Chapter 880 Don’t know if Brother Jiang is not interested?

Speaking of, Zhang Bingbing revealed the relationship between the two, which was also approved by Lin Feihang in advance.

When talking to Lin Feihang before, Lin Feihang said that he was introducing a friend. Zhang Bingbing asked who it was and whether he would let him know the relationship between the two.

Lin Feihang agreed and told Zhang Bingbing what to talk about tonight.

This made Zhang Bingbing also understand some of Lin Feihang’s mentality.

As for Zhang Bingbing’s “direct”, Lin Feihang felt that Zhang Bingbing wanted to talk about business quickly. If she didn’t say it directly, then I want Jiang Handong to know the relationship between the two, it may take a long time and may have to eat. After chatting for an hour, Jiang Handong can judge the relationship between the two through some small movements of the two, and it will be difficult to believe.

And for some things, Jiang Handong must understand the relationship between the two before they can talk well!

That way, this meal will take a long time!

Zhang Bingbing just wanted to talk about business early!

So in such a hurry, do you want to finish your meal early, finish talking, and go home to sleep?

Not sure.

These are Lin Feihang’s guesses!

“Ah!” Jiang Handong suddenly made a sound of enlightenment, and then laughed: “Hahahahaha. It turns out to be a family!”

Jiang Handong forcefully suppressed the shock in his heart, and said this sentence, and the emotional intelligence of this sentence is extremely high.

Not only did it break the weird atmosphere, but also “to please” Zhang Bingbing.

Jiang Handong was also really shocked. There was Lu Xuanying in front of him, and this…Zhang Bingbing!

How did this happen? !

Zhang Bingbing, it should be the most impossible!

How awesome is Lin Feihang? !

Jiang Handong was shocked in his heart!

Zhang Bingbing pursed his mouth and smiled. The word “family” really made her very useful.

Zhang Bingbing looked at Lin Feihang again and noticed that the collar of Lin Feihang’s shirt was not very neat, so she stretched out her hand and naturally helped Lin Feihang tidy it up.

Looking at Jiang Handong again, Zhang Bingbing smiled and said, “Boss Jiang, let’s order first.”

Zhang Bingbing glanced at Liang Jingru after speaking, and then said again: “Ms. Liang, what does she like to eat?”

Zhang Bingbing would not look at her differently because of Liang Jingru’s star status, mainly because she is a woman from Jiang Handong and Jiang Handong is a friend of Lin Feihang, so Zhang Bingbing is more “careful”.

Liang Jingru knew Zhang Bingbing because she had been with Jiang Handong for so long and had always come to Jiangbei City. She had heard of Zhang Bingbing’s name, so she was very polite to Zhang Bingbing, and she was also very cautious in her attitude!

Order dishes.

Several people were chatting while waiting for the dishes.

Because I have “identified”, the atmosphere of the conversation has changed, full of the feeling of bringing family and friends together!

After the dishes were served, everyone chatted for a while, and Lin Feihang got to the point.

“Brother Jiang, I asked Sister Zhang to come over today. Actually, there is a business. I don’t know if Brother Jiang is not interested?” Lin Feihang held the goblet in his hand and asked with a smile while looking at Jiang Handong.

“Business?” Jiang Handong was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said: “Yes! Interested! Brother, don’t hesitate to say, what kind of business, brother, I can help, it is absolutely unambiguous!”

Lin Feihang hadn’t said what business it was, but Jiang Handong agreed almost directly!

Because Lin Feihang is kind to him!

If it hadn’t been for Lin Feihang, Jiang Handong wouldn’t know if he still had a chance to comeback in his life. All these changes started after he met Lin Feihang!

Moreover, it is not just kindness, but Jiang Handong believes in Lin Feihang’s ability and thinks Lin Feihang is very god!

Therefore, in Jiang Handong’s view, the business Lin Feihang said must be a big business, and it is the kind with huge benefits!

You can’t go wrong with Lin Feihang!

Seeing Jiang Handong’s attitude, Lin Feihang smiled and looked at Zhang Bingbing and said, “Sister Zhang, show things to Brother Jiang.”

Zhang Bingbing came here this time with a briefcase. It was placed on the chair on the other side of her. Seeing Lin Feihang talking, Zhang Bingbing directly picked up the briefcase in his hand, opened it, and took out a thick one from the inside. Stack files.

She handed the document to Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang took a look, simply turned the first few pages, got up and handed it to Jiang Handong, and said, “Brother Jiang, take a look.”

Jiang Handong got up to take it, sat down and began to read the documents, and gradually his expression became strange.

The private room was quiet and no one spoke.

You have to wait for Jiang Handong to finish reading the document before continuing the discussion.

Two minutes later.

Jingle Bell……

The phone ringing!

It’s Lin Feihang!

Lin Feihang took out his mobile phone to see that it was Liu Xinya who called.

“The Sun Family Sun Tianyang called and said that he wanted to invite Lin Shao to see Sun Yihao tomorrow.”

“He has something to look for you.”

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but frowned, “What is he doing with me?”

Liu Xinya asked Lin Fei Channel: “Mr. Lin, can you see me?”

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Feihang’s eyes, and he said, “See, why not?”

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