special attention to him. He was deeply attracted by the content of the file.

Soon, in the private room, Jiang Handong had already read most of the documents. The documents were very thick. In fact, he jumped to read them, otherwise it would be impossible to read them so fast.

“How about, Brother Jiang? Are you interested?” Lin Feihang looked at Jiang Handong and asked with a smile.

“Yes! Particularly interested!” Jiang Handong replied very simply!

He already knew what Lin Feihang wanted to pull him for!

In fact, the documents Jiang Handong looked at did not have too much relationship with his business, or with Lin Feihang and Zhang Bingbing. It was just a “third-party” business plan, which was Li Yunlong’s business. Plan!


Before coming here, when Lin Feihang was on the phone with Zhang Bingbing, he told Zhang Bingbing and asked her to print a business plan with a certain number and related documents and contracts.

Lin Feihang didn’t plan to let Jiang Handong know everything directly, it was unnecessary, at least it was unnecessary now.

Jiang Handong is a smart man.

He can see who the plan belongs to.

The name of Li Yunlong’s company was in the file, and he could also think of Lin Feihang showing him what it meant!

It is to get him into the gang, engage in Li Yunlong’s business, and engage in his money!

“Brother Jiang, you don’t have to promise to be so happy, this matter is not as simple as you think.” Lin Feihang smiled to Jiang Handong.

“I know, isn’t it just the surname Li!!!” Jiang Handong waved his hand proudly and laughed: “You’ll be done with him! Rob his business and his money!”

“It’s fucking him.” Lin Feihang smiled and nodded, but then said: “But, this will be a big deal!”

“How old is it?” Jiang Handong asked rhetorically.

“Beat him!” Lin Feihang said with a calm smile.

Jiang Handong’s expression changed in an instant.

This is different from what he thought!

Although he understood that the appearance of these documents in Lin Feihang’s hands was definitely related to “commercial espionage”, it was the theft of commercial espionage itself.

But the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and it’s all intrigue. Jiang Handong has no other ideas about this. If Lin Feihang can get it, it means that Lin Feihang is awesome and it’s over!

And to grab Li Yunlong’s business is a commercial act! Secretly, it is also a commercial competition!

These are just “small problems”!

But now Lin Feihang says to “break down” Li Yunlong, how did he break it?

It’s hard to keep it from getting bigger, and Li Yunlong is backed by the Li family, and his own business is essentially part of the Li family’s industry.

Therefore, trying to defeat Li Yunlong is basically equivalent to doing it in the direction of ruining the Li family’s business!

Although the actual situation will not be so extreme!

However, it will indeed provoke the power of the Li family.

Not just Li Yunlong himself.

“Brother, do you mean…to go bigger? Go to death?” Jiang Handong asked with a change of expression on his face.

“That’s right.” Lin Feihang smiled and nodded, paused, and then said: “Brother Jiang, there are some things that I couldn’t tell you before, but today we can. The relationship between the two of us is also reached.”

Jiang Handong looked at Lin Feihang.

“Regarding the issue of the Li family, I have already talked to the Lu family, and you should have also heard that Li Yunlong has provoke many wrongs over the years, and has done many extraordinary things. He killed people who shouldn’t be killed.”

Lin Feihang’s remarks can be said to be “stop-by-click”.

“So…” Jiang Handong asked. He understood what Lin Feihang meant, but he didn’t know what Lin Feihang meant.

“As short as half a year, as long as one year, the Li family will have an accident and it will collapse!” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

Jiang Handong’s complexion suddenly changed.

This is a big deal! Very big!

Although Jiang Handong didn’t have much contact with the children of the big family, he was dormant for ten years, and was relatively “closed”, but he still knew the information that was easy to know.

He knows exactly what family the Li family is.

I want the Li family to collapse. And in just one year, the power to attack the Li family was at least several times that of the Li family.

and. There is likely to be a melee between big families. Those who sit in the mountains and watch tigers fight, fish in troubled waters, the enemies of the enemy, the friends of friends, will become a mess!

“Split the cake in advance, the sooner you prepare, the more you get!” Lin Feihang looked at Jiang Handong and said again.

It’s very straightforward.

Of course Jiang Handong fully understood what Lin Feihang meant.

But Jiang Handong is still, not knowing what is going to happen, there is a subconscious emotion in his heart that I can’t believe it, after all, this matter is too big!

“I went to the Black Sea City a few days ago.” Lin Feihang smiled again and said: “I have already talked with Wang Longming. Wang Longming and Sister Zhang have also met, and the part about their cooperation has been decided.”

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