Chapter 560: Surprise or Surprise

“Mr. Lin Xiaowei, how can you be so shameless that you openly declare the plagiarized song as original?”

“Does it make you feel uneasy to get the fruits of other people’s labor?”

It was Li Yunlong who had spent money to prepare for Lin Xiaowei, the reporters, but now they have forgotten the fundamentals and started to make up for the big news.

The famous new star singer Lin Xiaowei plagiarized, this is definitely a hot news!


Facing the press of a group of reporters, Lin Xiaowei’s face was not thick enough, and he couldn’t make a fart for a long time.

Lin Xiaowei can only curse secretly in his heart, this group of reporters don’t speak culture and morality anymore!

Or can this kind of copying be called copying?

This is not copying at all, this is called borrowing!

Lin Xiaowei watched as a group of reporters had already rushed onto the stage, even if the security guard couldn’t stop him, his face instantly paled and his body trembled extremely.



In the end, Lin Xiaowei, who was furious, vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot.

Li Yunlong in the audience couldn’t help but patted the table fiercely, and roared, “Damn it.”


Li Yunlong stood up angrily, kicked over the table, turned his head and started to stare at Lin Feihang with great anger, and shouted, “Lin Feihang, is this the ghost of you?”

Lin Feihang pretended to be ignorant, and exclaimed: “Mr. Li, what are you talking about? Lin Xiaowei of your company has plagiarized. What does this have to do with me? You frame me so, be careful I sue you for slander!”

Naturally, Li Yunlong didn’t believe Lin Feihang’s words, and he could figure it out with his toes. This was Lin Feihang’s ghost!

After Lin Feihang scanned Li Yunlong coldly, he called the system in his mind and began to scan towards Lin Xiaowei, who had fainted.

Target person: Lin Xiaowei “substitute protagonist”.

Physical fitness: 80.

Combat power: 40.

Luck: 10.

Skills: unlimited music library.

Looking at Lin Xiaowei’s luck, Lin Feihang smiled secretly in his heart: “Sure enough, it’s gone.”

A sneer flashed across Lin Feihang’s mouth after seeing Lin Xiaowei’s substitute protagonist had stopped drawing a bar.

At this moment, Lin Xiaowei, whose luck is only 10, is obviously no longer a substitute protagonist, and he is not even worthy of polishing the protagonist’s shoes.

He was abandoned by God’s father!

Lin Feihang secretly said in his heart: “Ye Fan, don’t worry, wait until I get rid of Li Yunlong, then it will be you.”

Lin Feihang coldly looked at Li Yunlong who was angry and stared at him fiercely, and then smiled: “Mr. Li, look at me for…”

“How about the prepared surprise? Was it a surprise?”

“I see the astonishment on your face now, I think you are very satisfied, right?”

Lin Feihang smiled and said, “Would you like to give me a thumbs up? Double-click 666!”

Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and roared: “Lin Feihang!”

Seeing Lin Feihang’s stinky face full of smiles, Li Yunlong gritted his teeth angrily, extremely resentful.

It was originally a plan he had planned long ago, but it was easily destroyed by Lin Feihang.

At this moment, Li Yunlong really wanted to kill Lin Feihang on the spot.

“President Li, please be cautious.”

Behind Lin Feihang, the little boss stared at him and said something!

Li Yunlong looked at the vigilant little boss behind Lin Feihang, and the little boss sent to the big-waisted thugs behind him, and he was a little embarrassed in an instant!

At this moment, Asan went to find him a little sister jk, there was no one around him, but there were many people around Lin Feihang.

Although he is also very good at playing, he is also an ordinary person, and Li Yunlong also knows that he may not be able to beat five!

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses!


Li Yunlong took a deep breath, gave Lin Feihang a vicious look, and said coldly: “Lin Feihang, you wait for me!”


After Li Yunlong stepped away, Lin Xiaowei, who was lying on the stage, fainted and spewed out a mouthful of black blood.

Died on the spot.


Lin Feihang looked at Lin Xiaowei in surprise, he was not ready to kill Lin Xiaowei. For him, Lin Xiaowei, who was ruined and ruined, was no longer a concern for him.

Whether Lin Xiaowei died or not had nothing to do with him.

“It’s poisoning.”

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but exclaimed.

With superb medical skills, he could tell at a glance that Lin Xiaowei was poisoned and died.

Lin Feihang couldn’t help but frowned and said in a low voice, “Is this a bit complicated?”

“It’s impossible for him to be unbearable. He died by poisoning himself?”

“Ding Dong.”

“The system reminds that the detection host defeats the substitute protagonist Lin Xiaowei and changes the way of the rise of the big star.”

In Lin Feihang’s mind, reminders sounded everywhere in the system.

“Earn rewards……”

“Add 100 to your physical fitness and 900 to your points.”


Seeing that the system finally rewarded himself, Lin Feihang couldn’t help but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he was immediately extremely excited.

Now, he is finally getting stronger slowly!

But the rewards given by the system are somewhat unsatisfactory. In other words, it is also a substitute protagonist. Is the substitute not the protagonist?

Lin Feihang asked immediately: “System, now that Lin Xiaowei is dead, would you give this reward?”

Lin Feihang was a little puzzled, he suspected that the system had given him a reward.


The system answered Lin Fei’s channel coldly: “Host, please don’t use your dirty psychology to doubt the system, the system is fair.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Lin Feihang scratched his head and was still a little puzzled.

The system said: “For the host, this reward is already very rich!”


“what’s the situation?”

Lin Feihang said suspiciously, “Is it possible, because I didn’t kill Lin Xiaowei with my own hands?”

“System, you can’t play with me like this.”

Lin Feihang was a little anxious, and said painfully, “Although I didn’t kill Lin Xiaowei, he still died because of me, right?”

“If it wasn’t for his luck that I designed to dissipate and remove the role of the substitute protagonist, then even if he was poisoned, he would probably not die, and he would have the chance to be saved.”

“Perhaps even a blessing in disguise, right?”

The system said helplessly: “The system didn’t kill the protagonist, it was just a substitute for the protagonist.”

The system was a little helpless for Lin Feihang, who was a fan of money, and replied coldly.

Lin Feihang exclaimed: “Is it possible to divide the people?”


“Only when the host kill system judges the identity of the key protagonist, can he get a lot of rewards.”

The system answered Lin Feihang coldly.


Lin Feihang heard the system answer, then coughed dryly, and suddenly realized: “Emotion is such a thing.”

Hearing the system’s answer, Lin Feihang was speechless. The protagonist of feelings is also divided into critical and non-critical because of the different types.

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