Chapter 547 Do you have evidence?

Lu Shouchun originally thought that Lin Feihang suddenly mentioned Zhou Junhua and said that Li Yunlong killed him. Such an important matter cannot be just opened. There must be some basis for this.

That’s why Lu Shouchun thought about it for a while, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

This is impossible!

If Zhou Junhua was murdered, how could it be possible that Zhou’s family couldn’t find any suspicious points?

But I have never heard of the relevant rumors, and I am pretty sure that he drowned by accident.

Moreover, even assuming that Zhou Junhua was murdered, Li Yunlong killed it, it would be crazy.

The Zhou family couldn’t do it back then, and it was only half a block shorter than the Li family. The Li family went to provoke the Zhou family like this when they were crazy.

What kind of hatred?

Lu Shouchun had never heard of any major contradiction between the Li family and the Zhou family. There were no small frictions. Even if there was a contradiction, there was no reason to take the initiative to get to the juniors who were still in school!

No big family would do this!

And even if you step back ten thousand steps.

It was Li Yunlong and Zhou Junhua who had a private friction, so it was impossible for the Li family to help Li Yunlong start with Zhou Junhua, deliberately causing an accident? Is it so clean? Do this for a junior who does not affect the interests of the two families?

This is impossible!

If this is discovered, it would be too much fun!

Enough to make a sensation in the wealthy family who can hear about this!

Even if there is a deep hatred. It is also a taboo to start with the juniors who have not made an issue!

“Small Air!”

After thinking about it, Lu Shouchun finally stared at Lin Feihang and said: “You have to remember! You can eat rice, but you can’t talk nonsense! Li Yunlong killed Zhou Junhua? Do you know the consequences of this incident? You make this kind of rumor! But it will kill people!”

Lin Feihang said with a plain face: “Uncle Lu, but what I said is true.”

Lin Feihang smiled faintly again: “Really!”

“Is there a basis? Evidence? There is no logical thing. If you just want to make me feel that Li Yunlong is not good and may harm our Lu family, then I can tell you now, I…”

Lu Shouchun also let go now!

Lin Feihang suddenly interrupted Lu Shouchun’s words and said, “Uncle Lu, what do you think is illogical?”

“Where is the logic? No matter what the reason, it is impossible for the Li family to move a child who is still in high school!”

Lu Shouchun was a bit tough.

He felt that Lin Feihang was fooling him!

Lin Feihang immediately said: “I didn’t say it was the Li family.”

Lu Shouchun frowned and asked, “You said it was Li Yunlong?”

“Yes! I’m talking about Li Yunlong! Li Yunlong killed people!”

Lin Feihang nodded and emphasized.

Lu Shouchun’s expression paused. He understood what Lin Feihang was emphasizing, but he felt even more wrong.

Lu Shouchun asked again with doubts: “You mean that Li Yunlong did it himself? Not the Li family did it for him?”

Lu Shouchun’s tone became even more questionable. When Zhou Junhua died, Li Yunlong was only sixteen years old! Is it really made by a sixteen-year-old child?

“Yes! Li Yunlong did it! He is alone! This matter was known to him alone before he did it! And after Zhou Junhua’s death, the people in the Li family who knew the truth. They can also be counted with one hand, including Li Guodong only learned about it afterwards.”

Lin Feihang spoke slowly.

Lu Shouchun was silent for an instant, looking at Lin Feihang.

Lu Shouchun still didn’t believe Lin Feihang’s words at all at this moment!

But this matter is very big, what if it is true?

If Zhou Junhua is still alive, he must be twenty-seven or eighteen years old. He is the eldest son of the number one person in the Lu family today!

Lu Shouchun had to ask a few more questions!

Lu Shouchun asked directly: “What about the motive?”

Lu Shouchun’s question was directed at the main point, and the killing must be motivated.

“Woman.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“Woman?” Lu Shouchun couldn’t help but frown. The sixteen-year-old kid killed for a woman?

Lin Feihang immediately asked: “Uncle Lu, do you know Jiang Yuanyuan?”

When Lu Shouchun heard this, her eyebrows deepened, and she relaxed for a while and said, “I know.”

Lu Shouchun said two words, obviously not wanting to say more.

Because Lu Shouchun also knew clearly. Jiang Yuanyuan is Li Yunlong’s woman, and not only her mistress, she even gave birth to a child for Li Yunlong.

A girl 1

Lu Shouchun is clear about Li Yunlong’s illegitimate daughter.

But this should be no problem. A man, a bit of money, and a few women are all normal. When he was young, there were also a few women, but later, after getting married, he didn’t make any fools!

Lu Shouchun didn’t understand what Lin Feihang meant by mentioning these irrelevant people!

Lin Feihang said directly: “It was for Jiang Yuanyuan, so Li Yunlong murdered Zhou Junhua!”

“Are they jealous?” Lu Shouchun asked.

Regarding Jiang Yuanyuan, Lu Shouchun knew her.

He is also a student of Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School, and it is said that there were a lot of pursuers of school flowers.

Lin Feihang slowly said, “It’s not like being jealous.”

Lin Feihang shook his head and smiled, and then said quietly: “At that time, Jiang Yuanyuan was pursued by many powerful children. These people who chased her also signed a gentleman agreement. Fair play! No one is allowed to mess around! At that time, Li Yunlong was there. In the first year of high school, Jiang Yuanyuan is in the second year of high school, and Zhou Junhua is in the third year of high school!”

“Zhou Junhua is very talented, and his grades are extremely good. He is a senior in high school. He has a lot of scenery in the school. Jiang Yuanyuan and Zhou Junhua also got closer, but Jiang Yuanyuan had no plans to fall in love in high school at the time. His studies are the main thing! There was a clear rejection of suitors. She got close to Zhou Junhua because Zhou Junhua wanted to take the initiative to help her with homework!”

“Jiang Yuanyuan has clearly rejected Li Yunlong many times. She has no interest in this junior! And because she is close to Zhou Junhua, Zhou Junhua is dead!”

After listening to Lin Feihang’s words, Lu Shouchun still felt wrong and couldn’t help but frown. He was aroused by curiosity, and asked, “Just because of jealousy? Killing?”

Lu Shouchun asked back, and then said again: “You said so much, do you have any evidence? Xiaohang, you…”

“I want to emphasize one point first! It’s not just because of jealousy!”

Lin Feihang interrupted Lu Shouchun’s words.

Lin Feihang looked at Lu Shouchun’s voice and said indifferently: “Li Yunlong is to get Jiang Yuanyuan! He is very paranoid, he must get the woman he likes! So on the day of the murder, he asked Jiang Yuanyuan to go. Jiang Yuanyuan saw it with his own eyes. Li Yunlong killed someone! She followed Li Yunlong because of fear! Jiang Yuanyuan was the only witness that Li Yunlong killed Zhou Junhua!”

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