Chapter 849: Cooking lunch for my mother-in-law

“Yihao, we did have some misunderstandings before, but anyway, your surname is Sun, and we are all Sun family members.”

“Blood is thicker than water.”

Sun Tianyang smiled bitterly: “Yihao, the second uncle knew that the second uncle was sorry for you, and the second uncle now apologizes to you.”

“If you are not satisfied, the second uncle will specially set up wine in the evening and apologize to you.”

“Second uncle, are you going to prepare a banquet for me?”

Sun Yihao raised Erlang’s legs, glanced at Sun Tianyang coldly, and said with a sneer: “I’m so scared.”

Although in front of Yan Chunxue, Sun Yihao bowed his head to his ears, just like a eunuch and a servant.

But in front of other people, Sun Yihao’s grandeur is not overshadowed!

After all, he was the heir of the Sun family before he was eighteen!

“Yihao, Second Uncle definitely doesn’t mean that.”

Looking at Sun Yihao, who was full of chills in his eyes, Sun Tianyang smiled bitterly: “There were so many misunderstandings back then. This is how my second uncle kicked you out of the family.”

“This time the second uncle came here and sincerely apologizes to you.”

Sun Yihao interrupted directly: “Okay, stop acting, it’s boring.”

Sun Yihao raised Erlang’s legs, glanced at Sun Tianyang disdainfully, and sneered;

“I will go back and cook lunch for my mother-in-law later.”


Sun Tianyang was very embarrassed.

The dignified young son of the Sun family turned out to be a son-in-law who is not as good as a dog.

This is not only the one who lost Sun Yihao, but it also makes the Sun family a laughingstock!

“Yihao, I already know your situation. This Yan family has treated you too much.” Sun Tianyang said with a stern look and indignantly: “You only need a word, and I can help you destroy the Yan family, Second Uncle. ”

“In addition, I also announced to the family that after my death, the position of the head of the Sun family will be yours.”

“The family invites you to return to the family and become the first heir of the family.”

Sun Tianyang looked at Sun Yihao, even with a hint of imploring in his tone: “Yihao, you will return to the family.”

“The Yan family is really too much to you, this is unbearable.”

“With this tone, the second uncle must have given you a terrible blow!”

“Ha ha.”

Looking at the pretense, Sun Tianyang looked good for himself, Sun Yihao sneered disdainfully. He was kicked out of the Sun family for three years. During the past three years, Sun Tianyang managed his life and death?

Had it not been for the successful exploitation of the oil fields he invested and he had received the first 50 billion bonus, would Sun Tianyang come to him?

Find a fart!

Sun Yihao had long been disappointed with the Sun family.

It is true that he now needs the Sun family to help the Yan family, and because the Sun family is managed by his parents and grandfather painstakingly, he has become what he is now, otherwise he really wants to let the Sun family decline.

Otherwise, he would ignore this Sun Tianyang!

Sun Yihao knew that after being played by Sun Tianyang for three years, the current Sun family was already a strong player in the outside world and was in dilapidated condition.

Wait, this endgame needs him to clean up in the end!

And this Patriarch must also be him, not Sun Tianyang’s offering of Buddha by borrowing flowers.

“Talk about the purpose.”

Sun Yihao is now unwilling to reveal his identity in front of Yan Chunxue, for fear of frightening Yan Chunxue.

He was going to take his time and let Yan Chunxue gradually know his identity.

So squinted at Sun Tianyang, Sun Yihao directly opened the skylight to speak bright words, and said coldly: “Say your purpose, don’t talk about these useless.”


Sun Tianyang gave a wry smile and sighed: “There is a problem with the family’s capital chain.”

“I moved 30 billion in cash before and leveraged to short Bitcoin.”

“I wanted to make a lot of money this year.”

“But who would think that Bitcoin has risen continuously from the end of last year to the present.” Sun Tianyang looked bitter: “When the market opened yesterday, it skyrocketed to 35,693.51 dollars.”

“The 30 billion that I short sold has all evaporated.”

“Now many family businesses are experiencing cash flow problems. If I can’t get the money anymore, even most businesses won’t even be able to send out wages on the 15th of this month.”

“Once the bank urges the loan and the supplier stops the dunning of the supply, then the family’s large supermarket chains, convenience stores, fruit supermarket chains, construction sites and hotels will all be unable to operate.”

“At that time, the family could only declare bankruptcy.”

Sun Tianyang smiled bitterly and said slowly: “Yihao, Second Uncle is really out of control.”

“In the past few months, my second uncle was able to dismantle the east wall and make up the west wall with all his efforts, but no one has revealed the news this month. Several banks that have worked well with us have begun to tighten their loans.”

“Although the family has not yet let the family repay the loan, if we want to borrow again, it is basically impossible.”

“Second Uncle is really helpless.”

Sun Tianyang looked at Sun Yihao and begged: “How many points do you make to let the family tide over this crisis.”

“Bitcoin is making money, but it’s not that fun.” Sun Yihao glanced at Sun Tianyang coldly, disdainfully said: “Only your IQ, use 30 billion to play Bitcoin.”

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