Chapter 848 I will let you call me “Dad


Yan Chunxue is still a girl after all, not as open as the sophisticated Luan Xuefei, so she coughed a little awkwardly, then put an egg into Luan Xuefei’s mouth and said, “Don’t talk, eat eggs.”


Luan Xuefei snorted, she was very cute with her beautiful childish face.

“You don’t have to wait for me to eat tonight.”

“I’m going to discuss business with the Lin Group, maybe I have to work overtime.” Yan Chunxue had eaten, and after a glance at Sun Yihao, he walked out of the villa with Luan Xuefei coldly.


Looking at Yan Chunxue’s back, Sun Yihao whispered.



Yan Chunxue looked at Sun Yihao suspiciously and frowned slightly. This person was really annoying as always.


Sun Yihao clenched his fists and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: “Do you really want to cooperate with the Lin Group?”

“Are you nonsense?”

Luan Xuefei glared at Sun Yihao, and said coldly: “That’s a chance to make money in comfort while lying down, who doesn’t want it?”

Luan Xuefei didn’t know, she shouted.

It’s really true!


Yan Chunxue nodded slightly and said slowly: “This plan is very important to our company, and it is also important to the Yan family. If we can catch the Lin family’s ride, our Yan family may become a second-rate family in Jiangbei City.”

“And this project is also very important to me personally.”

“This is my chance to prove my ability in the family.”

Yan Chunxue said with a serious expression: “Before my grandfather passed away, he was promoted to the president of Yan Group. Many members of the family had opinions on me.”

“If I can negotiate this contract, I can suppress the opinions of these people.”

“Otherwise, I, the president of the Yan Group, would be unstable.”

Yan Chunxue furrowed her brows, her expression very complicated.

“Xiaoxue, what did you tell him about this?”

Luan Xuefei sneered disdainfully: “Sun Yihao is a waste, except for cooking, cleaning the house and washing clothes, how does he understand this?”

“He doesn’t understand what you said, and can’t help you.”

“You don’t need to tell him this.”

Luan Xuefei looked at Sun Yihao disdainfully, and said coldly: “It’s really a waste.”

“Yes, I’m telling you what these do.”

Yan Chunxue shook her hair lightly in her ears, shook her head somewhat self-satisfied, and sighed, “It would be nice if you don’t mess with me.”

As a woman, Yan Chunxue also wants a man who can hold him up.

But unfortunately, Sun Yihao is obviously not such a man.

“You don’t care about my business.”

“Just take care of yourself.”

Yan Chunxue stopped paying attention to Sun Yihao.

“Xiaoxue, I’m sure.”

Sun Yihao looked at Yan Chunxue with great energy, and said firmly: “I will definitely let you and the Lin Group.”

“Talk about cooperation!”

“Install B.”

Luan Xuefei glared at Sun Yihao, then sneered disdainfully: “Blowing such a big cow B, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue?”

“Okay, Xiaoxue, ignore him.”

“let’s go.”

After all, Sun Yihao is his nominal husband. Although there is no real husband and wife, he still has the name of husband and wife.

Luan Xuefei ridiculed Sun Yihao too much, and Yan Chunxue also felt something was wrong.

After all, Sun Yihao is her husband in name.

To mock Sun Yihao is tantamount to mocking her, saying that she has no knowledge of others.

Therefore, Yan Chunxue made Luan Xuefei ignore Sun Yihao.

“Really an eunuch.”

Luan Xuefei glared at Sun Yihao with disdain, and then got in the car and left with Yan Chunxue.

“Xiaoxue, I will definitely help you achieve your goals and cooperate with the Lin Group.”

Looking at the leaving car, Sun Yihao clenched his fists and said with a serious expression, “And you Luan Xuefei.”

A thick cold light flashed in Sun Yihao’s eyes, and he said coldly, “Didn’t you say that I am an eunuch?”

“You wait, it won’t take long before I will let you kneel down and beg me for favors and call me for it.”


After taking a deep breath, he walked into the villa to clean the dining table, and prepared breakfast for his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Sun Yihao rode the Yadi electric car and left the Yan’s villa.

Jiangbei City, the top floor of Xihong Building, a five-A office building, inside a high-end coffee shop.

A middle-aged man with a stern look looked at the coffee shop door for a while, at the city of Jiangbei through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then at the Rolex gold watch on his wrist.

His left leg pressed against his right leg for a while, and his right leg pressed against his left leg for a while, his face was a little anxious.

After waiting for ten minutes, he finally saw Sun Yihao who walked into the coffee shop.

“Second Uncle, I didn’t expect that we would see him here.”

Sun Yihao, who was holding a bunch of emerald green fresh celery in his hand, put the celery on the table, raised his legs, and glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man is the current Patriarch of the Sun family, the second uncle Sun Tianyang who drove him out of the Sun family three years ago!

He deliberately bought a bunch of celery that Yan Chunxue loves to go around the vegetable market in order to dry his second uncle Sun Tianyang!

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