Chapter 684: Yes, that’s him

“More and more, what are you doing? It’s not big or small.” Jiang Yuanyuan said to her daughter, not angry, but afraid-Lin Feihang was angry.

“Mom. What’s wrong with me, tell me again…” Jiang Yueyue pouted to his mother, but he let go of Lin Feihang very obediently, and invited Lin Feihang again, “Teacher, let’s go together.” Is it really close, just take a look, I’m really good at playing.”

“Okay, let’s go and see.” Lin Feihang looked like he couldn’t help but immediately agreed.

In fact, Lin Feihang is not reluctant at all. If Jiang Yueyue’s attitude can appear, he knows that there must be a ghost in it.

Lin Feihang knew exactly what Jiang Yueyue’s character was.

Before provoke her so much, still holding her handle, of course she couldn’t be so obedient directly.

Lin Feihang knew exactly what friends Jiang Yueyue had and who they were.

“Teacher Lin, if you have something to do, you should go ahead first, and the more she gets, the more she will be fooling around…” Jiang Yuanyuan said.

“It’s okay.” Lin Feihang smiled at Jiang Yuanyuan and then stood up.

Jiang Yuanyuan was also very happy to see that Lin Feihang was willing to go with Jiang Yue. She hoped that her daughter had a better relationship with the teacher, so that the teacher could teach more.

Start now.

Lin Feihang followed Jiang Yue, who was carrying a bag and a skateboard, and went out.

Jiang Yuanyuan sent the two to the door, and that was the end.

When taking the elevator downstairs.

“Ms. Lin, have you ever played skateboarding before?” Jiang Yueyue turned his head and asked Lin Fei channel slightly while raising his head.

Her height was a little over one meter and five meters tall, which was much shorter than Lin Feihang.

“Played.” Lin Feihang looked at Jiang Yueyue, then smiled.

Lin Feihang has indeed played it, but it is his previous life. There is a system in this life. In all respects, Lin Feihang is the originator-level character!

“Teacher played? Really?” Jiang Yueyue said again, obviously she asked. Lin Feihang said she had played, but she still didn’t believe it.

Because she just asked casually, chatting with Lin Feihang without words, to reduce Lin Feihang’s vigilance.

“Why lie to you?” Lin Feihang immediately smiled again.

Jiang Yueyue asked again: “Then…Is the teacher playing well?

Lin Feihang replied: “It’s okay.”

The two went downstairs while talking and left the community soon.

“It’s over there.” Jiang Yue pointed the direction more and more, and the two of them walked east along the sidewalk.

It’s really very close. After walking for more than 100 meters, there is a big crossroad, which is the New Century Park in Hualong District.

The two crossed the road and entered the park through the gate.

Jiang Yueyue led Lin Feihang down the path in the park, taking a short cut and walking inward.

After a few minutes.

Jiang Yueyue took Lin Feihang to a separately planned field on the south side of the park, an extreme sports field.

This park is so big.

So there are many areas divided into large squares. There are fountains, flowers and plants, basketball courts, badminton courts, etc., as well as artificial lakes, small bridges and fitness spots.

It was less than four o’clock in the afternoon.

The overall number of tourists in Xinyeji Park is still quite large, and there are very few people on the extreme sports field. Because the people who play this are a minority on the whole.

Huge venue.

On one side are various ramps, stairs, and semi-tubular areas.

On the other side is a small square.

When Lin Feihang and Jiang Yueyue arrived, there were more than a dozen people playing on the entire venue. It is estimated that there will be more talents at a later time.

“It’s getting more and more.”

The more Jiang Yue appeared, someone greeted Jiang Yue.

They are all teenage boys and girls, the older ones are around eleven, and they all seem to know Jiang Yueyue very well.

Jiang Yueyue beckoned with them.

“Teacher, take a look first. I’ll go over there to wear knee pads.” After Jiang Yueyue said to Lin Feihang, he quickly walked to the steps on the edge of the small square.

Jiang Yue went over, sitting on the steps and wearing knee pads!

“The more and more, is he? He’s pretty handsome.” A girl who dyed her hair blond and put on makeup was on a skateboard to the steps!

He turned and sat next to Jiang Yueyue, tilted his head and asked in a low voice. At this moment, the girl’s eyes were looking towards Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang noticed her when she first arrived

Also know who she is.

Lu Huihui, sixteen years old, is a second-year high school student in the affiliated high school of Heihai University. In the High School Attached to Heihai City University, he is a veritable “big sister head”.

Jiang Yueyue is currently studying in the junior high school affiliated to Jiangbeidu University.

The whole school knows it!

Lu Huihui is Jiang Yueyue’s “eldest sister”.

In fact, the two have no kinship, but Jiang Yueyue is covered by Lu Huihui.

No one dared to mess with it in school.

And the reason why Lu Huihui is so good in school. It has a lot to do with her boyfriend. Although her boyfriend has graduated from high school this year and is about to go to university, the name “Brother Xiaolei” is not only known by every school, but also by people in society!

“Yes, that’s him!” Jiang Yueyue whispered to Lu Huihui, and then asked again: “Sister Huihui, will Xiaolei come here soon?”

“Come on. I’ve already told him. When he heard that someone dared to bully us more and more, he got angry.” Lu Huihui replied in a low voice.

Lu Huihui immediately said again: “He will bring people over right away, and he will have to wait a while.”

The two whispered for a while.

After Jiang Yueyue put on the protective gear, he slid to Lin Feihang’s side on the skateboard first, and then smiled: “Teacher, do you want to try first?”

Jiang Yueyue said, sliding the skateboard to Lin Feihang’s feet.

Lin Feihang shook his head.

“Doesn’t the teacher know how to play? Are you bragging?” Jiang Yueyue asked jokingly.

“Trousers, it’s not convenient.” Lin Feihang smiled immediately: “I’ll see if you play.”

“Then I’m going…” Jiang Yueyue didn’t get too entangled, and then slid away.

For the next ten minutes, Jiang Yueyue didn’t play any difficult mouth movements, just slid around in the small square and practiced some basic movements!

From time to time, I slipped to the vicinity of Lin Feihang! Show some basic skills to Lin Feihang.

In fact, she was afraid that Lin Feihang would leave suddenly.

I saw it, what if Lin Feihang left suddenly? How can I vent my anger!

Jiang Yueyue was dragging his time.

Soon, after four o’clock, dusk approached.


The roar of the engine suddenly sounded in the park.

Very close!

Lin Feihang immediately turned his head and saw the sidewalk.

A red Ferrari sports car drove along the sidewalk from the grove and drove directly into the small square.

And there is more than one car, but a dozen.

At the beginning is a red Ferrari supercar, and all behind it are sports cars.

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