The 561st chapter is poisoned

Because now Lin Xiaowei is the protagonist of soy sauce, and he is still a substitute, it is not too destructive to Lin Feihang, so after Lin Feihang killed him. The system does not have a lot of rewards.

“System, you are really a chicken thief.”

Lin Feihang was very uncomfortable and said: “You have to directly reward me with some cultivation techniques, or treasures such as Breitling spiritual power.”

“Let me directly become a master of the Golden Core Stage or the Nascent Soul Stage. With the big sword, I can directly crush and chop Ye Fan to death.”

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

Lin Feihang scratched his head, and said helplessly: “Every day I rack my brains to frame Ye Fan and seize opportunities.”

“Sooner or later, you will cause my hair loss.”


Lin Feihang sighed for a long time, knowing that his villain would not be as smooth as the protagonist Ye Fan Lin Feihang, so he asked the system with a wry smile: “System, then after I kill Ye Fan, will you give me a big reward? ”

“In other words, I have killed Ye Fan in this world, and he is already invincible. Will I go straight to a higher level and enter the world of spiritual energy recovery?”

“Let me also experience the flying of an imperial sword, with what little junior sisters and master sisters is it refreshing to practice swords?”

In order to appease Lin Feihang, the system said at the moment: “Please make the host work hard to get Ye Fan, as the host will naturally know.”

“Please stay tuned for the host!”

At this moment, even the system didn’t know why it had a program, and silently typed a few big words: “You are still crossing a higher level, I think you want to eat fart!”

Of course, Lin Feihang didn’t know this!

When Lin Feihang heard what the system said, he couldn’t help cursing: “Damn!”

“Dog system.”

Lin Feihang’s mouth twitched. This system is really Damn it. Please look forward to selling it every day.

Just like those dog authors Damn it!

At this moment, the little boss who checked Lin Xiaowei’s physical condition suddenly exclaimed: “Lin Shao, this Lin Xiaowei is really poisoned.”

The little boss stepped to Lin Feihang’s side, his expression was a little uncomprehensible, and said: “You said how could he take poison without problems?”

“He’s tired of life?”

The little boss scratched his head, but still had some uncomprehensible guesses: “Can’t you commit suicide in shame because of plagiarism?”

“It’s not necessary.”

“Even if he is completely stinky because of plagiarism, he has made hundreds of millions of dollars before. With this money, look for a few young women to buy a villa in Sanya, and then buy a yacht.”

“Every day, the sea and the sky, enjoy life beautifully, isn’t it fragrant?”

“As for the fragile suicide?”

The little boss couldn’t figure it out.

Lin Feihang gave the little boss a blank look, and then he said: “You dog, don’t think about it if you don’t understand it!”

“He didn’t commit suicide by taking poison himself, but was poisoned to death.”

Lin Feihang opened Lin Xiaowei’s eyelids and mouth, looked at Lin Xiaowei’s pupils and throat, and a sharp expression flashed in his eyes: “Lin Xiaowei has been around Li Yunlong recently. This should be the poison Li Yunlong gave him.”

“Li Yunlong?”

After the little boss exclaimed, he immediately said with a dazed expression: “What kind of poison Li Yunlong has given him?”

“He is in the same group as Li Yunlong!”

Lin Feihang was not answering the words of the little boss, but turned to look at Liu Xinya, and slowly asked, “Have Li Yunlong changed recently?”.

Liu Xinya immediately said: “I just asked a few reporters who belonged to Li Yunlong’s side when I was in a panic. They told me that Li Yunlong was going to make a big news, as if it was drug poisoning, a black-hearted profiteer or something.”

“Said it will cost money to buy the headlines of all major media and self-media in the country tomorrow.”

Lin Feihang muttered to himself: “Drug poisoning?”

“Black-hearted profiteer?”

Lin Feihang frowned slightly, then walked to the seat where Li Yunlong and Lin Xiaowei were sitting before, and observed.

Finally, I found a cold medicine packaging bag. This cold medicine was produced by the newly established pharmaceutical factory under the Lin Group.

Lin Feihang suddenly realized: “Everything is connected, it’s dangerous.”

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but feel a bit cold in his back at this moment, and said with lingering fear: “If I hadn’t been better, I would have abandoned Lin Xiaowei first.”

“Now it’s me, not Li Yunlong!”


Listening to Lin Feihang’s confused words, the little boss looked at Lin Feihang with a dazed expression, and said in doubt: “Lin Shao, what do you mean?”

Liu Xinya immediately reacted and said, “Mr. Lin, you mean…”

The words did not go on, but Liu Xinya’s eyes were also full of surprise.

Lin Feihang nodded and said: “Yes.”

Lin Feihang said in a gloomy voice: “This Li Yunlong is really vicious! I underestimated him!”

“No, don’t play dumb riddles.” The little boss looked at Lin Feihang with a dazed expression, then at Liu Xinya, and hurriedly asked: “What does this mean?”

“This poison was poisoned by Li Yunlong.”

Liu Xinya said softly: “He will let Lin Xiaowei be poisoned and die after Lin Xiaowei becomes famous.”

“Then it was exposed to the media that Lin Xiaowei was poisoned and died after taking cold medicine produced by the Linjia Pharmaceutical Factory.”

“The Lin family will get in big trouble then.”

Liu Xinya looked at Lin Feihang, and then guessed: “Mr. Lin, someone from the pharmaceutical factory should have been bought by Li Yunlong, and he will definitely do things.”

“You give Adao a phone call and ask Adao to immediately arrange people to surround the pharmaceutical factory, and then call all the leaders of the pharmaceutical factory for an emergency meeting.”

“Recall all products produced recently.”

Lin Feihang looked at Liu Xinya with a serious expression, and said solemnly: “You go find Adao, do it now.”


Liu Xinya also knew that this matter could not be delayed, so she immediately took people out of the gymnasium.

“I go.”

The little boss twitched his mouth and said cruelly: “This Li Yunlong is really ruthless.”

“Mr. Lin, do you want us to follow his trick and give him a blue man who is better than blue?”

“What to learn?”

Lin Feihang glared at the little boss and scolded, “I want to think of something crooked all day long.”

“I told you everything, we are serious businessmen.”

“Which businessman have you seen serious businessmen doing this kind of mess?”

The little boss was a little disobedient: “Then we will bear it?”

The little boss was very annoyed: “Lin Shao, are you still afraid that he is a second-rate Li family? This is unbearable.”

“When did I say, I have to bear it?”

Lin Feihang sneered, his eyes were full of strong cold light and said: “Come and not go indecently.”

“It’s time for us to make a move next, let’s go find Red Rose.”

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