Chapter 683: Will the teacher go with me?

Lin Feihang motioned to Jiang Yueyue again, then said, “Sit down.”

Jiang Yueyue sat on the chair in front of the drawing board.

Lin Feihang immediately took a pencil and gestured to the unfinished sketch on the drawing board.

“Here, the pen Feng should draw like this…” Lin Feihang actually entered the role of a tutor.

After half an hour.

It is already more than eleven o’clock at noon!

Jiang Yuanyuan, who is wearing an apron, is still busy in the kitchen. She especially wants Lin Feihang to teach her daughter. Jiang Yuanyuan is very concerned and desperately wants to accomplish this!

So the first time I hosted Lin Feihang for lunch, I couldn’t say it was just cooking a few dishes!

She will cook eight dishes!

It only took half an hour to prepare the ingredients for all the dishes, wash them, and cut them.

And by this time, a few stews that were cooked first are almost ready, and there are cold dishes and two stir-fries left, which are all very easy to make and quick to make. So stay at the end.

Jiang Yuanyuan mixed another cold dish.

Then, he took the bowls and chopsticks to the living room and put them down first.

Jiang Yueyue saw that there was no one in the living room, but could faintly hear the sound in the studio. The door of the studio was concealed. At the moment, Jiang Yuanyuan walked over and opened the door, just about to speak something, but saw the scene in front of her. But suddenly stunned! The whole person was a little surprised.

No, this is not a surprise, it is a “surprise” to be precise!

Because Jiang Yuanyuan saw that her daughter Jiang Yueyue sat on the chair honestly, while Lin Feihang stood behind her, holding a pencil to compare, and teaching her daughter sketching skills.

And daughter Jiang Yueyue turned out to listen very seriously, especially obedient.

This made Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly feel like a few years ago, and her daughter was so obedient!

In fact, Jiang Yuanyuan was a little surprised.

Many old gentlemen and old professors can’t teach their daughters, they can’t control them at all. When Lin Feihang first arrived, her daughter was also very responsive. She slammed the door and wanted to run away from home. What’s wrong now?

Is the one who was taught by Lin Feihang to stand?

Or does Lin Feihang arouse his daughter’s interest in painting again?

Jiang Yuanyuan was really surprised!

“Mom!” Jiang Yueyue seemed to have noticed the movement at the door, then he turned his head and glanced at the door and shouted.

Lin Feihang also looked over immediately.

“Ah… what? Teacher Lin really worked hard for you. The more you get, the more you have to learn, don’t let the teacher down.”

Jiang Yuanyuan said again: “Lunch will be ready soon, Teacher Lin, you don’t have to be so eager to teach more and more, you must be tired…Go to the living room to rest for a while!!!”

At this moment, Jiang Yuanyuan’s language logic seems to be a little bit wrong.

She is happy!

“Mom, I’m studying with the teacher, can you please don’t bother?” Jiang Yue said more and more pouting, just as unwilling.

Jiang Yueyue is really good at acting. This is for Lin Feihang.

“You girl… Then I’ll go cooking! It’s really hard work, Teacher Lin…” Jiang Yuanyuan smiled and happily said to her daughter, and then to Lin Feihang, and then she closed the door.

Jiang Yueyue glanced at Lin Feihang again, smiled directly and said: “Teacher. I’m obedient.”

Lin Feihang touched Jiang Yueyue’s head, then raised his hand to indicate: “Look at the drawing board, continue!”

Jiang Yueyue giggled, and “seriously” learned to paint from Lin Feihang!

About ten minutes later.

The food is on the table.

Jiang Yuanyuan greeted Lin Feihang and Jiang Yueyue to wash their hands and eat.

This lunch, Jiang Yuanyuan had a lot of fun.

Because my daughter has really changed, she still actively asks Lin Feihang about painting at the dinner table. She respects Lin Feihang very much, and her little mouth is sweet.

The daughter who can’t teach well, Lin Feihang can teach well.

Jiang Yuanyuan’s idea of ​​officially hiring Lin Feihang as a tutor is becoming more and more urgent at this moment!

Jiang Yuanyuan’s own life has been bleak, she has lost other possibilities in her life, and she places all her hopes on her daughter. She hopes that her daughter will become better and better, and she hopes that her daughter will become famous in the future!

Originally, because her daughter was disobedient, Jiang Yuanyuan had hoped that she was almost gone.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Teacher Lin brought her hope again!

After a meal.

Jiang Yuanyuan talked with Lin Feihang about being a tutor. Lin Feihang said that he would teach observation and observation again, saying that Jiang Yueyue is very spiritual, and that she still has time today and will test her in the afternoon.

To this. Of course Jiang Yuanyuan was extremely willing.

So after the talk, Lin Feihang didn’t leave either.

Lin Feihang and Jiang Yuanyuan chatted for a while, took a break, and then went to the studio to teach Jiang Yueyue to paint.


Three thirty in the afternoon.

Jiang Yueyue passed Lin Feihang’s test, Jiang Yueyue returned to the room!

Lin Feihang chatted with Jiang Yuanyuan again in the living room.

In the living room, Jiang Yuanyuan was chatting with Lin Feihang, and Jiang Yueyue came out of the room again.

Jiang Yueyue also carried a skateboard in one hand, a backpack on his shoulders, and protective gear in his bag.

“Mom, I want to go out and play for a while, okay?” Jiang Yueyue said to his mother.

“Yeah…” Jiang Yuanyuan looked at her daughter, pondered and smiled: “Go, don’t play too late. Come back early.”

Jiang Yuanyuan is really in a good mood. Her daughter is so obedient and relaxes after studying hard. Of course she will not stop her.

After Jiang Yuanyuan had finished talking with her daughter, Jiang Yuanyuan turned her head and explained to Lin Feihang: “Yue Yue has been skateboarding recently, in a nearby park. There are a group of children about her age.”

“It’s nice to relax occasionally and have more friends.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“Teacher, do you have time?” Jiang Yueyue suddenly spoke at this moment and smiled sweetly to Lin Feihang: “Would you like to go and have a look with me? It’s very close, in the park, Teacher, don’t underestimate me, I can not only paint!”

Jiang Yueyue wants to make an appointment with Lin Feihang!

When Jiang Yuanyuan heard her daughter’s invitation to Lin Feihang, Jiang Yuanyuan pursed her lips and smiled and glanced at Lin Feihang’s reaction.

Jiang Yuanyuan hopes that her daughter will have a better relationship with the teacher, and she also has a sense of pride in her own girl’s versatile skills.

“Skateboard…” Lin Feihang muttered with a smile, then raised his hand and glanced at his watch, as if he was sure if he had time.

I became more and more afraid that Lin Feihang would not go, so he passed Lalin Feihang’s arm directly and said coquettishly: “Teacher is going. It’s not far and close, I can play well.”

The little girl started to pull people, a little bit coquettish.

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