Chapter 546 I have enough evidence

“Xiaohang!” Lu Shouchun, who was leaning on the sofa, immediately sat upright, leaning forward slightly, staring at Lin Feihang with great momentum, and said in a deep voice; “Li Yunlong’s character is naturally clear to me, but the thing is. It depends on both sides. You are so good, don’t you know the stakes in it?”

“Uncle Lu!”

Lin Feihang also leaned forward and looked at Lu Shouchun. Although Lin Feihang still had a smile on his face at this moment, he didn’t want to give in and said, “Of course, Uncle Lu, I know the stakes in this, otherwise you Do you think I will move? I have always been known as a businessman. The businessman should put his interests first. To put it unreasonably, I think Uncle Lu should also put his interests first!”

Lin Feihang’s words are directly tantamount to cursing!

Lu Shouchun’s face was already dark, except for his daughter, no young man had dared to talk to him like this for a long time!

But what Lin Feihang said was right, and Lu Shouchun was not angry, just saying it so bluntly that made herself a little uncomfortable!

As for the benefits that Lin Feihang put forward, Lu Shouchun did not consider this at all.

When young people have a hot mind, they want to do something earth-shattering!

The benefit he said is undoubtedly this piece of cake of the Li family!

But if you want to eat this cake, you still have to see if you have such a fate!

Then I heard Lin Feihang speak again: “Uncle Lu, do you think that Li Yunlong is such a paranoid person, even if he is capable, but can’t control his emotions, can he live long?”

Before Lin Feihang waited for Lu Shouchun’s response, he continued with a smile: “I think he won’t live long! It’s not just him, the more Li Guodong spoils him, the faster he will die! Not only that, he Li The family can’t grow!”

The reason why Lin Feihang refused to let Lu Shouchun speak is because once Lu Shouchun has the right to speak, he is likely to act arbitrarily, and it is likely that he will directly invalidate this plan without waiting for Lin Feihang to say anything.

So Lin Feihang said a lot of foreshadowing, just to let Lu Shouchun think about it!

And Lu Shouchun certainly wouldn’t believe the lie that Lin Feihang was saying right now. He didn’t listen at all, and stared at Lin Feihang with a black face. Just as he was about to say something, Lin Feihang sat upright, leaned back and then again. He said: “Uncle Lu remember Zhou Junhua?” Lin Feihang asked.

Lu Shouchun couldn’t help being taken aback. Because the person Lin Feihang mentioned suddenly was not a person in itself, to Lu Shouchun, he was just a junior of someone else’s family.

Moreover, Zhou Junhua can be said to be a useless person, he has already died young!

I heard that when I was going to swim in the river, I accidentally drowned.

Lin Feihang could still remember this incident.

Lu Shouchun didn’t expect it.

Zhou Junhua has been dead for more than ten years, and he may not even remember his daughter Lu Xuanying and son Lu Yingyi.

This happened more than ten years ago, when the siblings were still young and only went to elementary school and junior high school. At that time, Lin Feihang was the big one!

And more than ten years ago, the Zhou family was not as strong as it is today. The Zhou family only got up in the last few years. Because the number one person in the family has taken a high enough position, this is the position of one of the four major families. .

Lu Shouchun frowned immediately, wondering why Lin Feihang wanted to mention this irrelevant person who had already died young in time!

But Lu Shouchun replied: “You really have a good memory. It’s been a matter of years. The eldest son of the Zhou family, I don’t know how it was. This incident was a lot of trouble back then.”

Then Lu Shouchun said: “Xiao Hang, what did you suddenly mention him for?”

Lu Shouchun’s face was very dark at the moment, and the tone of question began to become very aggressive, because he was very angry, he felt that Lin Feihang was delaying time and not discussing business with himself!

“He died when he was in his third year of high school.” Lin Fei channeled.

Lu Shouchun immediately replied: “Of course I know he died by drowning!”

Lu Shouchun’s tone was still very aggressive.

“It’s not drowning!” Lin Feihang said directly.

Lin Feihang stared at Lu Shouchun and said seriously: “I have enough evidence to point to Li Yunlong, it was Li Yunlong who killed him!”

When Lu Shouchun heard this, her expression instantly condensed.

Li Yunlong killed Zhou Junhua?

Lu Shouchun was a little bit disbelieved. You have to know that it was more than ten years ago. According to his age, Li Yunlong is only one year high. How can Li Yunlong be so domineering? He is still a child and dare to kill?

Lu Shouchun couldn’t help but start to recall.

It happened more than ten years ago!

Zhou Junhua died accidentally again.

Although it spread, there was no big storm. After the incident, the heat subsided.

therefore. There is not much information that Lu Shouchun can recall. His understanding of this matter was limited at the time. At that time, the Zhou family was not such a powerful existence. It was just a small family and couldn’t attract his attention. .

Now Lu Shouchun can only remember that Zhou Junhua was studying in Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School and Li Yunlong was also studying in Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School.

This can be said to be the only “contact” between the two of them back then!

But both in the past and now, the Lu family and the Zhou family are not very close.

Moreover, not only their Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School is among the top ten top high schools in the country. Those who can enter Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School are either students with excellent grades from ordinary families, or they are Children from wealthy and powerful families, including those from other nearby provinces and cities.

Therefore, Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School is a place where the children of the powerful and powerful gather.

Lu Xuanying studied in this middle school, and so did Lin Feihang.

Therefore, the connection between Li Yunlong and Zhou Junhua is not so special.

More importantly, Zhou Junhua is two years older than Li Yunlong.

Zhou Junhua was in the third year of high school when he accidentally drowned, and he was eighteen years old! And Li Yunlong was still a child at the time!

Using Li Yunlong’s current age to calculate, he was sixteen years old at the time and was in his first year of high school! Do not

For a class of students, the chances of intersection or conflict are much smaller.

not to mention.

After Zhou Junhua died, it was not the school that said that he drowned by accident.

The Zhou family believed that he drowned by accident.

Among them, Zhou’s family was naturally investigated and confirmed that it was really an accident.

Although it was heard that Zhou Junhua’s mother was crying alive and almost fainted because of this incident, and was hospitalized for recuperation, but in the end, no one can be blamed.

I can only blame God.

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